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Uk Gypsies


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Hopefully a little mild debate.


The RT. Honourable Mr. Howard Tory leader, fresh on his promises regarding immigration, the health service (Mrs. Dixons shoulder) has pledged to remove all those troublesome gypsys and travellers from 'illegal' sites.


I personally have a lot of time for gypsys.

We all have to have a place to live.

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Ah Mr Howard - same dude that helped bring in the "nasty" Criminal Justice Bill.


A right little fascist IMHO.


There are supposed to be sites provided by local towns/councils for travelling folk, if they got of their fat lazy ar*es and did this, then the gypsies & travellers wouldn't have to squat land.

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Ah Mr Howard - same dude that helped bring in the "nasty" Criminal Justice Bill.


A right little fascist IMHO.


There are supposed to be sites provided by local towns/councils for travelling folk, if they got of their fat lazy ar*es and did this, then the gypsies & travellers wouldn't have to squat land.


Agreed, i cant do those link things that others do, but there was a guy on BBC one Breakfast who is a spokesperson for his community, a big powerful guy, very articulate and gave a very good account of himself.

He didn't alow himself to be dragged down to Howards level, simply saying that it was a simple matter of mathamatics, more sites less illegal camps.


His main concern, and mine also is that Howards proposals don't include solutions to helping the Gypsy community become integrated in to society, just kick them off the land...never seemed such an issue when they tried to settle on disused sites...seems to be more of a problem now they have started to buy land in....jolly nice country areas.

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As the BBC newsnight debate pointed out tonight .....The tories created this problem....now they come in with draconian ideas to pacify their disgruntled supporters.


Yea your'e right, i find Howard disturbing of late, was never comfortable with the guy its as though Thatcher is back...horrible thought.


You think he would learn, recently the BNP clamed that he had 'stolen' their ideas on immigration, i'm sure its not the case, but to to jump into this debate hoping to 'secure' votes..the guys on another planet.


A very dangerous one i may add.

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Everyone who is in a minority is at risk of losing out when it comes to general election time. Just because gypsies are an easy target makes them good political point scorers. But we must remember that the gypsies often don't make things easy for themselves and could in many circumstances try to cause less disruption to the areas through which they travel.


However, you are just as (if not more) likely to have a bad neighbor living in the house next door to you as you are to have bad gypsies living in a caravan near by. At least the gypsies don't plant bloody leylandis at the edge of your garden or complain when you apply for planning permission to alter your house!


IMHO Mr. Howard is playing a good game at the moment and is not afraid to tackle things that the Labour Government has been trying to avoid. But don't forget it's mostly just pre-election propaganda and a lot of it will not materialize whoever becomes the next Prime Minister.

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I have never known the UK media to have sunk to such depths as we are seeing at the moment. They are desperate for anything to diss Blair and Labour. Probably because for the second time prior to an election the economy, the traditional bete noir of election platforms, is healthy and stable. Last week the figures showed a large increase in the number of public servants - the vast majority in the Health and Education services. The immigration row and controls, let's just forget for the moment the millions of EU citizens who can stroll in here and get a job any time they like. The almost racial hatred for Gypsies. It's all getting very nasty.

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