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Mezeron & Steam Packet Master Thread

Sean South

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How long will the end customer realise they are getting no delivery and losing sales through empty shelves or receiving stock beyond its sell-by date, although their freight costs will be lower they are not getting the service and losing more than they are saving ?. It may only be early days but it certainly hasn't been a roaring success so far.


That's a matter of opinion.


How long before Graylaw realises that Mezeron is losing them money by not being able to get goods from A to B at the expected time, with upset customers who have staff hanging around with nothing to do, and their own staff with nothing to deal with ?.


Like the days last week when Mezeron sailed and the Ben sat tied up in Douglas.


The only commitment Mezeron (or whatever tax advantageous name in whatever country they charter under) have made is to the owners of the ships they have chartered. They have no moral, commercial or legal ties to the Island. Their ships are held only just so long as the charters subsist and they pay the 30 days hire in advance. (failure to pay means the actual owner can withdraw for all time and not come back) The ships under Mezeron charter can be withdrawn and traded elsewhere any time as the are only disponently owned. The "Steamies " are tied in by the User Agreement. Must provide passenger/car/trailer etc services and can (so far as I know) charter in only for temporary occasions such as TT, dry docking etc.


How long before Mezeron realise that they are chartering 2 ships and charging half the price at twice the overheads to do what BMC is doing all on its own with monotonous regularity ?


Apart from those sailings it recently missed!


How long before those advocating competition and an open seas 'free-for-all' situation will realise that it won't save them anything on their daily life but will cost them dearly when they want to get off this rock, or will it only hit them in their pockets when they come to book their trip.


How long before people realise that Kalana left Liverpool on tuesday night, sat anchored off Prestatyn until 9am wednesday morning, arrived off Douglas wednesday 2pm and turned around and is currently bobbing about half way between Douglas and Wales going absolutely nowhere, and still has Steve Carter as pilot on board. ?


I know it's down to the weather but this is what we get, it's not exactly the ideal situation, is it ?.


Ships with wheeled cargoes are restricted as to the weather they can sail under. Boxes are fixed and stable. Remember the big chains on the King Orry? The piddly little coastal container feeder ships chartered by Mezeron use the boxes as their weather decks and have very little crew. (Plus much automation) The "Steamies" carry their cargo under the weather deck in a shelter deck. They also have to employ staff for attending to passengers.If Mezeron had to cater for passengers and wheeled cargo their operation would not be viable and they would (a) withdraw (b) shrink back to the "rock-hopping" coastal line they used to be)



No it is not... but unfortunately that's part of living on a rock.


The Racket has cancelled a few sailings recently, all covered earlier in this thread.


The Mezeron service has had a few problems, but I’ve had the pleasure of sitting on the Ben, ready to sail, and yet couldn't due to wind. I've also had the pleasure of sailing towards the entrance of heysham, and found that we'd suddenly stopped. There was a large rumble of diesel engines and lots of brown wash being thrown forwards as we reversed. It was very apparent that we'd gone aground on a sand bank, even if it was reported as an electrical fault... It had to be an electrical fault as if a passenger ship grounds shouldn't it be checked in a dry dock??


Finally, I’d be watching what the Mezeron service does over the next few months, not just the last week or so... You might be proved right, but I suspect not.

But I’ll keep my chocolate hat in the fridge just in case :o

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Ships with wheeled cargoes are restricted as to the weather they can sail under. Boxes are fixed and stable. Remember the big chains on the King Orry? The piddly little coastal container feeder ships chartered by Mezeron use the boxes as their weather decks and have very little crew. (Plus much automation) The "Steamies" carry their cargo under the weather deck in a shelter deck. They also have to employ staff for attending to passengers.If Mezeron had to cater for passengers and wheeled cargo their operation would not be viable and they would (a) withdraw (b) shrink back to the "rock-hopping" coastal line they used to be)



They'd be like the big chains on the Ben, both inside and outside.


Barrie, it would be easier to read what you're posting if you try and sort out the 'quotes' rather than simply typing within someones posting...

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TF is correct. Almost everyone has had a moan about the Steam Packet over the years but the alternative will be much, much worse. There may well come a time when people will wish they had supported the Steam Packet.....


so the fact the steam packet bleed the island dry for years is our fault,

That they paid themselfs divs over 15million a year is our fault.


no they bleed the island charged huge amounts and rewarded themselfs,


The acconts prove that there is a viable shipping route as long as you dont have huge overheads (200 odd million loan)

And i would dare say that with the amount of cash that is there to be made somebody will pick the sailings up.


Why should we be made to pay for the SP gross failings on a shipping route that was seen as a cash cow for the company.


Let them go tits up because if we dont then every single company on this island should be bailed out when times are hard.

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Ships with wheeled cargoes are restricted as to the weather they can sail under. Boxes are fixed and stable. Remember the big chains on the King Orry? The piddly little coastal container feeder ships chartered by Mezeron use the boxes as their weather decks and have very little crew. (Plus much automation) The "Steamies" carry their cargo under the weather deck in a shelter deck. They also have to employ staff for attending to passengers.If Mezeron had to cater for passengers and wheeled cargo their operation would not be viable and they would (a) withdraw (b) shrink back to the "rock-hopping" coastal line they used to be)



They'd be like the big chains on the Ben, both inside and outside.


Barrie, it would be easier to read what you're posting if you try and sort out the 'quotes' rather than simply typing within someones posting...


I know.I am not very good am I? I miss the target!But on my box it jumps about.

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The directors can easily give personal guarantees. Because it's common practice to let the company carry all directors liabilities. So even if you successfully sued a director the company, and ultimately the shareholders, would be the ones paying up.

Please never, ever take up a company directorship; companies are prohibited by law from giving unlimited indemnities to their directors.


I have just finished scanning the rest of the thread and would seriously advise you to check your personal position as regards any obligations you may have entered into without full and clear advice from lawyers advising you and not the company. Directors' guarantees are personal guarantees so the creditor has a direct call on your personal assets if the subject company should fail to meet its obligations and, usually, these are only given when the company is also owned by the directors. If what you are really talking about is directors giving warranties, they are doing so in their capacity as directors of the company. However, they could still find themselves personally exposed if the warranties are untrue. Again, you should be seeking independent advice.


Yay Gods, the example of a little knowledge being dangerous.

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Ships with wheeled cargoes are restricted as to the weather they can sail under. Boxes are fixed and stable. Remember the big chains on the King Orry? The piddly little coastal container feeder ships chartered by Mezeron use the boxes as their weather decks and have very little crew. (Plus much automation) The "Steamies" carry their cargo under the weather deck in a shelter deck. They also have to employ staff for attending to passengers.If Mezeron had to cater for passengers and wheeled cargo their operation would not be viable and they would (a) withdraw (b) shrink back to the "rock-hopping" coastal line they used to be)



They'd be like the big chains on the Ben, both inside and outside.


Barrie, it would be easier to read what you're posting if you try and sort out the 'quotes' rather than simply typing within someones posting...


I know.I am not very good am I? I miss the target!But on my box it jumps about.


That might be because you know what you've just typed...

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was on the Ben at 02.15 today. Loaded at Heysham half a dozen Tesco containers/trailers and interestingly 5 Stobart/Graylaw containers and 3 Graylaw containers, plus 3 Cooperative and thirty others from containers to faltbeds. Full, very few cars or passengers


Force 9 in middle, but an OK crossing and on time

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surely it never took that long maybe just anchored somewhere,it's been way windy here but not looked at shipping forcasts for week,havnt been to Tescos this week how have shelves been if both companies have missed sailings ?


she left Liverpool approx 22:30 on 16th

arrived off Douglas but couldn't enter due to rough sea,

drifted off south towards Wales, until it headed back today

entered Douglas approx 16:00 18th


(see John Wright's report above about the load on BMC overnight last night)

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Isle of Man Steam Packet Company

OFT Report


15. The Hon. Member for Garff (Mr Speaker) to ask the Chief Minister:

Whether the Council of Ministers has considered the Report of the Office of Fair Trading into the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company; and when he expects the Report to be made public?


Answer: The price investigation report has yet to be submitted to the Council of Ministers for consideration. The Office of Fair Trading (the Office) has advised me of the current status of the investigation and the remaining procedures that are required to be followed under Section 19 of the Fair Trading Act 1996 before the investigation is completed. I have set out the position, as advised by the Office below:


• The draft investigation report is currently with the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company (‘the company’)for them to make comments regarding factual accuracy and to identify any items within the report that they consider to be commercially sensitive and that should not be made public. They have been requested

to respond by 2nd December 2010.

• Once their comments are received and any necessary factual amendments made, the final report,including the conclusions and recommendations, will be sent to the company for further consideration and (in accordance with the legislation) they will be given the opportunity to make written or oral representation to the board of the Office of Fair Trading. Normal procedure is to allow a further 10 days

for the company to respond.

• Once their response is received, the final report (including any representations) will be considered by the board of the Office of Fair Trading and then submitted to Council for their consideration and decision regarding the publication of the report.

• Obviously, various factors could affect the timing of the above actions; however, if the company adheres to the timetable set, it is hoped that the report will be submitted by the Office for consideration by the Council of Ministers in January or February.


So the Steam Packet writes the report in effect, or am I being naive?

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It certainly seems like it, doesn't it?! Given that they would appear to get not one, but TWO opportunities to vet any "Bits They Don't Like"........ If our "spine, stomach and testicle-less" OFT conducts all its investigations in this fashion, God help us.............

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