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Not Out Of, But Rather Into Africa


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If anything that shows the consequence of Ham being cast out and explains the emergence of his progeny through breeding with whatever he encountered in his exile.


Although much is being discovered by the handwork of The Lord in creating the means for man to follow his path a very great deal is yet to be found out if indeed if it ever will be.

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Spook - is there any mental contortion you will not go through to avoid facing up to realities? The Bible is a set of historical books written by men and is not the infallible word of God. Those who wrote may well have considered themselves inspired by God but that does not mean they really were so inspired - their inspiration came from within themselves and their own minds.

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If anything that shows the consequence of Ham being cast out and explains the emergence of his progeny through breeding with whatever he encountered in his exile.


Although much is being discovered by the handwork of The Lord in creating the means for man to follow his path a very great deal is yet to be found out if indeed if it ever will be.

Maybe we should just give up, China?

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I rather thought that after the recent analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of the Denisova hominins that modern thought was not only moving towards a multiple location development and waves going back and fro Africa, mid east, asia and europe with considerable interbreeding and co existence of species like Homo Sapiens, Homo neanderthalis and Homo Desinova


Wiki list 14 different genus Homo species over nearly 2 million years. The Out of Africa theory is still predominant however. There is nothing, other than faith, to suggest that modern man originated in the Middle East and thus that the Bible is true.


The fact it is faith means that it is impossible of proof anyway. If it was proved it would be fact, not faith.

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John, my understanding is that "modern" man was a late mover out of africa. There had been many earlier movements and so homo sapiens didn't move into virgin territory, but a land inhabited by neanderthals, Denisovans etc. In the main these groups were ignored and were not able to compete with the "modern" populations and so went extinct, but a small amount of inbreeding does seem to have occurred and hence we have within our DNA some reminants of these earlier pioneers.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Breaking news is that archaeologists have found evidence in the Middle East showing earliest man there would appear to predate the earliest finds in Africa by 200,000 years.




Putting aside that dating processes themselves are based on the present understanding and use of dating processes themselves, what is relevant here is that this underlines the Bible in which the clues to the location of Eden indicate somewhere within today’s Middle East would also underline that man did not emerge from Africa but instead in the form of Noah’s sinning son went into Africa to found the people who populated that land.


Isn’t it fascinating how increasingly science is not debunking the Bible, but is being debunked BY the Bible!


A somewhat less Biblically-exciting view - LINK


"A stone-age archaeological site in the Arabian peninsula has become the focus of a radical theory of how early humans made the long walk from their evolutionary homeland of Africa to become a globally-dispersed species.

Scientists have found a set of stone tools buried beneath a collapsed rock shelter in the barren hills of the United Arab Emirates that they believe were made about 125,000 years ago by people who had migrated out of eastern African by crossing the Red Sea when sea levels were at a record low.

The age of the stone tools and the fact they they appear similar to those made by anatomically-modern humans living in eastern Africa suggests that our species, Homo sapiens, left Africa between 30,000 and 55,000 years earlier than previously believed. This casts new light on how modern humans eventually inhabited lands as far apart as Europe and Australia."

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