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Student Fees Protest


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IMO the Government should now abolish all funding to students as well as allowing Universities the right to charge whatever they want in fees.


Again, IMO, most of the students who continue their education by trying/obtaining a degree just can't be bothered to get a job and just want to doss around whilst attending a couple of classes.

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IMO the Government should now abolish all funding to students as well as allowing Universities the right to charge whatever they want in fees.


Again, IMO, most of the students who continue their education by trying/obtaining a degree just can't be bothered to get a job and just want to doss around whilst attending a couple of classes.


Hmmm - go to university and meet real people or stay in Ramsey stacking shelves for Shoprite.


Tricky choice...

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IMO the Government should now abolish all funding to students as well as allowing Universities the right to charge whatever they want in fees.Again, IMO, most of the students who continue their education by trying/obtaining a degree just can't be bothered to get a job and just want to doss around whilst attending a couple of classes.
Hmmm - go to university and meet real people or stay in Ramsey stacking shelves for Shoprite.Tricky choice...


Take it that its you who stacks the shelves then?

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It always used to be the elite who went to uni and the less well off went to college or polytechnic then the government of the time changed it to everyone going to uni, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone, I know of loads of people having gone to uni who have a low iq and they come out of uni and can't get a job because they have got a mickey mouse degree from a mickey mouse uni and all because their moronic parents wanted to go around bleating that their kid has gone to uni and oh how so very clever they are.


I'm not saying that uni should be reserved for the wealthy but something has to change, you can't have every dog and his dick going to uni and getting usless degrees just because you want to massage the jobless totals in your favour or because feckless parents want it for bragging rights. I've got kids and if they are smart enough and actually wish to go to uni and we've got enough money for them to go or they don't mind getting into debt (as long as it's a worthwhile degree)then they'll, if not then they won't.


There has always been scholarships for the bright kids who ordinarily wouldn't be able to afford to go to uni and whilst this may seem degrading to some, if a student is smart enough and has enough ambition to turn their degree into a successsful career then I'm pretty sure they'll swallow that bitter pill to get where they need to get to.

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IMO the Government should now abolish all funding to students as well as allowing Universities the right to charge whatever they want in fees.


Again, IMO, most of the students who continue their education by trying/obtaining a degree just can't be bothered to get a job and just want to doss around whilst attending a couple of classes.


Hmmm - go to university and meet real people or stay in Ramsey stacking shelves for Shoprite.


Tricky choice...


That's quite an arrogant statement, there are real people everywhere you muppet, everyone is real, and university educated people are no more real than non-uni educated people.

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That's quite an arrogant statement, there are real people everywhere you muppet, everyone is real, and university educated people are no more real than non-uni educated people.


I really ment 'meet people who've seen more than the IOM'.

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Again your terminology is poor, I work with a person, who i regard as a friend and he is one of the most travelled people you would ever like to meet and yet he is not university educated, he is also not alone, I know of loads of non-university educated well travelled people who have met lots of interesting people in their lives and have a very open perspective of life and the world.

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Again your terminology is poor, I work with a person, who i regard as a friend and he is one of the most travelled people you would ever like to meet and yet he is not university educated, he is also not alone, I know of loads of non-university educated well travelled people who have met lots of interesting people in their lives and have a very open perspective of life and the world.


When you're 18 university is a ticket off the Island.

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And you've got to live
Of course and so has the pilot whilst they are doing their studies (although that doesn't take three years). So let's say near on £90k debt with no definite job and a loan direct to the bank without normal student protection.In your words GD4,it's a nasty debt to start your working life with (assuming there is a job....)


Then, it's your lucky day and you get a job, say with that Irish gob*****. He'll make you pay well over £10k for a 737 stamp in your shiny new £90k licence (hmmm up to £100k now)and make you buy your uniform, then and only then will you start to earn paying off that HUGE debt.


Don't you think it puts the proposed student fees into some perspective?

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And you've got to live
Of course and so has the pilot whilst they are doing their studies (although that doesn't take three years). So let's say near on £90k debt with no definite job and a loan direct to the bank without normal student protection.In your words GD4,it's a nasty debt to start your working life with (assuming there is a job....)


Just out of interest how many people start as a pilot straight out of school before they've had any other form of full employment, and what's the average commercial pilot's starting wage?


calling the protest a Middle-Class Protest and describing the students as middle-class. Students aren't middle class


At one point I thought that the mounted police had been called in, but it just turned out to be the kids from UCL riding the ponies Mama and Papa had bought them last Christmas...

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It always used to be the elite who went to uni and the less well off went to college or polytechnic then the government of the time changed it to everyone going to uni, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone,


No you don't. You mean you knew more people going to university than you thought should go, as the rest of your post suggests. It's probably somewhere around third of 18-19 year olds who end up going to university (back of a packet of fags calculation based on the number of student awards and the 2006 census data on population distribution by age). A sizeable chunk, but not nearly 'Everyone'.


There has always been scholarships for the bright kids who ordinarily wouldn't be able to afford to go to uni


No, there hasn't. Scholarships are incredibly rare, and some scholarships aren't specifically for 'bright students' who can't afford to go to university, but peripheral crap instead like organ scholarships at Oxbridge (someone I knew got such a scholarship to Cambridge, his parents were both doctors).

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Vinnie, I doubt many straight from school could get a bank to lend them that sort of money. According to pilot jobs network a UK based Ryanair First Officer gets £26k (Jan 10, may have gone up since) although I think there are considerable regional variations.

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Hey Ho


Airport security is mental yet they allow crowds of nutters to invade a building, get onto the roof and just one nutter drops a fire extinguisher, "headlines".


If I was a "terrorist" I would join like protests get on the roof and drop my rucksack or maybe even hurl a few grenades into the gathering herds below. Real headline.




PS Is this the end of gap years, laugh you could not script it - hold on.................

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