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Conservatives Forcing People To Work


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I might be missing something, but my opinion is WTF should the rest of us Tax payers pay for these work shy individuals who make it their careerer to squeeze the system for every penny they can, with out any intention of putting anything back, I don't mean the genuine unemployed, or single parents or the people on disability benefits who in most cases have worked and have paid their contributions ,but now for what ever reason can't. I mean the section of society who think employment is just a word written on the door of the room they go to every week to get their hand out and I don't subscribe to LDV's view that forcing these people into employment infringes there freedom of choice, they have a freedom of choice to work or not to work, they have chosen not to work,so why should the rest of us pay them out of our taxes for doing sweet F all we don't have a freedom of choice we have to pay tax, ( I am not having a go here) but as I live and work in the UK I pay a lot of tax, and I have also seen these individuals who don't want to work As I have said earlier I started my own Business several years ago and I have tried in the past to recruit staff from the local job Centre ( It's a lot cheaper than using the local papers) and I hoped there would be a suitable person who was right for the job, (wrong) I was sent several people none of them gave the impression They wanted to be there and one even said if he didn't attend the interview his dole would be reduced but he did not want the job, and to be honest none of them had or appeared to want any experience of work let alone the job they where there for. There are Jobs available and if people have self respect they take these jobs maybe not their ideal job but they take it while looking for a more appropriate placement, The individuals who would rather spend their time doing nothing and relying on the state to feed and cloth them and their families, I think have no self respect, so WTF should the rest of us respect them or be on their side when they feel the government is unfair in asking them to actually do a bit in return

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That's cryptic! Are you unable to give explanation to anything?

I could give you an explination on the impact of non star efficient euipment within a controlled office environment but I feel no need to explain what I have fully done so several times to you before.

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I don't think there has been much thinking or reading going on here. I have explained the way I see thing NAIRB. Not point explaining in a different way if the answer is again "Why should I work and others not yet paid for it".


There are Jobs available and if people have self respect they take these jobs maybe not their ideal job but they take it while looking for a more appropriate placement, The individuals who would rather spend their time doing nothing and relying on the state to feed and cloth them and their families, I think have no self respect, so WTF should the rest of us respect them or be on their side when they feel the government is unfair in asking them to actually do a bit in return
Yes, I agree, I think there is little self-respect to be had from living unproductive lives IF those who are working the system are doing nothing. And even less so when they are being paid to be kept alive.

On the other hand, they don't lose self-respect from having to undertake the sort of work available in the job market.

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