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Conservatives Forcing People To Work


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Nothing has been proven relevant to the argument. Nothing at all.


And you are missing the point talking about jobs available. It's the type of work that's the issue.

In that case it evens out, for those who wont work it is the type of benifits that's the issue, if they try they get a decent one if not they don't, can't say fairer than that it works both ways sunshine.

Sorry, can you explain again please? You mean those who could be determined to be long-time non-workers should have a separate type of benefit?
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Nothing has been proven relevant to the argument. Nothing at all.


And you are missing the point talking about jobs available. It's the type of work that's the issue.

In that case it evens out, for those who wont work it is the type of benifits that's the issue, if they try they get a decent one if not they don't, can't say fairer than that it works both ways sunshine.

Sorry, can you explain again please? You mean those who could be determined to be long-time non-workers should have a separate type of benefit?


If by long term non-workers you mean people who could work for their welfare but do not then "long term non-workers" should have NO benefits.

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Ever since the Industrial Revolution making widgets has become more and more efficient.


So the trend is obvious, we all get more leisure time!


Unfortunately to date the distribution of this extra leisure time has been a bit "lumpy" shall we say.


Those with more leisure time are easy to spot though - we call them "unemployed"...

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If the thing the community MAKES them do is work then that ends the whole matter of them being paid by the community. Either they do paid work or they don't. I certainly do not think that people should starve for not undertaking into waged work.


If a person can get a job that pays a awge the well and good. If they can’t and there are things to be done then those things should be done by people out of work in order to get their lives supported by the taxes of people in work. This may not get through your personal profanity filter but the word “Workfare” explains the RIGHT way to go.


It isn't just what they don't want to do, it is also what you turn them into by forcing the issue and placing them in work.


I’ll tell you what it stops them being, it stops them being parasites.


What they then become are members of society who contribute to the society that puts food in their mouths and clothes on their backs and THAT is all that matters, and if they don’t like it then they should develop a taste for it.

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Nothing has been proven relevant to the argument. Nothing at all.


And you are missing the point talking about jobs available. It's the type of work that's the issue.

In that case it evens out, for those who wont work it is the type of benifits that's the issue, if they try they get a decent one if not they don't, can't say fairer than that it works both ways sunshine.

Sorry, can you explain again please? You mean those who could be determined to be long-time non-workers should have a separate type of benefit?

I would say it is quite plain unless you are too stupid to understand plain english, If you make no effort to help yourself in society then society has the right to make no effort to keep you. Don't even try to break that down further that is a final statement if you fail to understand then you really are stupid.

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I would say it is quite plain unless you are too stupid to understand plain english, If you make no effort to help yourself in society then society has the right to make no effort to keep you. Don't even try to break that down further that is a final statement if you fail to understand then you really are stupid.

You mentioned the type of benefits. I was asking for an explanation.
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I certainly do not think that people should starve for not undertaking into waged work.

I do, if not undertaking waged work is their decision.

And I think people should be EXPECTED to get food and what they need through an interaction or input with their community or through their own industrious. But waged work is a different thing altogether.
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There are people out there who work the system, and are experts at screwing this system , I know of Families who have not worked, or have no intention of working, for years The Grand Parents, Parents, and now the children, and if nothing is done their children, its a way of life, I see these people in the supermarkets in the town where I live and their trolleys are packed full with items all paid for by benefits,


I Found myself unemployed , once but it was a while ago , I had two young Children of school age and a mortgage and Believe me it was hard to try and get benefit even after all the years I had paid in but did eventually get unemployment benefit, but it was not a lot as I did not know how to play the system, I was Honest, I could not find work, apparently I was to old the employers wanted a younger person to do the job I am trained for I was 40 FFS so I got off my arse and started my own business


So when I see these self inflicted long term idle unemployed shits filling their shopping trolleys and pissing there benefit up the wall most nights of the week all paid for by money other hard working people have paid into the system, BRING IT ON NO WORK NO MONEY


Having said that there are some genuine people who do need state benefit for what ever Reason and its these people which care must be taken not make there lives more difficult financially

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NAIRB, now acording to LDV because you got off your arse and started your own business and hopefully prospered you did it wrong as you are now an emloyer exploiting the workers when you should have accepted you are too good for work and scrounged of the hard working decent section of the population.

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The differences with the Tories is that they exactly argue that the people concerned do not know HOW to work and therefore need to pick up littler or do gardening all day.


NAIRB, now acording to LDV because you got off your arse and started your own business and hopefully prospered you did it wrong as you are now an emloyer exploiting the workers when you should have accepted you are too good for work and scrounged of the hard working decent section of the population.
He did it the only he could to support his family, I presume. It being a worker, being an employer, or being on the dole that are the options. But if you can't work the system well then you cannot prosper. And what if you wanted to earn more than you could on the dole? You have to work.


I am sure you have used to word 'decent' before. What does the word mean when you recent to the 'decent section'? Are the unemployed indecent?

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The differences with the Tories is that they exactly argue that the people concerned do not know HOW to work and therefore need to pick up littler or do gardening all day.


They have a point, but as regards working in the community as a return for community putting food in their mouths and clothes on their backs, why not?


What is WRONG with requiring people to work for what they get and if it has to be work that we can’t afford to pay a wage for then why not get it done simply as a quid pro quo for the unemployed to get welfare hand outs? I would even go so far as getting them to whitewash coal on principle of working for what you get.


He did it the only he could to support his family, I presume. It being a worker, being an employer, or being on the dole that are the options. But if you can't work the system well then you cannot prosper. And what if you wanted to earn more than you could on the dole? You have to work.


You don’t EARN anything on the dole, you get a hand out. To do some community work in return for that hand out is right and proper.


I am sure you have used to word 'decent' before. What does the word mean when you recent to the 'decent section'? Are the unemployed indecent?


Those who could work but do not are indecent. Those who argue against working for their hand outs are indecent. One is a thief, the other immoral and condoning theft.

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