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Conservatives Forcing People To Work


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The young offenders enjoyed the work and being away from the monotony of being locked up but the biggest feed back was generally that the young offenders took alot from being trusted in the work, te results of the work and being treated like a normal member of the public.

I completely agree.



Do you Lala?




Which is no different to what this chap did




Or is it? Both were forced into 'new job inniatives' or did neither happen?

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I cant belive you lot have still not learned yet.


This is the LDV show and it does not matter if you have a full vailed point that 99% of peopl agree with, he wont and will argue till the cows come home.





But i still enjoy reading them all, so keep it up LDV :cool:

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Judging by the comments on here, it's no wonder the Daily Mail sells so many copies. Everyone seems happy to accept the stories of hundreds of thousands of people who are happy to sit on their arses all day and collect a benefit cheque that is absolutely huge!

Bollocks! Complete and utter bollocks!

There are a small minority who've learned how to work the system that way - but the vast majority of unemployed would much prefer to be employed and earning a decent living. Unfortunately, the last Tory regime destroyed British industry, created massive unemployment (that they tried to alter by 'adjusting' the way they were counted time after time) and created a false boom in the economy that, inevitably, came back to haunt them.

This sceme will achieve absolutely nothing - except to put a satisfied smirk on the lips of those readers of Tory propaganda sheets such as the Sun, Times, Express, Mail and so on.

If there are jobs to be done, then they should be offered to people at the proper rate for doing them - anything less is little short of criminal and only what's to be expected from aresholes such as Cameron and Osborne.

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If there are jobs to be done, then they should be offered to people at the proper rate for doing them - anything less is little short of criminal and only what's to be expected from aresholes such as Cameron and Osborne.




“£2million of equipment lying unused? Good, that’s a victory for us.” Alan Sapper, General Secretary of the ACTT, in the programme of the Edinburgh Television Festival of 1978.


I would hate to see the return of nasty bully militant unionism. Cutting noses off to spite their faces. We have moved on from that twaddle surely?


Giz a job, go on, gix a job. I can lay bricks

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If there are jobs to be done, then they should be offered to people at the proper rate for doing them - anything less is little short of criminal and only what's to be expected from aresholes such as Cameron and Osborne.




“£2million of equipment lying unused? Good, that’s a victory for us.” Alan Sapper, General Secretary of the ACTT, in the programme of the Edinburgh Television Festival of 1978.


I would hate to see the return of nasty bully militant unionism. Cutting noses off to spite their faces. We have moved on from that twaddle surely?


Giz a job, go on, gix a job. I can lay bricks

You're so right, my friend. We really should go back to those wonderful times when employees had no protection whatsoever fro ruthless employers - those happy days when the vast majority were trampled underfoot by a minority of selfish, rich cunts.

Oh, and you've almost made me see that 'Boys from the Blackstuff' wasn't really a diatribe about the way that the Thatcher creature attempted to destroy society in favour of a privilaeged few.



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I cant belive you lot have still not learned yet.


This is the LDV show and it does not matter if you have a full vailed point that 99% of peopl agree with, he wont and will argue till the cows come home.


But i still enjoy reading them all, so keep it up LDV :cool:

And I bet you think that a valid point is simply the one that SUPPOSEDLY 99% of people agree with. And why would I agree with something just because 99% of people think it? You are such a moron sometimes, Gazza. I am happy in the knowledge that I am so stupid to be hoodwinked by some cynical, pathetic Tory policy to win votes by appealing to the sensationalist issue of benefit cheats.
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Or is it? Both were forced into 'new job inniatives' or did neither happen?

Concentration camps and Roosevelt's policies? I don't see your point. I was making the point that it is point that offenders have a close contact with their society and can be seen to be doing good work in it.
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Unpaid work doing crap like picking up litter for a month is not giving people experience.

Beppo would disagree - there's philosophy in street sweeping



Sorry it's in German but I'm one of those terrible people who not only work, but also work in a foreign country. The things we stupid people do for money...

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I can't believe this. (Well no, I can, it is the Tories here). It is despicable idea and I hope it falls on its arse. Forcing people to do work with no pay whatsoever just to give them that 'feel' of what work it really like. How stupid is that?




It’s wrong. It shouldn’t be for thirty days, it should be ongoing. Workfare, work to get your “benefits”. No work then no money. Start by bringing back the Winter Work schemes NOW.


It’s time to roll back the evil of Socialism and the profligate Welfare State. Let’s see it reduced to providing just what’s need to live, not to live a nice life.

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LDV this to me is quite simple, if you want something from the state you also have to put something back in for others and if the only contribution you can make to society is by picking up litter then so be it. Ask yourself a simple question. If everyone was given the choice of being able to stop any of their tax or NI contributions going to benifits of the long term unemployed, how many do you actualy think would not do this, then where would your glorious welfare state be. every person in a society has a duty to contribute to the society theat feeds them, to willingly refuse to do so (with this I exclude those who do try to get jobs or have disabilities that prevent them) is an act that deserves the contempt and scorn of the rest of society.

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Well, agree with it or not, watch the unemployed figures tumble as the slackers come to terms with the fact that their gravy train is over.


They have a choice. Get a job and make a contribution to society doing something you enjoy, or pick up rubbish and clean parks for job seekers allowance. Simples!!!

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As someone has mentioned this has been tried elsewhere and has to a certain extent worked. Trouble with the UK is that first you have to identify those that 'cant' work and those that 'wont' work.

I know someone (in UK) who I was at school with and has never worked since the age of 18, he knows the benefits system inside out, spends 2 weeks in Goa every year (Mmmm) has a newer car than me, iphones each, you get the picture! But the system has created this culture to a certain extent and allowed it to grow into the mess we have today. Probably the IOM is the same but on scaled down version.

I can't see how it would be administered, especially when as a recent documentary showed they can't police or monitor community service works.

Interested to see how it pans out.

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It’s wrong. It shouldn’t be for thirty days, it should be ongoing. Workfare, work to get your “benefits”. No work then no money. Start by bringing back the Winter Work schemes NOW.


It’s time to roll back the evil of Socialism and the profligate Welfare State. Let’s see it reduced to providing just what’s need to live, not to live a nice life.

Unless that statement is derived from complete ignorance - which wouldn't be difficult to believe - you are revealed as an extremely nasty, selfish, totally uncharitable pathetic excuse for a human being.

The winter work schemes were devised to help seasonal workers find employment after they'd been engaged in the tourist trade during the summer months. There was competition for those jobs - men waiting in line, desperate to be picked for genuine jobs that enabled them to put food on the table for their families for a few months.

My own father worked on them for many years; on building Marine Drive, on the runway at Ronaldsway and on Jurby Airport. Yes, it was a case of 'don't work-don't get paid' - which is why I saw him one morning leaning against the hedge as he coughed up blood into a handkerchief and why, when I begged him to take the day off and call a doctor he repeated that disgusting mantra.

There may well be aspects of 'socialism' that have gone a bit too far, but there are many which have helped to turn our society into a much more caring one - caring for those who aren't born into privilege, or those who don't have the physical or mental capacity to find work that will earn them a decent standard of living, or those who suffer from disabling illnesses or accidents.

Make no mistake, the real evils existed long before the very watered-down British version of socialism came along.

The Conservative Party is doing what it always does - blaming the nation's troubles on a few scroungers who give the rest of the unemployed a bad name - diverting attention from the real sickness that has gripped the country, which is the culture of greed in which the only kind of charity available is the one that is tax-deductible.

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