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Animal Deaths


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I waited to see how the unsaved would react to this event, yet another event in the Breaking of the Seals, and I was saddened to see that what I feared happened. It has been turned into a sick joke.


This is predicted in the Bible. The little known prophet Hosea predicts it, and his prediction can be read in the Book of Hosea, chapter 4, verses 2 and 3 being particularly plain to see.


By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.


Hosea was one of the “Minor Prophets” who spoke during a period when many of the people of Israel had turned way from The Lord, just as so many of the once Christian people and their children have now turned likewise away.


In the event Hosea’s prophecies came to pass and the people of the North who continued disobedience to the lord were defeated and taken into slavery while those in the South who repented and returned to The Lord were delivered by Him.


It will happen again, the events now taking place are there, like the writing that at Belshazzar's Feast, there to be read by those who are able to read them. And like the background to Belshazzar's Feast for the same reason.


Don’t let Mene, Mene, Tekel u-Pharsin be said about you or your kids. It’s not too late to be saved, all you have to do is accept Jesus as your redeemer and follow his teaching as well as you can.


I know what will now follow, but if a single soul can be saved it’s worth being ridiculed. It’s a price I gladly pay and literally less than nothing compared to the price that Jesus paid for the souls who have accepted and those in the present and future continue to accept salvation.

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I read the bird deaths were due to them overeating on seeds and getting indigestion, and consequently falling out of the sky


Nothing to do with a premonition of doom from the almighty lord.


I find all this religious claptrap rather offensive if i am being honest. I don't like the thought that certain people are suggesting that myself, and people i love will "burn in hell" due to not following the teachings of the Lord.


Besides, if it transpires that there is a God, i'll just sincerely apologise come the day and he would let me into Heaven anyway.

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I waited to see how the unsaved would react to this event, yet another event in the Breaking of the Seals, and I was saddened to see that what I feared happened. It has been turned into a sick joke.


This is predicted in the Bible. The little known prophet Hosea predicts it, and his prediction can be read in the Book of Hosea, chapter 4, verses 2 and 3 being particularly plain to see.


By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.


Hosea was one of the “Minor Prophets” who spoke during a period when many of the people of Israel had turned way from The Lord, just as so many of the once Christian people and their children have now turned likewise away.


In the event Hosea’s prophecies came to pass and the people of the North who continued disobedience to the lord were defeated and taken into slavery while those in the South who repented and returned to The Lord were delivered by Him.


It will happen again, the events now taking place are there, like the writing that at Belshazzar's Feast, there to be read by those who are able to read them. And like the background to Belshazzar's Feast for the same reason.


Don’t let Mene, Mene, Tekel u-Pharsin be said about you or your kids. It’s not too late to be saved, all you have to do is accept Jesus as your redeemer and follow his teaching as well as you can.


I know what will now follow, but if a single soul can be saved it’s worth being ridiculed. It’s a price I gladly pay and literally less than nothing compared to the price that Jesus paid for the souls who have accepted and those in the present and future continue to accept salvation.

You know that thing on the top of your neck...I'd be getting a specialist doctor to give it a check up if I was you.

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I read the bird deaths were due to them overeating on seeds and getting indigestion, and consequently falling out of the sky


The lord works in many ways. What do you think made the birds eat to excess, if indeed that was the cause of their deaths? Or caused the fish to die in large numbers, of the other signs.


Nothing to do with a premonition of doom from the almighty lord.


I find all this religious claptrap rather offensive if i am being honest. I don't like the thought that certain people are suggesting that myself, and people i love will "burn in hell" due to not following the teachings of the Lord.


Not people, the word of The Lord and the will of The Lord.


Besides, if it transpires that there is a God, i'll just sincerely apologise come the day and he would let me into Heaven anyway.


No, your time on his earth, what you do, and the decisions you make in faith, trust, and love of The lord is to determine if you are fit to dwell with the righteous. When you face your maker it will be too late.

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