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Benoit Mandelbrot Had Died


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The book Chaos held me transfixed as a spotty engineer 20 or so years ago and one of the towering heros of that book was Benoit Mandelbrot.


He's just died and I'd like to pay tribute to him as a genius who opened up whole new areas of geometry, topography, financial theory, iterative mathematics and was one of the founders of chaos theory.


Here's a

he did a while ago:



And after that how about a fun zoom into a mandelbrot set:




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heh , I remember watching my Commodore Amiga creating a mandelbrot and it taking about 45 minutes to do.

Years later I ran a similar program on 386 PC with a 387 maths co-processor and it took only a few minutes at VGA resolution.

The mandelbrot set (and fractals in general) are a thing of natural beauty

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