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Proper Buliding Stone Needed


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A stone mason asking where to buy stone on the Island?


yeah mate although the island is made out off stone.

theres just afew quarrys that sell building stone.

i've used all off them .

all of them but one wont let you pick your own.

so when you buy from liks off earystone quarry & av crancs quarry.

they load you up with what they have picked

so you either build a shit wall & use it all.

or do top class walling job. but are left with a lot of wasted stone.

that can only be used for a soak away or rockery.

@£140.00 a ton

it seems to be a monopoly put up with it?

or start importing?


thank g0d for mezeron

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something looking like this


Got loads of it -





But it has not got any snow on it ... so I guess you're buggered.. until next April. If it's still there then I will give you a PM. :D


lol you keep ya snow


you got any for sale & has it been picked by a stonemason?

or monkeys? who hav never built in there lifes?

pm me price's & what make of stone.

thanks theMan

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Buildings are a man-made structure used for shelter!

The first was believed to have been built about 500,000 years ago

and guss what it was made out of? hmm may be stone

& Buildings b4 4king 4 got made buy

cave men.

when befor or after


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