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Possable Flight Delays


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Few hours ago a glacier flood started from Grímsvötnum. But it was only confirmed few moments ago. The flood noise can be seen on following SIL stations around Vatnajökull.


This glacier flood is expected to reach it’s peak in about 4 to 5 days. If this is a repeat of the year 2004 events a eruption should start in Grímsfjalli in about 1 to 4 days from now. But if that plays out exacly like the year 2004 eruption remains to be seen. GVP has the eruption history of Grímsfjall here.


This glacier flood starts on the exact day as it did in the year 2004.



could cause air traffic problems if the wind is in the right direction,

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Few hours ago a glacier flood started from Grímsvötnum. But it was only confirmed few moments ago. The flood noise can be seen on following SIL stations around Vatnajökull.

Gazza couldn't see your link. Just in case I've put one here.


Katla is the one to be really worried about IMO.

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Ahhh I hope it's all finished by Friday!


hasent started yet!!!.


An Icelandic volcano has shown signs it could be about to burst into life, just months after an eruption from another volcano caused Europe's biggest air shutdown since World War II. "The water levels have tripled in (the river) Gigja since last night," water measurement specialist Gunnar Sigurdsson of the Icelandic Meteorological Institute said. The water flooding into the Gigja, on the Vatnajoekull glacier in eastern Iceland, comes from an icy lake in the crater of the Grimsvoetn volcano. Due to increased thermal temperatures, the lake and surrounding glacier area has melted, filling the crater to a point where it has spilled over and caused a so-called river-run, which in turn could easily set off an eruption. In 2004, a similar flood from the Grimsvoetn lake was closely followed by an eruption from what is considered Iceland's most active volcano. Mr Sigurdsson said an eruption was unlikely to occur "until the water levels in Gigja have reached a maximum. "I don't know when we can expect the levels to reach their highest point, but I suspect it will be in a few days," he said. Over the past 48 hours, the Meteorological Institute has also registered strong seismic activity in the area, and three moderate earthquakes ranging from 2.7 to 4.0 on the Richter scale.


However, Icelandic authorities were unable to say whether an eruption at Grimsvotn would hit air traffic as hard as in April when the Eyjafjoell volcano erupted, dispersing a massive cloud of ash that affected more than 100,000 flights and eight million passengers. "It is near impossible to say if Grimsvotn erupts, whether it will have an effect on air traffic at all," said Keflavik Airport spokeswoman Hjordis Gudmundsdottir, pointing out it would depend if the volcano spewed lava or ash. "If it is an ash eruption, then it would affect air traffic, but only if it is a strong eruption with ash clouds reaching significant heights," she said, adding "it will also depend on wind, so at this point it is hard to guess." Thorunn Skaftadottir, a geophysicist also with the Icelandic Meteorological Institute, said that any eruption from Grimsvotn would be an ash eruption. "However, the scale of the eruption will be much smaller than the Eyjafjoell eruption and I do not think it would have the same effect on air travel as Eyjafjoell did," she said.

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hasent started yet!!!.


With the volcano ealier this year, we were unlucky because weather caused the cloud to blow towards Europe and "Elf and Safety" jumped on it with the help of the Green Brigade, stopping flights. Eventually, somone saw common sense and they started flying again.

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