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Mezeron & Steam Packet Master Thread

Sean South

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The UA is in place to protect the public not just the SP, I'm sure the SP would do very well without the UA, they could just dump passenger traffic and concentrate on Freight only and would be very competitive against Mezeron if not cheaper. Then what would the Government do, and don't say offer an other company a user agreement cos we all know its now not worth the paper its wrote on.

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they could just dump passenger traffic and concentrate on Freight only and would be very competitive against Mezeron if not cheaper


If they don't take passengers, they don't get to use the linkspan. I don't think that the Ben etc would compete against Mezeron without access to that, especially when there would be a third company in the market that was granted access to the linkspan

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My impression is that the IOMSPC is adapting exactly the wrong approach in face of this competition. Instead of whingeing it should be responding vigorously to the competition it faces. As Barrie Stevens points out the Mezeron ships are probably on short leases so the IOMSPC if it rolled up its sleeves to compete could probably give Mezeron a hard time. Thoughts on what they could do:


  • Give attractive discounted rates to major users subject to them committing to exclusive use of the IOMSPC - if there is any issue of restraint of trade do this on volumes to be carried (which IOMSPC management must have a good idea of)
  • Review the costs of freight transport - I don't know for example if costs are managed to attract freight traffic to low business times?
  • If there are service issues - as suggested on this thread - investigate and do something about them if needed
  • Cut the fleet down to 2 ships - sell the Snaefell and use any money raised to pay off the loan
  • Based on volumes decide whether it would be feasible to make one UK crossing per day only in low traffic times
  • Sail to only one port in the UK and one in Ireland to minimise port costs
  • Try a few marketing experiments on passenger/car sailings - like last minute fares, sales in low booking times, (my hardy perennial) an IOM stop-over fare between UK and Ireland etc...the compay must have accumulated a very useful client database through onine booking that they could use to promote business


Of course, you don't know what the SP have, or haven't done. Apart from the initial fluster from the CEO, the SP have been quite quiet on the matter really. So it is all uneducated guesswork to 'assume' that they are doing nothing.


I would be very surprised indeed, if the first item on your list hasn't been done, in some detail with the 'loyal' freight customers. Likwise, Mezeron cannot expect any loyalty from the likes of Tesco, so a cheaper rate may see them back with the SP, and maybe even another road haulage operator.

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If they don't take passengers, they don't get to use the linkspan. I don't think that the Ben etc would compete against Mezeron without access to that, especially when there would be a third company in the market that was granted access to the linkspan

The SP do have the benefit of having their own linkspan already, however.

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they could just dump passenger traffic and concentrate on Freight only and would be very competitive against Mezeron if not cheaper


If they don't take passengers, they don't get to use the linkspan.


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Wonder what's the point in bringing the "union militant" Bob Crow over apart from stiring the brown stuff. He's gonna f-off back to the UK and won't care what chaos he causes here - pointless muscle play.


I seriously don't get it why the union are protesting outside government. Yes, they are mostly a useless shower of halfwits hiding behind meaningless titles and outdated procedure, but it was the Steam Packet's management who messed this one up. Their total incompetence when it came to suddenly dealing with competition, something they never had to do and obviously have no clue about, caused this, not the government. That lot screwed us over already by signing the UA extension after the Racket wined and dined them all nicely.


The RMT Militant also said "RMT is not opposed to competition but it must be on a level playing field and that is clearly not the case as Mezeron’s Kursk and Kalana pay rock-bottom wages and conditions to overseas seafarers and undermine long-standing, negotiated arrangements with the Steam Packet company." Well, let's just say that the Racket isn't falling over itself to offer the most competitive wages around - pot, kettle, and some scewed 'facts' - pretty much hogwash all the way and typical union dross.


What they should be doing is blow their airhorns outside MW's house and demand he sort out the mess - or at least convey the message to the Australian masters of this suddenly oh so manx-again company. The only thing Manx about the steam packet is the flag on top of the building, and even that's made in China. My payslips were processed in Guernsey, supplies were bought and loaded in Liverpool and the crew was from all over the world - manx company my ass.


As was mentioned before: let the idiots go bust, start fresh - whoever takes over will need crew, so the job loss argument is total bull. If the Gov steps in and moves the goalposts, the damage that would do to the island would be unimaginable. No company in their right mind would ever consider coming here if the tinpot dictatorship makes up rules as it goes along.

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Whilst the UA exists Mezeron are not going to be able to bring in a RoRo ship and will have to use the relatively inefficient lift on lift off process.


i dont see it as being less inefficinet, all the major ports in the world use this approce to fright,


Think about it.

containers are stacked in the area of the crane, boat comes in crane just picks up swings and lands container on boat, turn twist locks job done,

even if they use a forktruck to bring the containers to the crane its only 1 min to move it to right place.


SP have to hook up trailer, back trailer down ramps to boat, drive to top deck back into postion, then they have to strap the trailer down,

All in all the time it takes i would say thay will be much on a par.


The diffrence is, less staff for mezeron to load unload, less machines used to unload, and in the space of one 40ft trailer you would fit at least 2 40ft containers im not sure how high they are stacking them, so they could be 3 high, So for the same length of a trailer they have got 40ft more room,


but even if it is less efficient which i dowt, it shows that the SP have charged well over the odds to ship because mezeron can do it cheaper while useing a less inefficient ways.


But i really dont think it is less efficent.

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Containers for long haul, mainly bulked 'same' goods, but for short haul 'mixed' loads, Ro-Ro is far more prevalent. In that sense short haul containerised shipping is fairly 'old' technology.


However, the point remains that even with all the extra hassle it must involve for the likes of Tesco, it still saves (presumably) a decent amount of cash.

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Wonder what's the point in bringing the "union militant" Bob Crow over apart from stiring the brown stuff. He's gonna f-off back to the UK and won't care what chaos he causes here - pointless muscle play.


I seriously don't get it why the union are protesting outside government. Yes, they are mostly a useless shower of halfwits hiding behind meaningless titles and outdated procedure, but it was the Steam Packet's management who messed this one up. Their total incompetence when it came to suddenly dealing with competition, something they never had to do and obviously have no clue about, caused this, not the government. That lot screwed us over already by signing the UA extension after the Racket wined and dined them all nicely.


The RMT Militant also said "RMT is not opposed to competition but it must be on a level playing field and that is clearly not the case as Mezeron’s Kursk and Kalana pay rock-bottom wages and conditions to overseas seafarers and undermine long-standing, negotiated arrangements with the Steam Packet company." Well, let's just say that the Racket isn't falling over itself to offer the most competitive wages around - pot, kettle, and some scewed 'facts' - pretty much hogwash all the way and typical union dross.


What they should be doing is blow their airhorns outside MW's house and demand he sort out the mess - or at least convey the message to the Australian masters of this suddenly oh so manx-again company. The only thing Manx about the steam packet is the flag on top of the building, and even that's made in China. My payslips were processed in Guernsey, supplies were bought and loaded in Liverpool and the crew was from all over the world - manx company my ass.


As was mentioned before: let the idiots go bust, start fresh - whoever takes over will need crew, so the job loss argument is total bull. If the Gov steps in and moves the goalposts, the damage that would do to the island would be unimaginable. No company in their right mind would ever consider coming here if the tinpot dictatorship makes up rules as it goes along.

Cant say much about this other than it is 99% correct. and just watch the workers follow Bob Crow like lambs to the slaughter

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Wonder what's the point in bringing the "union militant" Bob Crow over apart from stiring the brown stuff. He's gonna f-off back to the UK and won't care what chaos he causes here - pointless muscle play.


I seriously don't get it why the union are protesting outside government. Yes, they are mostly a useless shower of halfwits hiding behind meaningless titles and outdated procedure, but it was the Steam Packet's management who messed this one up. Their total incompetence when it came to suddenly dealing with competition, something they never had to do and obviously have no clue about, caused this, not the government. That lot screwed us over already by signing the UA extension after the Racket wined and dined them all nicely.


The RMT Militant also said "RMT is not opposed to competition but it must be on a level playing field and that is clearly not the case as Mezeron’s Kursk and Kalana pay rock-bottom wages and conditions to overseas seafarers and undermine long-standing, negotiated arrangements with the Steam Packet company." Well, let's just say that the Racket isn't falling over itself to offer the most competitive wages around - pot, kettle, and some scewed 'facts' - pretty much hogwash all the way and typical union dross.


What they should be doing is blow their airhorns outside MW's house and demand he sort out the mess - or at least convey the message to the Australian masters of this suddenly oh so manx-again company. The only thing Manx about the steam packet is the flag on top of the building, and even that's made in China. My payslips were processed in Guernsey, supplies were bought and loaded in Liverpool and the crew was from all over the world - manx company my ass.


As was mentioned before: let the idiots go bust, start fresh - whoever takes over will need crew, so the job loss argument is total bull. If the Gov steps in and moves the goalposts, the damage that would do to the island would be unimaginable. No company in their right mind would ever consider coming here if the tinpot dictatorship makes up rules as it goes along.

Cant say much about this other than it is 99% correct. and just watch the workers follow Bob Crow like lambs to the slaughter




I feel considerable sympathy for the workers. How else are they going to defend themselves other than through collective representation? Is Woodward going to suddenly say "don't worry folks, I'll look after you"? Likewise the government? Erm don't think so, do you?


Union knockers, more often than not, display considerable ignorance of industrial relations, brought about no doubt by dutifully following the mantra of the Telegraph, Mail, Sun and co.. A considerable majority of employers, especially fairly large employers, have one thing in mind, profit certainly not the improved welfare of it's staff. There's plenty of historic record around for anybody with an interest in finding out about the employer/employee struggle and that's what it's always been. Just wish some of those so willing to knock workforces would read up a bit and consider what's actually gone on in the past. Not just swallow meekly the tissue of lies spun by their choice of daily right wing political dogma.

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Completely agree 110% Amadeus.


Why was it in the video posted that Phil Gawne had to answer questions from a Cockney bully, two scousers and nobody else? Manx company my arse!


I'd guess that less than half SP workers are from the IoM. Last time I was on the boat most of the staff were either scouse or Eastern European sounding.


If they go bust or pull out then fuck 'em. Someone else will take over who doesn't have to charge more to service huge Australian loans and hopefully the manx workers there will get their jobs back.

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A considerable majority of employers, especially fairly large employers, have one thing in mind, profit certainly not the improved welfare of it's staff.


What concessions to they expect to obtain from a largely foreign company servicing £200m of debt? Its not like they have a lot of room to improve conditions or pay amongst servicing all that debt.

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i dont see it as being less inefficinet, all the major ports in the world use this approce to fright,

errr...yes they do...and then again some places have somewhat less sophisticated arrangements:

post-6975-030096600 1290546216_thumb.jpg

post-6975-041849700 1290546631_thumb.jpg

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