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Uk Defence Cuts


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For example, is the UK military currently deployed in Afghanistan making the UK a safer place?


Also one aspect of the EU that I've come to expect is how little the member states agree with one another. I suspect an EU based force is a dead duck simply because of this.[/font]
It has been so unsuccessful because the UK has been reluctant to join in.
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An EU force - you have got to be joking - they will be spending most of their time arguing about what shape cumcumbers should be in the Civil Servants Mess - forget about real Soldiers etc - they have become equality and diversity champions - the only growth industry in the MOD - that and producing risk analysis on using photocopiers or worrying about upsetting some minority interest that fills the up the day of the Nanny State.

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Sounds fantastic in a combat situation, The French will surrender, the Dutch get stoned, the Germans will line everyone up in perfect order, the Italians will provide the brothal, The British will provide housing and benifits to all the prisoners of war, the Belgians the catering so long as it's chips, the Spanish will provide the bars and teach how to fight with bottles for when the ammo runs out, The Greeks will pay all the admin too much so there is no money left, the Irish will as usual fight with whichever side they feel like and the Eastern block countries will take over the duties of all the other troops who don't want to fight for half the price so long as they can bring all their family along.

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An EU force - you have got to be joking
I think you're being a bit silly. An EU force is the most likely option for Britain and other Europeans nations. There shouldn't really be any serious issues in cooperation.


Clearly you've never been involved in a Joint Forces exercise.


Differences in rank structure alone will cause to much bottle neck.

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Well I was talking about grand strategic and strategic levels of planning and the political framework within which an EU force would serve under.

But issues with the planning and operation of combined forces would have to be faced and dealt with, such as what you mention about rank structure.


Frankly, an EU force is something that will become more and more desirable and I think it very unlikely that one will not be formed within the next few decades. Britain really can't maintain its somewhat independent international role for much longer. It's a nation that is losing its clout in the world.

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