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Airport Security Alert

Tempus Fugit

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Well it makes me wonder....


I keep wondering whether I entirely believe any of this stuff. Why are they telling us ? Is it part of a build up to some sort if military action in Yemen ? Is it about Saudi relations ? Who benefits apart from the security industry ? I wonder who will get the contract to make whatever equipment it is gets invented and installed to search out this new super secret substance. And I wonder who came up with the stuff the first place.


The history of Ireland shows that years later it turns out that half the people everyone thought were terrorists were agents. I just can't help thinking that the whole Muslim thing will turn out to have been about money and power.


This is weird. From the Ministry of Truth: Dining with the enemy: Al Qaeda leader linked to 9/11 hijackers 'was invited to the Pentagon for lunch after attacks'


(looks like Phineas T. Freakears IMO)


ETA: I suppose the problem is that after the war in Iraq I find it difficult to trust what we are told. I want to.

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Many aircraft from the middle east en route to the USA fly right over the IOM. Makes you wonder.


Don't turn a failed bomb plot into an al-Qaida victory


You can rarely rule things out. You can't – for instance – rule out the possibility that a drunk Russian general might launch a nuclear attack on the west this afternoon, or that a Trident sub might crash into its French equivalent (as one did) and explode (as thankfully it didn't), or that a jet bound for London City airport might crash in Canary Wharf on a foggy November day. But prime ministers tend not to make statements about such dangers, though they too are real.


There is another danger we need to be aware of too: the symmetry of self-interest between the would-be bombers and the security services assembled to stop them. Both have a tendency to magnify serious but isolated incidents into one great interconnected global battle. The American military likes to describe the arc of terror that supposedly runs from Afghanistan through Pakistan into Yemen and down through Somalia ...


... a failed bomb plot should have produced reassuring statements that something bad might have happened but didn't. It is inconceivable that in the second world war or the height of the cold war a danger like this would have caused presidents and prime ministers to leap to podiums ...


We have become lost in a world of demented misunderstandings. We must not talk ourselves into making it worse. It would have been awful if a crude device posted in a faraway place had brought down a plane over the Atlantic. It would be even worse if we turned that possibility into the kind of theatre for which there's a dangerous audience far closer to home.

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I saw that on BBC this morning and have to agree with him, As he said "we are a passenger airline, we don't carry freight so why inconvenience our passengers for a security lapse in freight transportation"

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If only 15% of freight is being carried on passenger jets, just stop doing it and keep the freight separate.


I am not sure I believe any of theis new security alert. Seems to be too well timed with the statements from the airlines last week about over the top security.

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