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Mezeron & Steam Packet Master Thread

Sean South

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And while the majority on here claim high prices due to the servicing of the loan, I would remind them that people have moaned for ever about the prices on the Steam Packet, both passenger and freight. This was pre-loan, pre User Agreement etc


I would bet that prices (for passengers at least) are lower, in real terms, than they were in the 1990's.


Anyone got an old brochure?


I remember when you could bye a day trip ticket at the gang plank prior to sailing. And, I remember in the '70s when it was cheaper to bye a day trip ticket at the gangplank, then, have your 2 weeks holiday, and then bye another day trip ticket on your return. It was quite a bit cheaper than buying a full 2 week return ticket. :)

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Packet boss says 'sorry' to supermarket chain


The Steam Packet has issued an apology to Shoprite over comments made by the ferry company's chief executive, Mark Woodward.


In statement, Mr Woodward describes the supermarket chain as 'a valuable and committed customer of the Steam Packet Company'.


And he apologises for any misleading impression given that Shoprite was not committed to supporting the Island's economy.


The apology follows a comment in the local press in which Mr Woodward quoted Shoprite's motto and questioned whether the firm was really 'Manx to the Max', which the supermarket chain objected to strongly.


Shoprite says it is doing business with both the Packet and its freight competitor Mezeron, using seven different hauliers to bring goods to the Island.


The statement concludes by saying the Steam Packet recognises 'the significant contribution Shoprite makes to the Island's economy', by employing around 600 Manx workers and supporting Manx domiciled businesses.


Oh dear, it would seem that MW is really on course to win back that freight he lost. First, he tells them he has been overcharging them to pay for passenger services, then he questions their ethics.


Shall we start taking bets now on how long he will last?



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Thirty years ago when we had a bit of tourism we also had two shipping operators and we all know the results of that fiasco, just lets face it the island ain't big enough for two companies to survive, one will end up folding. To have any hope of a continued lifeline to and from the Island then we should support the IOMSP even if they are a bit over the top with costs.


A good example of the travel situation here is the way Fly be operate, not enough passengers then declare a technical fault to cancel a flight


You hit the nail on the head "Thirty years ago" It is not like that now most islanders have a large disposable part of their income NOW


Lets just see.


We had plenty of extra cash then to.


I would like to see the IOMSP crews go on strike to see how you all get on, ONE BIG FUCKING MOAN cos the air fares go up

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Packet boss says 'sorry' to supermarket chain


The Steam Packet has issued an apology to Shoprite over comments made by the ferry company's chief executive, Mark Woodward.


In statement, Mr Woodward describes the supermarket chain as 'a valuable and committed customer of the Steam Packet Company'.


And he apologises for any misleading impression given that Shoprite was not committed to supporting the Island's economy.


The apology follows a comment in the local press in which Mr Woodward quoted Shoprite's motto and questioned whether the firm was really 'Manx to the Max', which the supermarket chain objected to strongly.


Shoprite says it is doing business with both the Packet and its freight competitor Mezeron, using seven different hauliers to bring goods to the Island.


The statement concludes by saying the Steam Packet recognises 'the significant contribution Shoprite makes to the Island's economy', by employing around 600 Manx workers and supporting Manx domiciled businesses.


Oh dear, it would seem that MW is really on course to win back that freight he lost. First, he tells them he has been overcharging them to pay for passenger services, then he questions their ethics.


Shall we start taking bets now on how long he will last?



He seems to get off on insulting his customers. He did it on these very forums just a few months back. I'd look for it if I could be arsed! But I'm not...




We had plenty of extra cash then to.


I would like to see the IOMSP crews go on strike to see how you all get on, ONE BIG FUCKING MOAN cos the air fares go up

The SP staff can't go on strike now. The Unions are caught by the pubes on this one. The SP could feasibly bring in pay cuts now and get away with it. Perfect excuse and chance for a full re-structure and blame it all on the competitors.

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Steampacket unions explain the case against freight competition



Jeez. It comes to something when you see the Union and the Management all lovey dovey. Very suspect... Not very nice to see the Union threatening the Public either...


Sean, its very suspect because the IOMSP are fiddling their profit margin that they have to declare to IOM Gov and the Unions are not stupid, know this, and want to keep the cash cow flowing for their members benefit, fair play to them, what else would they do.


I do not want to see anybody loose their jobs but the IOMSP have been extracting the urine for a long time and keeping a straight face while they tell us how lucky we are to have them.


Just look at what one of the Mods said on here recently, they were working for IOMSP a while ago and he knew what kind of money they were making on just the food outlet.


I would say the current workers know the score too.

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Sean, its very suspect because the IOMSP are fiddling their profit margin that they have to declare to IOM Gov and the Unions are not stupid, know this, and want to keep the cash cow flowing for their members benefit, fair play to them, what else would they do.


The IOMSP don't have to declare their profit margin to the IOM Gov. There is no provision within the UA to make them do this.


They did at the 1st sitting of the select committee, but only under duress. It would not have reflected well on them if they did not release the accounts, thus showing a 36% profit, for one year. I would expect subsequent years to be less, but, alas, there has been no reason for them to release the figures.


Until now.

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I would like to see the IOMSP crews go on strike to see how you all get on, ONE BIG FUCKING MOAN cos the air fares go up


I can't see them actually going on Strike.


It's a private company, and if they make redundancies, I can see union trying their best to ensure their members get the best deal. And, some members of staff might simply take the deal and run. But would those left, really go on strike over it?


I wonder what all those European members of staff would think?

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Packet boss says 'sorry' to supermarket chain


The Steam Packet has issued an apology to Shoprite over comments made by the ferry company's chief executive, Mark Woodward.


In statement, Mr Woodward describes the supermarket chain as 'a valuable and committed customer of the Steam Packet Company'.


And he apologises for any misleading impression given that Shoprite was not committed to supporting the Island's economy.


The apology follows a comment in the local press in which Mr Woodward quoted Shoprite's motto and questioned whether the firm was really 'Manx to the Max', which the supermarket chain objected to strongly.


Shoprite says it is doing business with both the Packet and its freight competitor Mezeron, using seven different hauliers to bring goods to the Island.


The statement concludes by saying the Steam Packet recognises 'the significant contribution Shoprite makes to the Island's economy', by employing around 600 Manx workers and supporting Manx domiciled businesses.


Oh dear, it would seem that MW is really on course to win back that freight he lost. First, he tells them he has been overcharging them to pay for passenger services, then he questions their ethics.


Shall we start taking bets now on how long he will last?



He seems to get off on insulting his customers. He did it on these very forums just a few months back. I'd look for it if I could be arsed! But I'm not...




We had plenty of extra cash then to.


I would like to see the IOMSP crews go on strike to see how you all get on, ONE BIG FUCKING MOAN cos the air fares go up

The SP staff can't go on strike now. The Unions are caught by the pubes on this one. The SP could feasibly bring in pay cuts now and get away with it. Perfect excuse and chance for a full re-structure and blame it all on the competitors.


But the ABs can and so can the Dockers. All the ABs on the SP are mostly Manx some are UK not from halfway around the world being paid peanuts and rice. We wont see any benefit out of this new service, prices wont come down but may go up or cost us more in other ways, FACT

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But the ABs can and so can the Dockers. All the ABs on the SP are mostly Manx some are UK not from halfway around the world being paid peanuts and rice. We wont see any benefit out of this new service, prices wont come down but may go up or cost us more in other ways, FACT


Are you for real? If your company is going to make you redundant of it's own accord, then you go on strike as a sign of solidarity against the planned redundancies.


If your company is possibly going to make you redundant because it was complacent about it's position in the marketplace, and has suddenly lost business to a competitor (which it was already aware of), you don't then go on strike and cause even more harm to a company which is already struggling. Because the people who haven't moved to the new freight service - will. They will then find it's cheaper and more convienient, and some won't go back. And this will cause even more damage to a company already in trouble.

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Sean, its very suspect because the IOMSP are fiddling their profit margin that they have to declare to IOM Gov and the Unions are not stupid, know this, and want to keep the cash cow flowing for their members benefit, fair play to them, what else would they do.


The IOMSP don't have to declare their profit margin to the IOM Gov. There is no provision within the UA to make them do this.


They did at the 1st sitting of the select committee, but only under duress. It would not have reflected well on them if they did not release the accounts, thus showing a 36% profit, for one year. I would expect subsequent years to be less, but, alas, there has been no reason for them to release the figures.


Until now.


Sorry I understood that they had to submit their margins, a bit like Manx Gas etc. I stand corrected but in an Monopoly situation they should have to declare it, should they not? In the normal way things are done in the bigger world?


Just to prove! that they are not milking it?

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Sean, its very suspect because the IOMSP are fiddling their profit margin that they have to declare to IOM Gov and the Unions are not stupid, know this, and want to keep the cash cow flowing for their members benefit, fair play to them, what else would they do.


The IOMSP don't have to declare their profit margin to the IOM Gov. There is no provision within the UA to make them do this.


They did at the 1st sitting of the select committee, but only under duress. It would not have reflected well on them if they did not release the accounts, thus showing a 36% profit, for one year. I would expect subsequent years to be less, but, alas, there has been no reason for them to release the figures.


Until now.


Sorry I understood that they had to submit their margins, a bit like Manx Gas etc. I stand corrected but in an Monopoly situation they should have to declare it, should they not? In the normal way things are done in the bigger world?


Just to prove! that they are not milking it?


Yeah I totally agree with you - they should - but the UA never allowed for it. I read some of the Hansard report from the 1st sitting and was actually really shocked at how little monitoring the IoM Govt does on the SPCo and it's financial performance.


The problem is - the government would not now be able to regulate ferry fares, or at least it could, but it would mean the end of SPCo as we know it.


When MW said his company was now struggling for survival - he was right. The reason being, have lost 30% (£10 million revenue) of their freight to a competitor, they will no longer generate sufficient monies to pay their interest obligations. And that is the crux of the matter.

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But the ABs can and so can the Dockers. All the ABs on the SP are mostly Manx some are UK not from halfway around the world being paid peanuts and rice. We wont see any benefit out of this new service, prices wont come down but may go up or cost us more in other ways, FACT


Are you for real? If your company is going to make you redundant of it's own accord, then you go on strike as a sign of solidarity against the planned redundancies.


If your company is possibly going to make you redundant because it was complacent about it's position in the marketplace, and has suddenly lost business to a competitor (which it was already aware of), you don't then go on strike and cause even more harm to a company which is already struggling. Because the people who haven't moved to the new freight service - will. They will then find it's cheaper and more convienient, and some won't go back. And this will cause even more damage to a company already in trouble.


Not forgetting some of your members will look at what's going on, their own age, and perhaps take the money and run.

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I should probably say one thing about the 36% profit margin made in one year by the Steam Packet. This was before the deduction of ANY interest charges for the monies borrowed (£186 million), so it's the profit margin the company would have made had it no borrowing whatsoever. It also does not take into account repayment of borrowed capital, which is still outstanding (like an interest only mortgage).


The company, IMO, would have borrowings, to pay for a new boat/ investment in new services (needed under the UA). So the 36% is misleading.


If we look at the historic figures, 2004, 2005 and 2006 seem high, but there is no borrowing charges/ costs in their at all, all these costs are hidden in MIOM Limited, who is the borrower.


2006 36.0%

2005 33.3%

2004 24.4%

2003 0.6%

2002 16.0%

2001 18.1%

2000 10.4%

1999 0.5%

1998 -4.6%


Long and short of it - the SPCo itself will be fine - MIOM will not be able to repay it's loans and the SPCo assets will be ceased by the lender and sold to the highest bidder.


I think, sold as a going concern is the phrase?

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But the ABs can and so can the Dockers. All the ABs on the SP are mostly Manx some are UK not from halfway around the world being paid peanuts and rice. We wont see any benefit out of this new service, prices wont come down but may go up or cost us more in other ways, FACT


Are you for real? If your company is going to make you redundant of it's own accord, then you go on strike as a sign of solidarity against the planned redundancies.


If your company is possibly going to make you redundant because it was complacent about it's position in the marketplace, and has suddenly lost business to a competitor (which it was already aware of), you don't then go on strike and cause even more harm to a company which is already struggling. Because the people who haven't moved to the new freight service - will. They will then find it's cheaper and more convienient, and some won't go back. And this will cause even more damage to a company already in trouble.



Some of these freight companies went with Mank Line in the 80s and caught with their pants down. Tesco have switched, do Tesco give a fuck, no they never have had any interest in any local affairs no matter where they have set up.


I use the IOMSP many many times per year, hate the high fares but at the same time enjoy the reliability

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