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Hmv To Close 60 Stores As Sales And Shares Slump


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As to the earlier question of why anyone would buy a CD...


Can't answer for the others, but for me I like to be able to read the sleeve notes, and I prefer having something that I 'own'. I've downloaded stuff from iTunes, and I'm not sure it's as user friendly as they make out. For example, when I change computer and want to transfer my iTunes library, you start getting little messages about only having 3 more computers to play this music on etc.


I've had some of my CDs for 20 years or so. Will I still have the same iPod in 20 years? Will I still be able to access the digital files on whichever computer I'm using then? Doubtful. You may reasonably argue that CDs will be obsolete in 20 years, as they probably will be, but you'll still be able to get a CD player if you need one, just like you can still get a turntable and play vinyl today, and transfer the CD onto whatever digital medium is in use then.


You own: the case, the paper/ink that is used for any printed packaging and the physical materials the disc is made of. The recordings are merely leased to you, which is why record companies can complain about copying/sharing (unfortunately).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Christ knows what Game is going to do in a few years. Only sell hardware?


Unlikely as there is so little margin in it for them, the only space that is really profitable to Game is the pre-owned market which from the developers point of view is little better than piracy.


I can't see a future for Game really, although I dread the day when everything is digital distribution.

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Unlikely as there is so little margin in it for them, the only space that is really profitable to Game is the pre-owned market which from the developers point of view is little better than piracy.


I can't see a future for Game really, although I dread the day when everything is digital distribution.


And of course, the pre owned market is also stuffed by downloads.


Dread the day? You never bought a new pc, signed into steam and simply re-downloaded all your games? Digital rules man!

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Unlikely as there is so little margin in it for them, the only space that is really profitable to Game is the pre-owned market which from the developers point of view is little better than piracy.


I can't see a future for Game really, although I dread the day when everything is digital distribution.


And of course, the pre owned market is also stuffed by downloads.


Dread the day? You never bought a new pc, signed into steam and simply re-downloaded all your games? Digital rules man!



I've never been a fan of Steam, a few really bad experiences early on. Forced updates even for single player content being a major sticking point of mine, especially as Steam always seems so slow for downloads. I will say though that WoW is improving my opinion of digital distribution, having Cata preloaded and ready to go on launch was quite nice.


The main reason I dread it though is the removal of choice, for example if the next generation of consoles are DD only then you will be forced to pay the price set by Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo and considering the pricing of the Xbox on demand service things will never be cheap, especially as there will be zero competition.


The other thing I think we will see is a reluctance for shops like Game, if they are still around, to stock digital only consoles, as the margins are so small and they make their money from software and pre-owned sales, which in turn could see the consumer with very limited choice as to were they buy consoles again, potentially, increasing the cost. See the PSPGo as a prime example of how shops feel towards digital consoles an attitude that played a part in the consoles failure.


Although the flip side of this is that developers will get their cut from everyone that plays their game, which in theory should lead to better games, and maybe a little more diversification in the market if we are lucky.

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I've never been a fan of Steam, a few really bad experiences early on. Forced updates even for single player content being a major sticking point of mine, especially as Steam always seems so slow for downloads. I will say though that WoW is improving my opinion of digital distribution, having Cata preloaded and ready to go on launch was quite nice.


Pretty sure you can disable updates for anything now, not sure how long that's been in there for? Not got a speed issue with downloads, it maxes out pretty much every time.



The main reason I dread it though is the removal of choice, for example if the next generation of consoles are DD only then you will be forced to pay the price set by Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo and considering the pricing of the Xbox on demand service things will never be cheap, especially as there will be zero competition.


Could be a danger, but it seems to be the publishers setting the price not MS. MS seem keen on keeping prices low. There's still competition, PSN vs XBox Live vs Apple and Android stores for example that'll keep prices down.



Although the flip side of this is that developers will get their cut from everyone that plays their game, which in theory should lead to better games, and maybe a little more diversification in the market if we are lucky.



Definately seeing that already. My fave games of last year were all digital download games that probably wouldn't have ever appeared in a box on a shelf, Limbo, Recettear, Pac Man CE DX, Plants vs Zombies, Guardian of Light and a ton of brilliant indie games like the Radian Games series, gravitron and chtulu.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Another interesting release method for Radiohead. The physical album is out in May, but if you order you can have the digital download now. Digital versions available in 320k mp3 or uncompressed WAV for a slight (£3) premium. Good way of giving everyone what they want.



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