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Good News On Hiv?


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*sigh....we truly will never become enlightened beings whilst the iron first of "religion" strangles us.


You live your life and I shall live mine. I have a moral compass and I don't need an arcane tome to show me the direction it points.

For once WSAG I am right with you on this, the only exception being my moral compass got broken many years ago and thrown out.

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Live a decent life and mix with decent people and the probability of cotracting HIV AIDS is virtually nil.


True.....******* boring though!


One life, live it. Be mindful of the consequences and take responsbility for your own actions. That's all the commandments I need.


Very good!


So let’s see. You know everything there is to know. About all things.


It must be so in order for it to be that you know all of the possible outcomes of any and all actions that you do or do not take!


You know all of the consequences of all your actions, and even take responsibility for them.


Responsibility. Your claim.


Do you mean responsibility, and so accept blame and plaudit as appropriate? Or that YOU decide what YOU want to do, evaluate what YOU know about the consequences, decide if YOUR self gratification is of move value than the costs that YOU have foreseen, and act accordingly.


Will you meet all of the costs that your actions cause to others?


Because if you accept responsibility that is the corollary.


Some commitment when you know all of the consequences beforehand!


Life is more than a tad more complicated than you perceive it to be.


Maybe you should re-visit the Pierian spring, but this time drink deep.

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It must be so in order for it to be that you know all of the possible outcomes of any and all actions that you do or do not take!


Isn't that the same for you then fella....or do you use the fall back position of "its in the name of God therefore it must be OK".....actions or inaction taken in the name of God, Christianity, call it waht you will, have equally serious consequences as those that my so called heathen ones do.


Just not lest you be judged....etc etc.


Thankfully by continuing to be the poster child of your beleifs on here you continue to hold it all up to mockery. Indeed you even make DjDan look normal!

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No use arguing with Spook; he worships someone who impregnated a young wife - rape and adultery all in one - and then condemns us for 'immorality.'


Anyway, as this thread was attempting to point out, it seems as though AIDS is about to be overcome. Therefore, if it was intended as a 'punishment' or 'warning' it would appear that this Almighty God character has had YET ANOTHER EPIC FAIL!

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Your statistics are wrong.


That aside promiscuous sex, sex outside of marriage, or adultery are all sure ways of HIV AIDS being propagated through a population. All immoral activities hence immorality is the conduit through which HIV AIDS flows. Live a decent life and mix with decent people and the probability of cotracting HIV AIDS is virtually nil.


So, if a person has sex, outside of marriage, then those two people, (one male and one female and both single) are immoral and are sinners. Is that what you're saying Spook?

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Your statistics are wrong.


That aside promiscuous sex, sex outside of marriage, or adultery are all sure ways of HIV AIDS being propagated through a population. All immoral activities hence immorality is the conduit through which HIV AIDS flows. Live a decent life and mix with decent people and the probability of cotracting HIV AIDS is virtually nil.


So, if a person has sex, outside of marriage, then those two people, (one male and one female and both single) are immoral and are sinners. Is that what you're saying Spook?



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HIV AIDS is a preventable condition. All people need do is lead decent lives and keep away from those who don’t and they are exceedingly unlikely to face any risk from it.
I am saddened by your opinion Spook. The world really would be a better place without such apparent and unnecessary bigotry.
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HIV AIDS is a preventable condition. All people need do is lead decent lives and keep away from those who don’t and they are exceedingly unlikely to face any risk from it.
I am saddened by your opinion Spook. The world really would be a better place without such apparent and unnecessary bigotry.


The day that the desire for decency amounts to bigotry is the day that things have reached the pits.

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Your statistics are wrong.


That aside promiscuous sex, sex outside of marriage, or adultery are all sure ways of HIV AIDS being propagated through a population. All immoral activities hence immorality is the conduit through which HIV AIDS flows. Live a decent life and mix with decent people and the probability of cotracting HIV AIDS is virtually nil.


So, if a person has sex, outside of marriage, then those two people, (one male and one female and both single) are immoral and are sinners. Is that what you're saying Spook?




I'm also saddened by your opinion. I'm not totally convinced that you're not trolling.

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I'm also saddened by your opinion. I'm not totally convinced that you're not trolling.


Why? Do you really find it so impossible to believe that there are people who really do have values that are good, decent, and right, and who live by them as far as they possibly can?


People that live in the world but do not live of the world preferring to follow the teaching of The Lord than fashion and today’s political correctness that is the door through which the fallen one gains such access as he does to the doings of mankind?


Because though you and others may find such people as myself impossible to believe, what that really shows is how far we who do lead decent lives are separated from the majority who sadly do not.


Once again it strikes me how bad a job those people who should have been spreading The Word on my Island have been doing in recent years. Where has been the outreach to schools? Where has been the outreach into society?


There are more than a few “dog collars” on the Island beneath which necks should be profoundly red with embarrassment as a result of realisation of a job badly done becomes clear and one Mitre that should be feeling very uncomfortable, and I don’t mean a pub.

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Let us be clear - safe sex is important. Very important. Spook's message does have a safe sex portion to it, though he's so blinded by his religious bigotry he can't express it in terms that make sense to those who don't have his zealotry.


I'll agree with him that monogamous relationships help reduce sexually transmitted diseases. I think that is a factual statement.


I also think society has got to get better at how it deals with relationships and sexual behaviour. Safe sex really involves safe relationships and I feel the consequences of unsafe realtionships are serious - though defining unsafe relationships is complex - Jimbms I wonder what your thoughts on this are?


AIDS kills 2 million people every year, if you add in the misery the suffers face before they die then that is a huge amount of human misery. You've then got the consequences of all the other sexually transmitted diseases which exist - syphillis, gonerrea, etc etc. If people practiced safe-sex then this suffering could be significantly reduced.


There are also the non-medical consequences of unsafe relationships/sexual behaviour - the sociological and psychological affects which range from loneliness, to simple jealousies, to obsessions, to low self esteem etc etc - and those can have consequences too from relationship anxiety to violent male behaviour as a result of those emotions.


Going steady helps many people feel better about themselves - I feel that is a simple fact and one I don't find particularly surprising, though obviously there also are many people who at certain times are fine to be on their own and either not looking or simply playing the field!


I very strongly disagree with Spooks religious beliefs. But I beleive there is a reason why monogomous relationships have become a part of relgions and dominant in societies which seek democratic social harmony - that is because as a social practice it reduces the spread of sexual diseases, helps in creating stable families, and reduces social inequality as you do not get men loosing any chance of having a long standing relationship because other more dominant men have created harems for their exclusive benefit (Yes, LDV this is a very heterosexual point of view, but that is the dominant social practice!) There is also a very obvious sexism to polygymy or having males unattached to the mother of the children they've fathered.


The phrase "Leading decent lives" is complicated.


I personally think it is possible for a porn star to lead a decent life, though I suspect few do! It involves being honest about the relationships you are having, and respecting your self. Definitely gay people, single people "playing the field" etc etc can also behave perfectly decently while having more than one sexual partner.


Marriage is a religous thing and a government thing as well as a personal thing, and people can choose whether they want to be married or not. A ring around a finger will not make a human relationship suddenly right and proper - it is the way the people conduct themselves whether in a long term relationship or not.


Deceit, not respecting your sexual partner or yourself, and not thinking about the longer term consequences of your behaviour are serious problems and lead to non-safe sexual and relationship practices.


Safe sex is more than just condoms. Ignorance of the consequences of sexual behavours have no doubt increased the number of people dying from sexual diseases like AIDS, and there are cultural issues in this as well.


The Aimish are not going to suffer particularly badly from AIDS. Certainly their culture has huge other problems as well, but there is a question whether the world can lead more decent lives than are currently being lived.


Sexual diseases stem from sexual behaviour and I do think there are decent and indecent ways to behaviour sexually. This isn't really about orifices, or the whether your sexual partner is the same sex as you or not. Its about how people deal with this most complex of all relationships.


Spook and Rog etc come onto MF and say the most bigotted of things - that instantly polarizes and trivializes the debate, but I think there is a reasoned debate to be had.


What is decent sexual behaviour?


If we better understood this, the prevelence of sexually transmitted diseases would be lower, and I believe people would feel more respect for themselves and others.


Is a grown up debate possible, who knows. MF isn't famous for them.

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