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Commonwealth Games Car


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On the prom yesterday there were 3 or 4 purple cars travelling along with big stickers on their doors saying something like "Queen's baton - Commonwealth Games", and they had a police escort with flashing lights (which caused me to pull over).


And I spotted the same thing today.


Anyone know what that's all about? I can't find anything on IOM online.

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Wasting more police time and resources  :(


From doing what?? Hardly think that a couple of police outriders following this for a few hours will leave a crime spree in its wake. FFS everyone complains when the IOM get no or bad publicity and then when something harmless comes along people complain...sometimes this place gets right on my t*ts!

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The car was at Cronk Y Berry School at 9 this morning when I dropped Junior off.


Not from a waste of money point, but the motorcycle outrider and 4x4 accompanyment looked a bit overkill for a stick, although saying that, there were less cars parked on the yellow lines.


I dare say that somewhere in the world there would be some chump who'd happily hijack/steel the stick for publicity though, so maybe the police escort is worth it. I wouldn't fancy the publicity if it went missing here.

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All I'm saying is when ever I have called the police about a crime they have never done anything about it except turn up and tell you that they can't do anything about it.


But when ever there is something like this or when the film companies are filming on the Island the police are out in force.


I understand some idiot might try and steal the baton or get in the way of filming but why can't they pay for private security companies instead of using the police that our taxes are paying for?

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No I'm saying that following a baton around and watching films being made is standing around doing nothing.


If they didn't waste time doing that stuff perhaps they could spend more time on preventing and solving real crimes.


Unless of course the film companies and event organisers do actually pay for the police to be there then thats okay :D

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I agree, If they can't afford to have their own security then leave the baton in whatever store cupboard it sits in for the rest of the time. I don't see the big deal.. I hear there are several batons so people are being mislead if they think that they've touched or seen "the baton"

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I agree too. the bloody queen should pay for her own security too, and Im sick and tired of seeing police officers wasting time stood outside the governers residence. and dont get me started on number 10! :P

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