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I Got Mugged


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I was the victim of an assault. 20 on 1, just for a few cigarettes. I gave them up, not wanting any violence and had my face smashed in, and an accusation of racism and ABH.


It's best to move on, and usually just give them what they want so they go away. Sorry to hear about it T&B.

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yea its weird cause i just read something in the evening standard about how a grown man is goin to move out of his area cause the kids in his street are harassing him and his girlfriend so much.


And thats exactly the problem they know that us as grown people we cant hit them back as we will be the ones that get dun for it! Its like they own the streets round here, not good at all!


I was quite nervous walking home this afernoon. And yea it is a shame too cause like someone said part of a good night out is gettin some takeaway and walking home chatting etc!

Its also not always that easy to get a taxi when you want one.

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unfortunately xxxxxxs outnumber decent people by about three to one, expecially if you're just talking about who is on the streets at 11pm.


do you know, groups of bugs, say, cockroaches or crickets display a kind of collective intellignce when in the same place together, they scrabble at the same place trying to get out, they jump from the same spot.


my theory is that these 'street corner people' have to hang around in groups because when they separate they are incapable of any kind of thought, their mouths hang limp and they dribble all the moisture out of themselves and eventually die of dehydration.


so you see, there is a reason for everything.



PS. i love the way groups of people always pick on one or two people. i wonder if they ever accidentally pick on a couple of paras or green berets... that'd learn 'em a lesson!

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sounds like a perfect prison to me. OK so maybe those awaiting trial should be treated better but once guilty anyway.

most of the first link is complaining about cockroaches, they are not just found in prisons, homes get them too, yes really

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Get your self some mace or pepper spray!!


Next time they say, " give us your phone and money " do the whole panic and poop your self routine, reach into your bag, " BAM, in the face " little runts hit the ground, you walk off safe ( and if you feel your foot pulling back for a quick kick in the nuts DO IT ) they deserve it and really shouldnt be aloud to breed!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
...that story REALLY boils my blood. Sorry to hear about it T&B but don't let a bunch of scum ruin your life. Nor change the direction in which you were heading. Something very similar happened to me when I lived in Brighton. I refused to let them alter my life.


Get a bit of counselling and ask your mate to be a little less confrontational in future. I'm sure it'll turn out to be a pure one-off. Albeit a very unpleasant one.


Chin up, hun...




Yeah but wasn't it on a train?? and those crisps were for the taking!!


Roll on G.P. night canny wait even bought some (new) tunes only a few though won't get too carried away, the oldies are still the best.... FELLA!!!!!

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