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I Got Mugged


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I had a slight life changin experience on Friday, I got attacked and mugged by 8 young 15 to 17 year olds.


It was my birthday night out and me and my mate were walking back from the pub, sligtly, well really drunk. My mate Lou started talking to this girl who we would call a "hood rat" and my mate lou was giving her the speach of "why you hangin about the streets blah blah" and i was saying "come on Lou lets go" anyway this girl didnt like tha fact that i wanted to go and she started gettin all aggy with me. The me an lou walked off arm in arm stumblin down the road, then all of a sudden this girl and 4 boys were behind us calling us "crack heads" and "dykes" so i turned round and was like "nah we not dykes" they just launched at me, it was so horrible.


Then there was 4 boys and this girl then 3 other girls all surrounding me and my mate, one of them punched me in my ear and was like "come on bitch" and i was like "chill, whats the beef here?" and they were just calling us dykes etc, then one girl pulled my hair, then i got a slap from another girl, an i just didnt know what was goin on - I just didnt quite grasp what was goin on at all?? then the boys were all goin to the girls "bang them up, bang them up" i was terrified, but my friend suddenly started to fight back and told this little girl who was gettin me, to "step to her" and my mate lou challenged her, but none of thm would take lou on, they just wanted to taunt me, prob cause i wasnt being aggresive and thought i would be an easy target????

Then we just walked off and stupidly my mate lou turned to this girl and goes "suck ya mutha", all of them rushed at me, and rained slaps and hair puling on me, till one of th boys was like "it wasnt her that said it, it was her friend" but then they wouldnt start on Lou, so we walked off and i just ran to my mates house, accross the road, when i got there i notices my bag had been opened an my purse was nicked, luckily i had my phone in my jean pocket? I was so upset, and I still am today, i am feeling very paranoid and just more embarrassed that i got beat by 15 year old school girls?


i still have ringing in my ear and i have scratches on my neck, i just feel so dirty in a way? I cant explain it? I lost all my business cards, my uni alumni card, my photos of Des, credit cards, cash cards etc, so i was well upset.

I am now thinking about moving out of london, i have been here for ages and although i love what it has to offer, unless you are earnin top wages you will end up livin in a ghetto? I turned 29 on Sunday and im seriously thinkin about settlin down and i want to have kids etc, but im stuck, i dont know where to live etc! I deffo do not want my kids growing up like these little thugs?


Anyone else been mugged, or a victim of crime? I feel so upset i cant explain it???

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It always upsets me to hear about things like this. I was a victim of a similar crime some years ago and the memory still comes back from time to time. I still feel that if I had the chance to go back and do things differently the outcome might have been better, hindsight and all that.


Don’t let it ruin your life. Be strong and don’t blame yourself. Time will allow you to recover from this ordeal if you let it. The police offer counselling service through their victim’s of crime support unit here on the Isle of Man. I would expect the Metropolitan Police have a similar facility in place. Don’t be embarrassed about talking to someone about it, it really can help.

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I got attacked/mugged by a gang of teenagers in Salford. Teenagers in Salford are *all* skindheaded, shell suits tucked into their white socks chavs.


I was walking through a park where they were playing football. One of them approached me and said:


him: "give us a fag"

me: "I don't smoke"

him: "well give us some money to buy some then"

me: "no, I don't have any spare money"

him: "yeah you have, I can hear it jingling in your pocket"

me: "no, that's my keys you can hear" (it was)

him: "what would you do if I punched you right now?"

me: "I'd kick the xxxx out of you"


Then I noticed that all of his mates were walking behind me, and they all attacked me at the same time. I reckon there were about 10 of them. I got punched about 3 or 4 times, and ran like hell. They all gave chase but fortunately I got away. If I hadn't I've no doubt that I'd have ended up in hostipal at best. It only takes one of them to have a knife.


It's nothing to be embarrassed about - it happened to me, and I'm a big bloke. It happens all the time in big cities - gangs of chavs approach strangers and get aggressive if they don't get what they want. It's a different world to the IOM.


They got no money off me though - the ironic thing was I'd only left the house to go to the cash machine, but luckily forgot to take my cash card with me.

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I know its sooo kind of weird when it happens to you and the only reason i stayed calm was because i hate violence and i had recently witnessed an attack on a taxi driver by 3 boys at the end of my street (the victim ended up with brain damage and is blinded in one eye due to having his eye gaouged out) I was the one that called the ambulence and i may have to stand up an be a witness for this case, altough me being a scardy cat told scotlan yard that i was too scared to testify, ever since this happened i saw the way violence was just escalated by someone wrong move etc


I kept calm in my situation cause i knew that they were just waiting for me to make one comment or wrong move, so they could all launch on me even more. I knw why they ddnt touch my mate lou, but i dont want to go into it on this forum. I was seen as a bit posh maybe or a bit of a hippy cause i was being all calm, and they wouldnt have dared hit my mate. And yes im mad at her for talking to these little t*ats in the first place, and im mad that she was aggy with them, but i also dont know what i would have done without her, as she kind of protected me just by her presence?


these kids were so nasty and they were like hyeenas thats all i can think of, like i was prey, they were tauntin me and just making me feel so helpless and weak, which my friend lou wsa tryin to make me feel better by telling me they are just bullys and i happened to be there, but me being i actually feel sorry for these kids who have nothing better to do. Things like this also make me feel bad for humanity in that why cant we all get on an respect each other, why does it have to be so violent and aggressive out there?


My mum was also so upset and she is beggin me to move back to the isle of man, where she sees the standard of living as much higher and safer, its true an i know it, but i just dont want to, but i think after this i am gona seriously think about my life and of my future? I have to admit that the area i have lived in for 8 years is extremely rough and i better gt out of here before i get trapped?


Paul H and MM im sorry to hear about your experiences and thanks for your comments.

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Sorry to hear you got attacked Tea & Biscuits, If I was you I'd take your mums advice and move.

I know lots of people will say, you shouldn't have to and I agree, but it could of been worse and these chavs could of been sporting a weapon like a knife or handgun.

It really isn't worth the hassle living in that sort of area. Saying that, Douglas promenade is allegedly no picnic on a weekend night nowadays either.

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...that story REALLY boils my blood. Sorry to hear about it T&B but don't let a bunch of scum ruin your life. Nor change the direction in which you were heading. Something very similar happened to me when I lived in Brighton. I refused to let them alter my life.


Get a bit of counselling and ask your mate to be a little less confrontational in future. I'm sure it'll turn out to be a pure one-off. Albeit a very unpleasant one.


Chin up, hun...



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i vote we all go back to their corner and knock the flying xxxx out of them :P


kids these days, they have no respect. their teachers can't disclipline them, parents won't, or don't care.


bring back the cane and hanging and public flogging is what i say, and also i say tell me where it was and i'll go hang around smoking endless ciggies and jingling change about in my pockets whilst nonchalantly hiding a big friggin stick up my jumper.


*edit* oh you're in London, i'm going back down there tomorrow actually. the london yoof. salt of the earth, er.. or something.

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Thanks everyone for the comments, and its mad, cause im more angry now, but i think it is time for me to just think about where i want to end up this time next year, and i need to seek out a better place to live really, i mean i have a degree now (not that that really counts for anything) and i have experience, so i should be able to get my self a decent job outside london (thats the reason i have never moved out cause i have always thought that i wouldnt get a job, and i know that its hard to get decent jobs in the UK sometimes?)


And i guess the area that im living was ok for me in my early 20s and when i was a student but now im gettin a bit more mature i feel like im having that nesting instinct an i dont want that to happen in crappy Wood Green!!


I feel really scared now to walk to my local shopping place cause thats where they hang out! But i guess if im sober i can handle the situation better! Im not gona let me them make me feel scared in my own manor!


Oh well, i just feel sorry for them, life these days for kids seems a bit grim! spec inner city kids. And have you noticed how teenagers just seem soooo rude these days? no respect for anyone. I was even thinkin of being a teacher but no way man!!!!!

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i vote we all go back to their corner and knock the flying xxxx out of them :P


Violence breed violence.


As much as it hurts, I have to agree. It’s natural to want vengeance and to strike back, there’s nothing wrong with that. But violence followed by more violence cannot solve your problems. It might make you feel better for a while, but then in the cold light of day you realise that you have been reduced to the same level as the people who initiated the attack.


What’s been done has been done. Nobody is any better off for it. Take comfort from the possibility that the money they stole from you might be spent on the drugs will kill them.

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T&B my sympathies are with you, it must have been a very upsetting experience for you. I don't know what to say to make you feel better, but I hope that your bruises and confidence recover quickly.


Not really sure of my areas of London, but isn't Wood Green up in the Highbury & Islington area (on the way to Wimbledon)? My brother and his wife used to live in the Brixton/Clapham area and loved it there, but they have now moved out of London and commute instead these days.


I knw why they ddnt touch my mate lou, but i dont want to go into it on this forum.


I know you said you don't want to go into it, but that makes me even more curious - I'm so nosey!!

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erm i didnt want to go into as to why they didnt really go at my friend cause im not so sure myself, but she knew the right things to say to them streetwise, shes a londener etc that made them back off, whereas i was more of a target for them, i think they thought i was a poncey drunk rich student, with my northern accent etc, wheras she is a bit more scary and knew how to talk to them on a level - an she prob seemed more local and i think they had respect for her because of this???? I dont know its confusing! she told them to get facked basicly and instead of gettin her, they decided they would hit me for what she was saying?????


I cant speak to my mate too, im so angry, she is my best mate but i just feel like i dont want to speak to her at the moment????


I didnt report it cause the police do fack all and i hate them aswell, so i just resigned myself.


YOu know i feel sick today my hearing still isnt back to normal, my left ear why i got punched a few times, its still like bunged up and i cant hear properly.

My boyf went radge when he found out cause he even gets worried when im walking home from the gym in the evening! I think he kind of in someways blames my mate and he wont say it, i also think he is mad that i was drunk walking home etc. I sppose he just feels helpless.


This is really the first time i have been a victim of crime, im telling you its horrible it makes you really think about your life!


Thanks evryone for the support xxxxx Im fine!

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