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Climategate Is Still The Issue


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If it happens we will find out. The planet will still be here long after we are gone.


An interesting approach. Perhaps we should take the same view with road safety. Close your eyes and play in the traffic. If you get splattered you'll find out, the road will still be there when you're gone!


the damage has been done,

there is northing we can do,

all this cut this and that, will never work,


look at china pumpping it out like theres no 2mro.


earth will still be here when we gone, it will change to suit its needs.

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The simple fact is man has fucked about with nature, he has polluted it, messed the natural order, over populated by extending life and eliminating the natural method of stopping genetic failures by infertility, he has destroyed species for greed, wasted its resources and generally fucked the planet up. She is now fighting back, the climate is unstable, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are on the increase, bacterial and virus infections are mutating to make them more fatal and resistant to mans medicines, where man has abandoned a facility. which has been seen in some remote areas where small factories and houses have been deserted, nature is actually regrowing and taking the area back over at an accelerated rate. In short we fucked with nature and we have lost now nature will teach the human race a lesson via some massive natural disaster or a global pandemic to decimate the species. No god or diety just plain nature saying enough is enough. We reap what we sow.

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Pongo, that's a pretty stupid post. If an artificial construction is natural, what's un-natural?

the damage has been done,

there is northing we can do,

all this cut this and that, will never work,


look at china pumpping it out like theres no 2mro.


earth will still be here when we gone, it will change to suit its needs.


Nobody's debating the future of the earth. It's our future that's important. Why are you now accepting that we caused the changes, but that we can't create a remedy?

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messed the natural order

There is no natural order/natural cycles. Compare any set of centuries and they will be different, often vastly different.


When the climate change lot say the worldwide temperature average has deviated by such and such they don't mean that this would be the temperature without human influence; they purely mean this is the historic average, and it'd be preferable to keep it the same/slow change. There is no doubt the amount of pollution man has pumped out has had an effect - the shear amount of 'CO2e' thrown into the air makes it virtually impossible for there not to be. Perhaps we'd have the same change regardless of human created emissions, in the 'natural course' of things, but the timescale would definitely be different.

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