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Mezeron & Steam Packet Master Thread

Sean South

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If I were you, Shipsofmann, and your main source of income for your business looked under threat I too would be posting like you are.


That is human nature and anybody that slags you for trying to support your source of income is daft.





How true, you are of course 100% correct, it is human nature to protect one's finacioal interests.


Alternatively, anybody who takes any comment as read, without questioning what is behind the commentators motivation, for example the success of a magazine wholly dependent on good relations with the SP.


Surely if you, for example, would swallow it, you must be well...........................daft?

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Woodward states, correctly, that they didn't want the 1995 agreement as no doubt they thought they had emerged the winner from the competition - however the later agreements were sought and judging from the sale prices of the SP added much to its commercial value.


The unwanted part of the agreement must relate to the Irish service which I cannot see being at all profitable - however the choice of a much larger fast craft to handle the Liverpool service (and one that seems to be incapable of handling the freight traffic of the Ben ) seems to be strange choice and has saddled them with an expensive to operate boat.



Can anyone please advise where I can download full text of User Agreement and amendedments I want confirmation that SP is not allowed to charter in tonnage for its regular service. I have not found it on Govt and Departmental sites. Thank you!

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Got accosted outside Tesco's with people handing out leaflets, wouldn't of minded (Ok they are biased and not quite truthful with prices shown being prices from (id est the lowest offer price available, not the average or mode price)


My problem is the young child (2-3 by my reckoning) that they had handing out the leaflets. That level of rejection and hostility for someone so young is like child abuse. If you are going out to petition the public do it in a way that doesn't harm children.

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Has anyone else noticed how much cheaper the goods on the shelves are at Tesco, Shoprite and all these other places?


Has that got anything to do with the question of whether or not passenger and vehicle services should be subsidised by containerised freight costs ? Or for that matter with the question of whether or not the entire SPCo model is possibly skewed by borrowing and profit taking ? Or for that matter with the question of whether or not the UA is basically the right way to go - as others in shipping have been asking for years ?


Gazza already mentioned that cost was a factor for his business. His will not be the only business affected by freight costs who might welcome competition.

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They made a mistake and underestimated the possibility of container traffic, tuff S**T, if every time I made a bad decision with my business and looked like loosing money, would I run to IOM GOV for a bail out?


Yes they employ far more people than I, but if say, one of the other big players over here made a bad call, would they expect public money to bail them out?


Must be one hell of a business, given that you haven't a command of basic English language. You're not Pop from the League of Gentlemen by any chance?


I have no need to have a great command of basic English language in my work, as I run a mail order company. One of our products is condoms originally designed for the specific requirements of the Oriental market.


They are proving very popular with UK residents, of all races.


Would you like to buy some? :)

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One of our products is condoms originally designed for the specific requirements of the Oriental market.


They are proving very popular with UK residents, of all races.


Would you like to buy some? :)

Very subtle but I would guess the significance of this would excape the majority

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That may be true but why does it make the leaflet Bollocks. What specific parts are not true?


"Mezeron are operating chartered vessels registered in Estonia with crews that are not subject to the same regulation as Steam Packet crews."


This is a red herring. One could equally say that UK registered vessels are not subject to the same regulations as IOM registered vessels. With respect to crewing for example.


AFAIK one of the benefits of the IOM registry is the flexible approach it allows ship owners to employ officers holding non UK certificates - whilst still flying the 'Red Ensign'.


It is quite ironic the RMT backing this campaign given that they have previously opposed Isle of Man flagging. Eg linky.


"The Ben-my-Chree and Manannan are registered in the Isle of Man. Ships and crews operate under stringent Western European regulations maintaining the highest standard of safety and care.


Estonia is part of the EU. Estonian vessels are subject to the same IMO regulation as IOM registered vessels. Estonian vessels would not be able to dock in the IOM if they were not operating under regulations acceptable to UK ports authorities.

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Got accosted outside Tesco's with people handing out leaflets, wouldn't of minded (Ok they are biased and not quite truthful with prices shown being prices from (id est the lowest offer price available, not the average or mode price)


My problem is the young child (2-3 by my reckoning) that they had handing out the leaflets. That level of rejection and hostility for someone so young is like child abuse. If you are going out to petition the public do it in a way that doesn't harm children.


Can anyone else back this up? If true, they are really not going to get much public sympathy using tactics like that.

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