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Political, Racial, And Nationalist Bias In The Bbc


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Political, racial, and Nationalist bias in the BBC.


Doesn’t exist? Oh yes it does – and how.


There have been two by-elections held over here that were being presented as a bellwether of public sentiment on the performance and actions of the awful Bleah NuLabour crypto-socialist government that the UK is presently infected with.

Of particular concern to the NuLabourites was the effect of the Butler report on the possible outcome though considering the terms of reference that Butler had been given and the inevitable predisposition of Butler himself towards not wanting to offend Bleah they really shouldn’t have worried.

The second was the growing influence that the BNP are having on the rank and file of so many of the British electorate despite all attempts by both wings of traditional politics to rubbish it. No need to worry too much about the BNP though – the BBC did a magnificent hatchet job.


It should be remembered that the BNP won 750,000 votes in the recent European and local elections after announcing that it was in the process of shedding its extremists and in effect becoming New BNP. It is rapidly becoming more of a mainstream political party than a refuge for right wing extremists idiots that it has been in the past.

It’s now well on the way to fully achieving that position but some things do take time and just as NuLabour took time to get rid of all, of virtually all, of traditional (and it must be said principled) Labour members, so it will take some time yet for the BNP to fully cleanse their hives of the last of the ‘eejits’.


Nevertheless ‘Rampant Racists and Racism’ screamed the BBC trailers to the program. Again and again, day after day. Well what a surprise. A bit like finding that a brewery that had converted to becoming a mineral water bottling plant still had a small residual beer-brewing capacity.


But did the BBC make any issue about the astounding moves that the BNP has made away from the old ‘skin head and bovver boots’ nature of it’s past or the fact that the BNP now even has Jewish activist members? Not a word of it. Just the same old ‘Nazi-under-the Bed’ stories of old.


And why? Was it a coincidence that this program was both massively trailed prior to the by-elections? Of course not. Once again ‘Aunty’ – now rapidly becoming the mouthpiece for ‘Nanny’ was making sure that those who were seriously thinking about voting for a party who want to put Britain and the British people first in their own country had their anxiety levels about if it was really safe to do so on the basis of what they see around them on a daily basis.


The huge and astounding revelations that the BBC presented to the nation in a disgusting bit of black propaganda showed Chris Kirby, a councillor elected in the June local elections, apparently planning to torch a van believed to be used to distribute anti-BNP leaflets.


It also includes footage of a local council candidate, Stewart Williams, saying "all I want to do is shoot Pakis", and another, Dave Midgley, claiming that for three weeks he placed dog faeces through the letter box of a local Indian restaurant.


All despicable and more to the point stupid things and sentiments, but was that really the worst that the BBC could dig up? You can just bet your boots it was because as sure as ‘eggs is eggs’ if the Bleahophile Guardianistra reporters could have found anything stronger they most certainly would not have held back from spreading it round again and again and again.


Even Nick Griffin – a rather unlovable individual with a very limited longer term future as BNP supremeo – was slated for describing islam despite it being if anything on the bland side though absolutely correct so far as it went.


But the BBC political bias doesn’t stop there nor with the unfair treatment of the BNP who will no matter even if the BBC were never to make a critical remark about them ever again for years have to put up with the public seeing them as what they used to be rather than what they are today let alone the utterly respectable and desperately needed party they are developing into.


The result – the three undesirables – at least certainly undesirable in the New BNP have been ejected from the party, Nick Griffin has repeated his description of islam, and no one has had the temerity to challenge him or claim that what he said was anything other than the truth.


It will interesting to see just what influences the New BNP has on main stream politics in Westminster. Even if no more than just encouraging the traditional parties to adopt a more responsible attitude towards the country and nation that they are supposed to represent and serve it will be for the good.


What odds a New Mec Vannin? One willing to do more than pointlessly pontificate on matters as important as which end of an egg should be opened from.

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I wondered about the timing. But from a different perspective.


Say the current government had been giving the beeb a bit of a battering. What better way to get your own back than to force as many voters as possible away from no-hopers and back to mainstream parties in opposition right at bye-election time?


By the way, who are Mec Vannin?

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If that was their motivation wouldn't it have been better to show the documentary before the Local and European Elections when they could have made more impact?


Actually, as a card carrying PC do-gooder, I was appalled at some of the views expressed. But then I was always gonna be appalled and it would make no difference to my voting intentions because I wouldn't dream of voting BNP in the first place. I wondered whether the doc in a way actually served as a platform for them to gain exposure. How many people watched that and thought they are expressing their views, and switched allegience to them?

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The BNP are still not yet cleaned of the mad, bad, and sad to get my vite either but their significant changes in moving away from the simple creed of hate towards a position where they are a party that puts the political correctness in the bin where it so richly deserves to be. Instead they are starting to concentrate on the real issues of the British people in Britain rather than pandering to the unwashed socialists who are so willing to give away money the nations funds to people who have no right to receive it, or those who simply detest the very ideas of national pride and patriotism. Once rightly and universally recognised as being both admirable and desirable characteristics. Today they are scorned by the losers of society and the Do-Gooders who for the most part want to do ‘Good’ more out of self gratification than for genuine reasons.


But the very presence of an increasingly BNP, even with a great deal yet to improve upon, is needed to restore sanity to parliament as without such a party the utter hypocrisy associated with Political Correctness will continue and grow and stifle the moves needed to protect the British nation.


Political Correctness – really it should be Political Cynicism, whereby everyone concentrates on never offending anyone for fear of the ‘other side’ pouncing on it and exploiting it to their own advantage is in my opinion the worst export from the US that has even hit our shores.


Like Michael Portillo, I also ‘have a little list.’ It includes Do-Gooders, adepts of Political Correctness, Socialists, REAL racists, and those people who come to a country, especially one to which they have no right to visit without a visa let alone seek to settle, and expect that the country should change its way of life to accommodate them.


That by no means exhausts my list, but they are the groups who are very high on my pecking order of true detestation and utter contempt.

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  • 9 years later...

Political Correctness – really it should be Political Cynicism, whereby everyone concentrates on never offending anyone for fear of the ‘other side’ pouncing on it and exploiting it to their own advantage is in my opinion the worst export from the US that has even hit our shores.


Like Michael Portillo, I also ‘have a little list.’ It includes Do-Gooders, adepts of Political Correctness, Socialists, REAL racists, and those people who come to a country, especially one to which they have no right to visit without a visa let alone seek to settle, and expect that the country should change its way of life to accommodate them.


That by no means exhausts my list, but they are the groups who are very high on my pecking order of true detestation and utter contempt.


Well said. Sadly, ten years later, not much has changed.

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Political Correctness – really it should be Political Cynicism, whereby everyone concentrates on never offending anyone for fear of the ‘other side’ pouncing on it and exploiting it to their own advantage is in my opinion the worst export from the US that has even hit our shores.


Like Michael Portillo, I also ‘have a little list.’ It includes Do-Gooders, adepts of Political Correctness, Socialists, REAL racists, and those people who come to a country, especially one to which they have no right to visit without a visa let alone seek to settle, and expect that the country should change its way of life to accommodate them.


That by no means exhausts my list, but they are the groups who are very high on my pecking order of true detestation and utter contempt.


Well said. Sadly, ten years later, not much has changed.



Just before you were born wasn't it...?

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