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Htc Desire And Wonky Mms

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I think this is more of a known Android issue than anything to do with MT or the Desire, but I'll ask anyway.


Basically, my Desire will randomly fail to download MMS messages with the useful error - 'Message not downloaded, Generic network failure'.


I've checked and double-checked the MMS settings as per the settings on MT's web page, deleted the APN and put it back in, and even done a factory reset as per some advice out on the wibbly wobbly web, tried combinations of having wi-fi turned on and off, set it to always have mobile network turned on etc.


The weird thing is, once in a while, it will actually download an MMS without me changing anything at all, but most of the time it just fails over and over again before giving up completely.


Calls, texts, internet, Android Market and everything else are fine on it, it's just MMS messages it has a problem with.


Anyone else come across this and/or fixed it? It's running the official 2.2 update from HTC and hasn't been rooted.


I know it's not the end of the world, but Mrs Twonky sometimes sends me pics of her boobies which can, frankly, make the average working day a lot more bearable.

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yes I have this problem, annoyingly when I took it in to the mt shop although it didnt work at first it randomly started working without adjusting any settings.

I was thinking its a compatability issue with the MT network and the HTC phones.


also sometimes it says they have failed to send but turn up at some random time later in the week.

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Hmmm no point going to see MT about it then, which is pretty much what I'd figured already.


MMS is fairly important to me, and not just for boobies either, it's nice to get pics of Twonky Jnr from around the island, especially with half term coming up so she'll be all over the place with Mrs Twonky.


I wonder who the responsibility ultimately lies with to get it fixed? Since it's a service I'm paying for that simply doesn't work as advertised, should MT just take the bloody thing back, as it doesn't work on their network properly?


I'll go down to the shop tomorrow and ask.

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I'm sure any of the team in the manx telecom stores will do their very best to help, they are not there to make your life difficult and all receive many compliments for their customer service skills and/or knowledge..... but it doesnt sound like a faulty phone or settings so unlikely that the store team will be able to be of any practical help other than run through typical issues like software update, total image size limit for mms etc ..... so personally if I were you I would log a call with the helpdesk and ask them if they could get a device expert to look into the issue further, giving as much info as possible about what you have tried and tested yourself, if it helps say Sarah the store manager said to do this (not that my name is a magic password ;-) http://xkcd.com/806/ ) ... they will then do tests on our devices and see if we get the same problem or not, see if we can pin down what the issue is for you!


Hope that helps

Ariel xxx

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