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Good News On Hiv?


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Why? Do you really find it so impossible to believe that there are people who really do have values that are good, decent, and right, and who live by them as far as they possibly can?


I find it perfectly possible. Most people do exactly that. You do not.


People that live in the world but do not live of the world preferring to follow the teaching of The Lord.


You only follow the parts that support your bigotry and prejudices.

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I'm also saddened by your opinion. I'm not totally convinced that you're not trolling.


Why? Do you really find it so impossible to believe that there are people who really do have values that are good, decent, and right, and who live by them as far as they possibly can?


People that live in the world but do not live of the world preferring to follow the teaching of The Lord than fashion and today’s political correctness that is the door through which the fallen one gains such access as he does to the doings of mankind?


Because though you and others may find such people as myself impossible to believe, what that really shows is how far we who do lead decent lives are separated from the majority who sadly do not.


Once again it strikes me how bad a job those people who should have been spreading The Word on my Island have been doing in recent years. Where has been the outreach to schools? Where has been the outreach into society?


There are more than a few “dog collars” on the Island beneath which necks should be profoundly red with embarrassment as a result of realisation of a job badly done becomes clear and one Mitre that should be feeling very uncomfortable, and I don’t mean a pub.


You have values that are good, decent and right. What, you are full of hatred and contempt for everyone who doesn't believe in or have your faith.


I really think you're screwed up. You show no compassion or tolerance for others and you seem to let this upset you, too the point of it spoiling your life.


I have a girlfriend who I love, we're both faithful and always will be. Unfortunately, I'm now told I'm an immoral person, (we both are) because we enjoy loving each other. I just don't get you spook.


Mind you, I'm virtually the devil incarnate because I sell cars for a living, we know what you think about that, Does the IOM want a reputation as a car sales man?


"Smarms all over you when you are a customer but cut and runs if things go wrong?


Offers guarantees that are worthless?


Well its has certainly done that!


A bank is not a car and the IOM is supposedly promoting itself as financial centre.


We expect car salesman to be unscrupulous,"


You really are a nasty little bigot. I pity you.

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You have values that are good, decent and right. What, you are full of hatred and contempt for everyone who doesn't believe in or have your faith.


I have neither hatred nor contempt for those who are not saved. What I do have is pity for them.


I really think you're screwed up. You show no compassion or tolerance for others and you seem to let this upset you, too the point of it spoiling your life.


People who reject The Lord only upset me to the extent that anyone would be upset watching a tragedy unfold, a tragedy that those involved within it have the means of preventing, but are not doing so.


I have a girlfriend who I love, we're both faithful and always will be. Unfortunately, I'm now told I'm an immoral person, (we both are) because we enjoy loving each other. I just don't get you spook.


If you love her, and she you, then you should join in holy wedlock.


Mind you, I'm virtually the devil incarnate because I sell cars for a living, we know what you think about that, Does the IOM want a reputation as a car sales man?


What do you believe that I think about car salesmen? The words that you quote are not mine.


In any case why should a car salesman not be someone who leads a decent life? I see nothing in the sale of cars that precludes such a thing.

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If you love her, and she you, then you should join in holy wedlock.

Why not just marriage, there is no need for church involvement, we have been happily married 27yrs, 2 sons both respectful and hard working and they have never set foot in a church and we refused point blank to have them christen to some false entity despite family, I have not seen the inside of a church for 35yrs my wife 30yrs and guess what we are very fucking happy not to bow down to those sanctamonious twats and instead livve life to the full without having guilt heaped on us by a bunch of 2 faced hypocrites, so you can take you holy creed and shove it up your holy hole.

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Two items:


It is difficult, as others have pointed out, to know how much dependence can be placed on media coverage of such things but this, surely, must mark a considerable step forward.


The first item is certainly positive and raises hope that there might be some kind of turnaround in Africa. My reaction to the second item is a little more reserved.


Although good news on the face of it, a lot of the benefit depends ultimately on the availability and take up of the drug. When it comes to sexual transmission, possible problems are that it's unlikely that those who lack either the access to condoms or the responsibility/awareness of the importance of using them will have any more access to the drug or be more inclined to take it regularly. Then there's the problem of cost, especially since those areas where infection rates are highest also tend to be quite poor. Compare with malaria: a disease with a number of established and potential methods of prevention and treatment, but which nevertheless remains devastatingly rife.

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When one stops and considers the groups who were first infected with the plague (?) and who form the majority of those now infected one can’t help but wonder if it is a plague or a message and a warning.

Curious how you interpret others matters, such as cancer, inheritable conditions, mental illness, drought, etc

I would suppose you believe it is all part of some plan - how awful.

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Spook, can I ask you two questions? One is have you ever eaten a rare steak and the second is do you have a suit jacket?

(don't worry, I'm not asking you out for a meal)


Since you ask no, I have not eaten a rare steak. I have tried steak cooked that way and don’t like it, and yes, I have several suites all including jackets and in a couple of cases waistcoats to match.


Rather curious as to why you ask though.

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When one stops and considers the groups who were first infected with the plague (?) and who form the majority of those now infected one can’t help but wonder if it is a plague or a message and a warning.

Curious how you interpret others matters, such as cancer, inheritable conditions, mental illness, drought, etc

I would suppose you believe it is all part of some plan - how awful.


With the exception of HIV AIDS, all part of our passing through The Valley of Baca. What we make of it and the choices that we make shows a great deal about ourselves.

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Since you ask no, I have not eaten a rare steak. I have tried steak cooked that way and don’t like it, and yes, I have several suites all including jackets and in a couple of cases waistcoats to match. Rather curious as to why you ask though.

Well, presumably, you base you attitude towards homosexuality largely on Leviticus 18:22. I wondered if you based other aspects of your life on the rules set down in that book, for instance "Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material" (Lev 19:19) or "Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it" (Lev 19:26). It would seem from your reply that you don't obey the first of these examples and by your own admission you have tried a rare steak, and therefore broken the second.

You also aren't allowed to eat rabbits or pigs (lev 11: 6 and 7)

Is one allowed to be selective about which rules to obey and which to ignore, because Leviticus says "Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out" (Lev 20:22).

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Not sure I understand you. Please elaborate.


HIV AIDS is a disease that is preventable by people living a decent moral life.


All the rest can occour without immorality being involved as we pass through this life.

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Since you ask no, I have not eaten a rare steak. I have tried steak cooked that way and don’t like it, and yes, I have several suites all including jackets and in a couple of cases waistcoats to match. Rather curious as to why you ask though.

Well, presumably, you base you attitude towards homosexuality largely on Leviticus 18:22. I wondered if you based other aspects of your life on the rules set down in that book, for instance "Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material" (Lev 19:19) or "Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it" (Lev 19:26). It would seem from your reply that you don't obey the first of these examples and by your own admission you have tried a rare steak, and therefore broken the second.

You also aren't allowed to eat rabbits or pigs (lev 11: 6 and 7)

Is one allowed to be selective about which rules to obey and which to ignore, because Leviticus says "Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out" (Lev 20:22).


Then you presume wrongly. I base my view on homosexuality on that which is natural and that which is not. I base the justification of my judgment on homosexuality on a biblical source.


As for rare steak, I tried it and rejected it. As for clothing I always go for pure wool. More costly but far superior to man made fibers or wool and cotton mixes.


That aside you make the mistake of failing to differentiate between Christianity and judaism. Jesus brought The New Covenant.


For the jew life is much more complex, and I have noticed in a recent Church newspaper a discussion on if genetically modified organisms can be eaten because of the rule prohibiting the planting of two crops in the one field. It is now the basis of a great deal of argument in some circles.

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HIV AIDS is a disease that is preventable by people living a decent moral life.


All the rest can occour without immorality being involved as we pass through this life.

Many get HIV from drug use. If you think drugs are immoral then think about alcohol and cigarettes and their role in cancer.

And what of those who contract HIV by having infected parents? It is a huge number of people in Africa.

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