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Climategate Is Still The Issue


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Genesis 8 :21 – 22


“Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.

As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.”


Global warming going to destroy the world? Hardly. Even IF there is anthropogenic global warming taking place, and I for one don’t believe a word of it, it won’t destroy the world. When the lord created the world evidence in the rocks and sediments laid down 1600 odd years after creation as a result of The Flood show that CO2 levels were very much higher than today. What The Lord has provided is there for his people to use.

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Genesis 8 :21 – 22


“Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.

As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.”


Global warming going to destroy the world? Hardly. Even IF there is anthropogenic global warming taking place, and I for one don’t believe a word of it, it won’t destroy the world. When the lord created the world evidence in the rocks and sediments laid down 1600 odd years after creation as a result of The Flood show that CO2 levels were very much higher than today. What The Lord has provided is there for his people to use.


Even IF the Lord created the world, I for one don't believe a word of it.

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Genesis 8 :21 – 22


"Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.

As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease."


Global warming going to destroy the world? Hardly. Even IF there is anthropogenic global warming taking place, and I for one don't believe a word of it, it won't destroy the world. When the lord created the world evidence in the rocks and sediments laid down 1600 odd years after creation as a result of The Flood show that CO2 levels were very much higher than today. What The Lord has provided is there for his people to use.



Brilliant, that's the whole issue settled. Pollute away people, the Lord will provide! Hallelujah!



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Genesis 8 :21 – 22


“Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.

As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.”


Global warming going to destroy the world? Hardly. Even IF there is anthropogenic global warming taking place, and I for one don’t believe a word of it, it won’t destroy the world. When the lord created the world evidence in the rocks and sediments laid down 1600 odd years after creation as a result of The Flood show that CO2 levels were very much higher than today. What The Lord has provided is there for his people to use.


you just got to find the everdinace the lord made the world :rolleyes:

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you just got to find the everdinace the lord made the world :rolleyes:




The problem with you scientists is you're so closed minded! You refuse to accept something simply on the face of what your told, requiring so called 'evidence' all the time. Open your mind Gazza, accept the unexplained, believe without question, follow the herd!

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Spook - your quote is about cursing the ground and killing all living creatures.


Sorry, but are you saying desertification hasn't happened since Noah's time, that hurricanes haven't killed 100s of thousands, that crops haven't failed due to droubt or floods.


Are you really saying that you think these things cannot increase in future with adverse consequences.


During the Black death 1/3 of all people in Europe died.


It is highly unlikely that climate change will have such a severe effect - but as you, Spook, have to conclude that your God was happy to unleash such suffering in the past, do you really have such confidence that humanity can continue to change the climate without concern.


You are taking an extreme attitude. Climate change will not destroy the world, but there is a very significant risk that 100s of millions of people will be adversely affected. However, with increasing energy efficiency, replacing non-renewable energy-resources etc we can mitigate this and put the world on a more sustainable footing.


Your biblical quote is useless in providing advice concerning what we should do when facing climate change, or epidemic diseases. These will not destroy the world, but they will affect millions if not billions of people (black death, AIDS etc). Any person living in the real world would want governments etc to find a way to mitigate these effects. The protestant ethic was to use the gifts we have to improve the world.


You seem to discount all this in the most dogmatic and unrealistic way.


Stop living in hope of Armaggedon and actually help to improve THIS world.

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1. Any scientist who dares to question the existence, extent, degree or worst case scenarios of man made climate change will be labelled a denialist. The belief in man made climate change can be something like a dogma in this respect.


2. Man made climate change has had a bad press lately and seems to be being rebranded around all issues to do with biodiversity in general.


Irrespective of the claims made by the people who believe 100% in man made climate change or the worst case scenarios, there can be little doubt that :-


3. Moves to develop alternative energies are also very much to do with a political agenda relating to 60 years of failed policy in the Middle East.


4. Moves to develop alternative energies (often backed by huge tax and borrowing subsidies) are very much to do with business interests close to government viewing the development of these technologies as a new opportunity to stimulate growth. The political and economic agenda seems to be closely linked to the US stimulus for example (eg moves by private industry in concert with the govt to push high speed rail as an alternative to air transportation -- indeed the whole way in which air travel is being made increasingly more difficult).

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you just got to find the everdinace the lord made the world :rolleyes:




The problem with you scientists is you're so closed minded! You refuse to accept something simply on the face of what your told, requiring so called 'evidence' all the time. Open your mind Gazza, accept the unexplained, believe without question, follow the herd!


oooo thats how it works.

i give it go. ;)

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1. Any scientist who dares to question the existence, extent, degree or worst case scenarios of man made climate change will be labelled a denialist. The belief in man made climate change can be something like a dogma in this respect.





2. Man made climate change has had a bad press lately and seems to be being rebranded around all issues to do with biodiversity in general.




Irrespective of the claims made by the people who believe 100% in man made climate change or the worst case scenarios, there can be little doubt that :-


3. Moves to develop alternative energies are also very much to do with a political agenda relating to 60 years of failed policy in the Middle East.


4. Moves to develop alternative energies (often backed by huge tax and borrowing subsidies) are very much to do with business interests close to government viewing the development of these technologies as a new opportunity to stimulate growth. The political and economic agenda seems to be closely linked to the US stimulus for example (eg moves by private industry in concert with the govt to push high speed rail as an alternative to air transportation -- indeed the whole way in which air travel is being made increasingly more difficult).




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I can understand you perhaps questioning 1 and 2. But 3 and 4 are without any doubt true. It's an uncontroversial point of view.


Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of man made climate change:


@3 - there is a clear political will to end the dependency on oil from the Middle East. For political and military reasons.


@4 - the first sentence is without doubt true. It's unarguable. Evidence for the 2nd part would be US Federal funding via the Stimulus Package for plans to introduce high speed rail in the US.

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I can understand you perhaps questioning 1 and 2. But 3 and 4 are without any doubt true. It's an uncontroversial point of view.


Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of man made climate change:


@3 - there is a clear political will to end the dependency on oil from the Middle East. For political and military reasons.


@4 - the first sentence is without doubt true. It's unarguable. Evidence for the 2nd part would be US Federal funding via the Stimulus Package for plans to introduce high speed rail in the US.


Neither points are unarguable because they're phrased in a way that makes them ambiguous. They also contradict each other, depending on how much influence 'very much' is. There is a clear will to reduce dependence on the middle east, but that's just another consequence of the same root cause, our primary source of energy is running out, what's left is becoming harder and more expensive to acquire. This and climate change are the big influences driving renewable energy.


Yes, investment into renewable energy is part of the stimulus package, but those governments would stimulate their economies more by reducing tax on hydrocarbons. If stimulus were the only objective, you wouldn't pick renewables.

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