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R.i.p. Gerry Rafferty

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An Isle of Man connection, sort of:


Gerry Rafferty used to do the circuits in Scotland with Billy Connolly before either of them became famous. Some of their pals did quite well too.


Billy Connolly came over to play the Villa Marina in 1977 (I think that year - but I will have the ticket somewhere). At the time Connolly was being followed by a member of the clergy who used to protest and heckle him at his concerts because of his 'blaspheming' (such as the wonderful sketch The Crucifixion).


Connolly was due to play on the Sunday and Gerry Rafferty (and band) were the support for the tour. There was then a powercut in Douglas (sorry, I mean outage) before Connolly had done his set and spontaneously he blamed the Godly presence of the Bishop or whatever he was. Anyway, so as not to disappoint the audience, he stayed an extra day on his night off and performed on the Monday.


The first night Rafferty had played his more modern Rock numbers and by way of variety he played his roots folk on the Monday.


So, two concerts for the price of one. Of course few people had ever heard of Gerry Rafferty and it made a nice surprise to hear Baker Street hit the charts soon afterwards.

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