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Violent Protests As Mps Vote To Raise Tuition Fees


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Well, the wonderful elected UK politicians outright lied to the people who elected them - understandable that some may take it a bit further than a sternly worded letter to the local MP. Lucky for the liars in Westminster, they have created a handy little police state that is only all too ready to spring into action.


Anyway - anyone else noticed that all recent protests seem to consist of 50% protesters and 50% members of the various media? Coppers must be getting confused who they're supposed to hit in that big pile of students and cameras.....




They really are trying their best to ram the country further into the ground than they already have over there...

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I cant see the problem myself.


they have raised them to a possable £9000 a year. most will be at £6000 a year.


this will stop endless ones going to uni for crap degrees that are not needed, and may make a lot of think well hold on i have to work at this because its costing me so much.


They pay back the intrste free loans back over 30 years at 9% of there income, but only after they reach £21000. if its not all paid back after 30 years its cleared.



Whic ever way you see it. one thing the rioting is not going to help them is it.

its pure yobish and not really welcome.


pageing LDV :rolleyes:

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Nah, loving it. Really refreshing to see the youngsters getting out on the streets and showing the scummy politicians how they feel. Vince Cable is looking an absolute arsehole after all his pre election bank bashing bullshit. The protestors get my full support.


Agree - about time we saw some revolting students again! I think Gazza's just a begruder - you can tell from his spelling that he didn't attended school, never mind university!

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they have raised them to a possable £9000 a year. most will be at £6000 a year.


this will stop endless ones going to uni for crap degrees that are not needed, and may make a lot of think well hold on i have to work at this because its costing me so much.


Ignoring for a moment the precise definition of a 'crap degree', I don't understand why people think fees mean that everyone will suddenly start studying Chemisty or Medicine.


The cost of education is higher and there's less in the way of student support in much of the United States, and yet the range and popularity of degrees which are considered lesser or 'micky mouse' is considerably greater than such a hypothesis would dictate!


If anything, higher fees just gives students another reason to shun the sciences and medicine, which are likely to be the more expensive courses. They also go some way towards encouraging institutions to become diploma mills, offering cut price, oversubscribed degrees with little effort or resources dedicated to education in an effort to make a profit and/or cross subsidise less popular degrees or research.

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Nah, loving it. Really refreshing to see the youngsters getting out on the streets and showing the scummy politicians how they feel. Vince Cable is looking an absolute arsehole after all his pre election bank bashing bullshit. The protestors get my full support.


Agree - about time we saw some revolting students again! I think Gazza's just a begruder - you can tell from his spelling that he didn't attended school, never mind university!


yep and you can tell your just a cock without a funny bone in your body :rolleyes: but what ever makes you tick son.


But slagging aside for a min.


Nope i diden go to uni, i had the option of going to collage in the UK, but i diden want to go, as i felt it would be pointless wasting 4 years of my life.


But then again i forgot, have problems spelling and grammer on these boards and well your just a thick fooker that wont go anywere. Well im doing bloody well for myself, Prob a lot better than the perfect few on this board.


So many go to uni just because it is classed as the hip thing todo, and that you need to go to uni to get on in life. while it may be a good 4 years of your life and come out of it with a degree at the end, it does not mean you will go far in life.

This has to change, and the increasing of fees will make the ones that just want to have fun for the next 4 years thing twice about just pissing it all up the wall.

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Nah, loving it. Really refreshing to see the youngsters getting out on the streets and showing the scummy politicians how they feel. Vince Cable is looking an absolute arsehole after all his pre election bank bashing bullshit. The protestors get my full support.


Agree - about time we saw some revolting students again! I think Gazza's just a begruder - you can tell from his spelling that he didn't attended school, never mind university!


yep and you can tell your just a cock without a funny bone in your body :rolleyes: but what ever makes you tick son.


But slagging aside for a min.


Nope i diden go to uni, i had the option of going to collage in the UK, but i diden want to go, as i felt it would be pointless wasting 4 years of my life.


But then again i forgot, have problems spelling and grammer on these boards and well your just a thick fooker that wont go anywere. Well im doing bloody well for myself, Prob a lot better than the perfect few on this board.


So many go to uni just because it is classed as the hip thing todo, and that you need to go to uni to get on in life. while it may be a good 4 years of your life and come out of it with a degree at the end, it does not mean you will go far in life.

This has to change, and the increasing of fees will make the ones that just want to have fun for the next 4 years thing twice about just pissing it all up the wall.




One thing is for sure you make a very good case for open access to higher education for all.

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Simple solution, if you can't afford to go to uni do like we had to, do an apprenticeship, study hard in your own time and get your degree via open learning, it is much more worthwile and is usualy held in higher regard by employers rather than they knowing you went to uni for 3 years and spent most of the time getting pissed and staying in bed.

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Simple solution

From a simple mind. You miss the point. Which is that the Lib Dems courted the student vote by including in their manifesto a pledge to abolish student fees over two parliaments. Not raise, or even reduce, but ABOLISH. As u turns go, you have to admire the completeness of it, never mind the speed. And I suspect they may now self destruct.

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