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Blame The Government


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I have just spent the last hour watching a program on Men and Motors, made with the help from the IOM Police and the Department of Tourism. It was called the fastest bikes in the world and was filmed on location in the IOM and on open roads. Five riders and bikes were tested on the open roads, the Riders were pulling wheelies, riding on the pavements and reaching speads of 170mph on the open roads (two of these riders are now dead,one racing here, one in a helicopter).

This is the image that the IOM Government promotes, no wonder we get a small % of recless riders here, that spoil the fun for the rest.

Why would the IOM Department of Tourism and IOM Police promote such a film if they are concerned over road safety and speed restrictions.

As Ive said in other posting along with others, This Government dont know its ass from its elbow.

And Ans this is factual, the film will be repeated on Sky Men & Motors 20/7/04.

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Made in July 2001, same Minister for Tourism and the same Chief Constable.

Following this program was the fastest cars in the world, filmed in 2003 and part of this film was also filmed here on the Island, so in theory we are not practicing what we preach. TV is a very powerfull tool and both these films were made by an IOM Company.

I started this thread in the hope of getting some good feed back, following the latest fatalities on the Islands roads not to be slagged off. Sensible replies on this topic may bring up a solution to the accident problems that we have, something that could be passed on to those concerned.

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I've noticed a few groups of english registered bikes and fast cars over here outside of the race / rally periods when you would expect to see them. I can only assume that they are "speed tourists"


I've recently heard that Germany is thinking of putting a limit on the autobahns because they are having people from far and wide arriving for a high speed thrash down the autobahns.

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Most a-Bahns now do have a limit in place and it's rigidly enforced.


What's more, in most cases the limit is weather dependent - one speed in fair weather - a lower speed in foul.


Still dosn't stop the inevitable eejit who gets right up youir arse with their 'left turn' indicator flashing as if to make the point.

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Motorway driving is not the same as the driving on Manx roads, In the USA you will get fined for driving under the min speed limit. The Idea behind this post was to try and make some constructive veiws and Ideas regarding the sfety on Mnax roads, without using the excuse of banning motor sports.

What I would like to see during race weeks (bikes) is more motor cycle police on the roads of the island and during rally week a greater show by the police on the back roads to stop the boy racers. Another Idea during race week would be to install well sign posted sleeping policemen and filter lanes at areas with a bad record of incidents.

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it seems you miss the grasp of my idea!



along main roads where they seem to speed you narrow the lane and install temp lights. of course you have plenty of warnings up before hand.

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Maybe those in power should look at the ages of those killed in road accidents, my opinion is that it seems to be a lot of our youth. Maybe the kids of today have to much money, or rich parents who can afford to buy faster cars. Should insurance companies step in and jack up the price of insurance on the young drivers and reduce the price for the older and more experienced drivers. I wish I had the answer, I sick of picking up the papers and reading about someones children being killed. Ans reply is NOT the answer, getting rid of bikes will not reduce fatalities, an increase may help, our roads cant cope with the amount of traffic. My 5 year old son has a motor bike and by the time he reaches the legal age to drive I hope he will have the boy racer attitude out of his system.

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