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Heathrow Boss Gives Up Bonus


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Time for change...
Agreed but the public sector is not as unaffected as you might suppose PK. Two examples I know of personally (ie people I really know rather than reading it in the Daily Wail)


Derbyshire County Council worker (been there over 30 years) had a £2k pay cut this year without any change to job description.

VOSA employee in his mid 50s had to apply for his own job again so they would dispense with 2 out of the 8 staff. He only heard on Wednesday that he had kept his job.

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Time for change...

Agreed but the public sector is not as unaffected as you might suppose PK. Two examples I know of personally (ie people I really know rather than reading it in the Daily Wail)


Derbyshire County Council worker (been there over 30 years) had a £2k pay cut this year without any change to job description.

VOSA employee in his mid 50s had to apply for his own job again so they would dispense with 2 out of the 8 staff. He only heard on Wednesday that he had kept his job.


I lost count of the number of times I had to re-apply for a job but I have to say - great timing! Have those in charge no sense at all? Talk about driving morale through the floor! Pathetic. I'm glad your friend has kept his job though but sorry for those who went. Earth shattering stuff, xmas as well, fools.


Tbh I'm starting to think that comparisons between the public v private sectors are a bit meaningless. They are just SO different environments. Especially on the management front i.e. all those I've ever had to deal with in the public sector have been pathetic, pedantic little men in big hats. I guess all the talent in the public sector goes into the private sector asap...

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Hehehe I have to admit last time I was asked to reapply for my job some years ago it backfired on them, I applied for 2 jobs and picked the one with a rival company at 20% better pay and as they had made me in effect out of contract they could not force me to sign a confidentiality clause or rights to contact clients etc, talk about home goal, I also took 3 others with me and totally fucked up 4 ongoing contracts they had.

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