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As for rare steak, I tried it and rejected it. As for clothing I always go for pure wool. More costly but far superior to man made fibers or wool and cotton mixes.

You still tried it and, therefore I condemn you, just as you would condemn someone who 'tries' sex outside marriage. Also, what holds your buttons on?

Then you presume wrongly. I base my view on homosexuality on that which is natural and that which is not. I base the justification of my judgment on homosexuality on a biblical source. That aside you make the mistake of failing to differentiate between Christianity and judaism. Jesus brought The New Covenant.

I'm not as familiar with the Bible as you, can you point me to the reference in the new testament which refers to homosexuality?

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Then you presume wrongly. I base my view on homosexuality on that which is natural and that which is not. I base the justification of my judgment on homosexuality on a biblical source.
This actually demonstrates that your understanding is formed from a particular perspective

that is heterocentric by resting on the matter of normality and a subjective opinion of what is natural or not.

You think that what is natural and not is a given, but I can see you use the term in the same way as normal.

Unless you wish to expand on what is natural or not? Either way, your beliefs just validate what is a particular individual perspectiv

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I'm with LDV on this one.


I wish no ill on anyone, whether they be gay, straight, disabled or diseased


Taking the attitude that they "reaped what they sowed" seems rather cold. Not how i would imagine a christian would act


I'm not a religious guy, but i dare say i come across as a nicer person than you


Live and let live, don't force The Bible down people's throats, when the majority of it is simply pure fiction anyway. Given the amount of priests/vicars who are done for child abuse, fraud and every other crime possible - the church is hardly one to preach about morality(no pun intended)

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I'm with LDV on this one.


I wish no ill on anyone, whether they be gay, straight, disabled or diseased


Taking the attitude that they "reaped what they sowed" seems rather cold. Not how i would imagine a christian would act


I'm not a religious guy, but i dare say i come across as a nicer person than you


Live and let live, don't force The Bible down people's throats, when the majority of it is simply pure fiction anyway. Given the amount of priests/vicars who are done for child abuse, fraud and every other crime possible - the church is hardly one to preach about morality(no pun intended)


You're so very right, somewhatdamaged, spook comes across as an angry and thouroughly unpleasant person. He's no christian.

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As for rare steak, I tried it and rejected it. As for clothing I always go for pure wool. More costly but far superior to man made fibers or wool and cotton mixes.

You still tried it and, therefore I condemn you, just as you would condemn someone who 'tries' sex outside marriage. Also, what holds your buttons on?

Then you presume wrongly. I base my view on homosexuality on that which is natural and that which is not. I base the justification of my judgment on homosexuality on a biblical source. That aside you make the mistake of failing to differentiate between Christianity and judaism. Jesus brought The New Covenant.

I'm not as familiar with the Bible as you, can you point me to the reference in the new testament which refers to homosexuality?


I deliberately worded my reply in the form that I did in order to emphasise that I had based my judgment on the OT, my judgment being a thing that is personal to me, and that it was my judgment rather than being a thing that was expressly forbidden in The New Covenant.


Now to the rest. Leviticus 19:19. Refers to a garment of mixed wool and cotton meaning the cloth from which it is made, not any fastenings nor the means whereby such fastenings are held in place.


As for meat with the blood still in it, Leviticus 19 : 26 (bis) relates to the draining of blood from a beast during slaughter, not to the colour of the meat based on how it’s cooked. Even the devout jew will eat rare meat if such is how his taste runs provided that the meat has been prepared in a way that removes the liquid blood from it beforehand.


Maybe a further visit to the Pierian Spring is required, but this time to drink deeply.


In spite of any of that the important thing in being a Christian is to try not to sin, and if one does sin to recognise when one has, to be genuinely sad that one has, and to resolve to do ones best to sin no more.


One will of course fail, such is the imperfect nature of man, but the essence is to TRY and if fall short to do something about it.

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This actually demonstrates that your understanding is formed from a particular perspective that is heterocentric by resting on the matter of normality and a subjective opinion of what is natural or not.


This is not a matter of subjective opinion, it is objective. Perversion can only not be perversion in the eye of the perverted.


You think that what is natural and not is a given, but I can see you use the term in the same way as normal.

Unless you wish to expand on what is natural or not? Either way, your beliefs just validate what is a particular individual perspectiv

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I wish no ill on anyone, whether they be gay, straight, disabled or diseased


Nor do I.


I do not approve of homosexuality, but I wish no harm on people who engage in that form of perversion.


I have to confess wishing a great deal of harm on people who abuse kids, but that simply shows that anything all of us can do is to try to do what is right, and where that is concerned try as I might I consistently fall short.


Taking the attitude that they "reaped what they sowed" seems rather cold. Not how i would imagine a christian would act.


We can help wherever and however we can, we can guide, we can advise, but that’s all.


I'm not a religious guy, but i dare say i come across as a nicer person than you.


Live and let live, don't force The Bible down people's throats, when the majority of it is simply pure fiction anyway. Given the amount of priests/vicars who are done for child abuse, fraud and every other crime possible - the church is hardly one to preach about morality(no pun intended)


You confuse “church” with Christianity. Far too often, in fact I would say mostly, there is a significant gap between the two.

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This is not a matter of subjective opinion, it is objective. Perversion can only not be perversion in the eye of the perverted.

But we all se your manical obsession with this lord gadgi as perverted therfore you are a pervert if you cannot see your perversion

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But what do you think makes a Christian? Maybe Spook IS a good Christian!


I try my very best to be. I would do everything that I could to help anyone onto the path of salvation.


Unfortunately there are things that simply can’t be glossed over with an “It’ll be alright in the end” sentiment.


Some things will NOT be alright in the end, and to try to pretend otherwise may well make people feel uncomfortable to hear and to tell, and yet to know but NOT tell is far worse a thing to do.

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This actually demonstrates that your understanding is formed from a particular perspective that is heterocentric by resting on the matter of normality and a subjective opinion of what is natural or not.


This is not a matter of subjective opinion, it is objective. Perversion can only not be perversion in the eye of the perverted.


You think that what is natural and not is a given, but I can see you use the term in the same way as normal.

Unless you wish to expand on what is natural or not? Either way, your beliefs just validate what is a particular individual perspectiv

What I am getting at is that you cannot make any credible argument when you rely on the subject of what is normal and natural. You're trying to frame the issue by treating certain matters in a heterosexual manner. Understandable, but we already know you have a biased perspective.
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But what do you think makes a Christian? Maybe Spook IS a good Christian!


I try my very best to be. I would do everything that I could to help anyone onto the path of salvation.


Unfortunately there are things that simply can’t be glossed over with an “It’ll be alright in the end” sentiment.


Some things will NOT be alright in the end, and to try to pretend otherwise may well make people feel uncomfortable to hear and to tell, and yet to know but NOT tell is far worse a thing to do.

But let's be clear on my point here. Far too many assume that Christianity is actually good because Christians are caring and loving people. People hear phrases like "Love thy neighbour" (and even enemies) and assume that Christianity is reducible to this and other mined phrases. Certainly it offers contradictions that ought to be recognised.
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What I am getting at is that you cannot make any credible argument when you rely on the subject of what is normal and natural. You're trying to frame the issue by treating certain matters in a heterosexual manner. Understandable, but we already know you have a biased perspective.


There is no argument possible for the simple reason that the engaging in sexual congress between two people of the same sex is simply and irrefutably a perversion of the sex act.


That is not a viewpoint, that is not an opinion, that is not subjective, that is not debatable, that is axiomatic.

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