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Mezeron & Steam Packet Master Thread

Sean South

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Mmmm..... Not heard much from gazza or sean south about this yet! Wonder why?

What can I say? The SPCo had a shallow win - they got to cut back on services, vessels and costs on the back of this. I believe they've also squeezed ac ost cut on staff costs.


The real story here is that it showed that The SPCo is in an extremely precarious financial position proved by their panic at the loss of ten per cent of their freight trade. What would they do if Mezeron or someone else launches a proper RoRo service against them? They'll sink very fast(metaphorically). Perhaps you should ponder that!


No it showed that whoever operates the route there is still really only room for one operator and that if there is more than one the ones who suffer are us the public with cut backs on services, vessels etc and staff and supliers as they cut back on costs. Mezzeron pulled out because they could not run their sevice at a profit. If they could not turn a profit when the charter rates are cheap, with low manning levels and skimming off the cream then perhaps the route is not the cash cow that would attact others that you keep you saying it is. Especially as they are all busy expansing their Irish Seas routes due to the level of profitability Sorry I nearly forgot that you have already been proved wrong on that point by others.


As I have said before, although you deny it, living in Ireland you really seem to have only one agenda and that is the disapperance of the SP and if that adversly affects the general population of the IoM you could not care less. Living on the Island for me the priority is the frequency, reliability and security of the service whoever gives it not acting on old prejudices to the Islands detriment.


Go on, for once admit you were wrong.

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EDIT - You have correctly identifed my poor choice of phrase re Ro-Ro - your turn now.

I'm confused. My turn for what? I was merely asserting that there is nothing in the user agreement that precludes another operator using a Ro Ro vessel and that I believe is quite accurate. Do you think I'm wrong? :unsure:


Mmmm..... Not heard much from gazza or sean south about this yet! Wonder why?

What can I say? The SPCo had a shallow win - they got to cut back on services, vessels and costs on the back of this. I believe they've also squeezed ac ost cut on staff costs.


The real story here is that it showed that The SPCo is in an extremely precarious financial position proved by their panic at the loss of ten per cent of their freight trade. What would they do if Mezeron or someone else launches a proper RoRo service against them? They'll sink very fast(metaphorically). Perhaps you should ponder that!


No it showed that whoever operates the route there is still really only room for one operator and that if there is more than one the ones who suffer are us the public with cut backs on services, vessels etc and staff and supliers as they cut back on costs. Mezzeron pulled out because they could not run their sevice at a profit. If they could not turn a profit when the charter rates are cheap, with low manning levels and skimming off the cream then perhaps the route is not the cash cow that would attact others that you keep you saying it is. Especially as they are all busy expansing their Irish Seas routes due to the level of profitability Sorry I nearly forgot that you have already been proved wrong on that point by others.


As I have said before, although you deny it, living in Ireland you really seem to have only one agenda and that is the disapperance of the SP and if that adversly affects the general population of the IoM you could not care less. Living on the Island for me the priority is the frequency, reliability and security of the service whoever gives it not acting on old prejudices to the Islands detriment.


Go on, for once admit you were wrong.

Contrary to your narrow minded imbecility, I am most concerned that the Island should have a reliable well funded sea ferry company. And I again assert that the SPCo is not that. That's just fact and not a reason to argue with you. I use the ferry to come bck to the island several times a year although I believe they will have less Dublin trips this year and that entirely backs up my point!

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If they couldn't make money with LO-LO it isn't going to happen. You know that as well as I do.


Stop looking for ways out of the hole and admit that, despite all your apparent glee, it just isn't viable for another operator.


Go on, you will feel better.


EDIT - You have correctly identifed my poor choice of phrase re Ro-Ro - your turn now.


You have to remember that is basically he an Irish Barry Stevens and living in Ireland he will be totally unaffected by anything that might come to pass in the Island. Accordingly his posts take virually no accord of the affects to the Island and the general population and whether a measure might be harmful.


You have to wonder why so many people seem intent on posting on this site although they no longer live in the IoM. Have they got nothing better to do or no interests or friends in the communities they now live?

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I use the ferry to come bck to the island several times a year although I believe they will have less Dublin trips this year and that entirely backs up my point!


Maybe they have been reading your posts on here. If they have they have my full support for cutting the route totally next year!


Now why did they cut back? Because they had to save costs because the jam was spread to thinly to cover the costs of operating the routes when there was competition. If you got your way the Island would see a much reduced service all round and one of the first routes to be cut would be the Irish routes whoever operated them.

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If they couldn't make money with LO-LO it isn't going to happen. You know that as well as I do.


Stop looking for ways out of the hole and admit that, despite all your apparent glee, it just isn't viable for another operator.


Go on, you will feel better.


EDIT - You have correctly identifed my poor choice of phrase re Ro-Ro - your turn now.


You have to remember that is basically he an Irish Barry Stevens and living in Ireland he will be totally unaffected by anything that might come to pass in the Island. Accordingly his posts take virually no accord of the affects to the Island and the general population and whether a measure might be harmful.


You have to wonder why so many people seem intent on posting on this site although they no longer live in the IoM. Have they got nothing better to do or no interests or friends in the communities they now live?

Don't be so ridiculous! I still visit the island several times a year, as stated earlier if you care to read! AQlso I still have family, friends and property on the IoM and intend to return to live there eventually so, again, lose the narrow minded silliness.


I use the ferry to come bck to the island several times a year although I believe they will have less Dublin trips this year and that entirely backs up my point!


Maybe they have been reading your posts on here. If they have they have my full support for cutting the route totally next year!


Now why did they cut back? Because they had to save costs because the jam was spread to thinly to cover the costs of operating the routes when there was competition. If you got your way the Island would see a much reduced service all round and one of the first routes to be cut would be the Irish routes whoever operated them.

After reading the above, I have to admit defeat. You're a clown who can't see outside your own narrow minded little brain. I'm bored trying to debate with you now.



Edited by Sean South
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@ Lost Login, what does it matter where Sean lives? He uses the ferries so has every right to comment on them. He also posts reasoned arguments of a high caliber.


You have taken great pleasure in dragging up old posts from last year in a very childish way to prove you were right. I cant imagine that you have many friends in life if that is your standard MO.


I will admit my comments, with hindsight are now wrong but who are you? The Thought Police? Are we not allowed an opinion that differs from yours?


Or did you just get out of bed the wrong side this morning? or a bad time of the month?

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Don't be so ridiculous! I still visit the island several times a year, as stated earlier if you care to read! AQlso I still have family, friends and property on the IoM and intend to return to live there eventually so, again, lose the narrow minded silliness.


But if what you advocate comes to pass you will not be able to will you?Mezeron have pulled out because they could not run at a profit yet despite that you still appear to think the routes are so profitable that if the SP and the link span was a free for all shipping companies would be fighting over the routes and there would be several companies competing on the same route.


Wake up and smell the coffee. The lack of a link span is not the primamry reason that there is and has been no long term competition on the routes for a long time. It is basically there is insufficient business to support more than one company. That has just been proved again.


If the link span was a free for all is that we would have endless companies dipping their toes in the markert and then pulling out. It might be great during the time there was competition but outside that it could be absolutely horendous. Now despite all your protestation you seem not to care about and I doubt if you really had family and friends here that would be the case.

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Sean south you state there are ro-ro vessels that can load and discharge without the use of a link span, how then do you operate a regular (as in same time every day) ferry service when you have to wait for the tide?

I don't get your point... what's the tide got to do with it?

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@ Lost Login, what does it matter where Sean lives? He uses the ferries so has every right to comment on them. He also posts reasoned arguments of a high caliber.


You have taken great pleasure in dragging up old posts from last year in a very childish way to prove you were right. I cant imagine that you have many friends in life if that is your standard MO.


I will admit my comments, with hindsight are now wrong but who are you? The Thought Police? Are we not allowed an opinion that differs from yours?


Or did you just get out of bed the wrong side this morning?


OK I accept it was a bit childish about dragging up the odd old post, however I think where somebody like Sean lives is very relevent.


The boat is part of the Island's life line. If you live on the Island it matters that there is a security, frequency and reliability of service. Who and how that is provided I do not care. If you are only an occasional visitor it is not nearly so relevent and what do you care if it is more difficult to regularly get off, or there is less choice on the shelves because the reduced capacity restricts how much is brought in and when.


Sean is basically as affected by such potential changes as much as I would be be if an airline or whatever pulled out of a favourite and regular holiday route. It would be an inconvenience but little more. If the boats were reduced by 50% or stopped tomorrow how would it affect Sean. Not one iota. That is why I believe where he lives is very relevent as in the event the ferry service goes tits up he is not affected. That is not the case for those of us who live in the Island and I belive that shows in the likes of the posts of Sean who seem not to take into consideration that the ferry as the Islamds lifeline and like it or not if you live on the Island you beholden to itn whoever operates it.


Now I admit many may disagree with my opinion but I think unless you actually live on the Island arguing for something

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