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Drunken Teens Blight Area Of Onchan


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While I can understand this is a right pain in the arse, and to be honest I did similar things in my youth (not the vandalism!) . This has been discussed before, what else do they expect them to do? Bowling? The Cinema? Unfortunately, I take the view that hanging round and drinking is, in part, due to the fact there's nothing much else to do.


Obviously teens will always drink, be sick and do naughty things - even if there is sufficient entertainment - thats just part of life.


EDIT - forgot to mention, I don't condone all the pointless vandilism, crime etc, but the general hanging round and lack of things to do is what I was getting across.

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'We are aware of house parties, which we have been trying to clamp down on, where underage drinking takes place and is either condoned by adults or completely unsupervised."


crack down on house parties? surely what people do at home is their own biz.


no matter how much there is to do kids will still do this sort of thing, I did it myself and there is stuff to do, just nobody wants to 'do things' at that age

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I appreciate that the vandalism side of things needs clamping down on but i know alot of respectable people who grew up drinking on the streets of onchan ( or in the graveyard, or round at friends house while parents are away ) As far as im concerned its a rite of passage..


ahh i remember the day i 'nearly' got caught drinking rum behind the nursery hotel ( where the new shoprite is for you younguns ). If only the police werent so lardy they would have caught us...tee hee

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we had them all outside our house a once or twice a while back, about 30 of them. not suprising the police got called a few times. my parents were even assaulted while trying to brake up a fight on our garden, and we also had our ladders from our drive stolen a couple of weeks later.


i think the reason many dont go to the cinema or bowling is because it costs money, and they cant drink there. so the only option for them is to drink on streets or at these parties

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The fact that kids get drunk and throw up is just life, its the apprentiship of youth, and there's nothing at all wrong with it.

The problem we have is the kids have absolutely no respect for adults anymore, i believe this is due to the banishment of corperal punishment. I got cained plenty at school, for nothing really, by todays standards, and the slipper was a regular feature in our house, you'd go to jail for that now. I believe i've turned out alright, never done anything seriously wrong. Yet these kids walk around like they own the place, i heard bout some 30-odd year old, got mugged on the prom bout a month ago by a gang of kids, whats that all about?

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The fact that kids get drunk and throw up is just life, its the apprentiship of youth, and there's nothing at all wrong with it.

The problem we have is the kids have absolutely no respect for adults anymore, i believe this is due to the banishment of corperal punishment. I got  cained plenty at school, for nothing really, by todays standards, and the slipper was a regular feature in our house, you'd go to jail for that now. I believe i've turned out alright, never done anything seriously wrong. Yet these kids walk around like they own the place, i heard bout some 30-odd year old, got mugged on the prom bout a month ago by a gang of kids, whats that all about?


I pretty much agree with all of that. Except I never got caught doing anything worth getting caned for at school, but yes the slipper (preceded by the shoe) was a particular enemy of mine as a youngster and whilst it wasn't funny at the time I did learn respect for rules and how to behave well in general regardless of the odd delve into underage drinking. When I did that I'd be sitting quietly in a park with a mate, hoping not to attract attention rather than running amok.

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We are aware of house parties, which we have been trying to clamp down on, where underage drinking takes place and is either condoned by adults or completely unsupervised."


Unbelievable. They whine about kids being out on the streets drinking and unsupervised and then when it is in a slightly more controlled manner they try to stop it.

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Ah good ol' Kemp, damn fine officer of the force :)


Also, fair enough if they are unsupervised the police should have a say, but "house parties ... where underage drinking takes place ... is either condoned by adults", if there is an adult there and they say its ok there is bugger all the police can do about it. Only when "As these parties break up, the drunk youngsters get involved in criminal activity" can they do something.

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We are aware of house parties, which we have been trying to clamp down on, where underage drinking takes place and is either condoned by adults or completely unsupervised."


The problem is these 'adults' are not in most cases the parents, they are simply irresponsible over 18's who think it's ok to supply under 18's with alcohol.

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Aye...then you get the idiots that whine and stops kids getting the facilites...like a PROPER SKATE park etc.

Only thing I'll say is that in the 70s I saw skateboarding come and then disappear for probably over a decade. I'm sure there's a similar governmental idea that we only have to wait just a little longer and kids won't give a monkeys about skateboarding and all those skate parks will be empty and unused as a result...

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Aye...then you get the idiots that whine and stops kids getting the facilites...like a PROPER SKATE park etc.


The poor sods cant win.


Haha, well maybe if they got one it would be a start.


Sorry just noticed loaf's post. I know loads of guys that skate (can't skate for a nice cream pie myself) but in fairness when the government see something they only ever see the surface of it. Skateboarding continued after it died out as a 'trend' with those who enjoyed it, and since it's become a 'trend' again it's deemed popular now. Just because something people enjoy isn't in the direct sight of the public eye doesn't mean it isn't there. Perhaps the gov. should get out and actually talk to the people who live in these areas instead of basing their ideas of what constitutes kid's fun-time on their own agenda.

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(Putting aside those who can consume alcohol and still act in a responsible manner)


I suppose that underage (or any) drinking to excess only becomes a problem is when it is YOUR car that has a key dragged down it, or YOUR wheelie bin is set on fire or it is YOU confronted by groups of delinquents.


Otherwise the problem isn't a problem and doesn't need clearing up.

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The fact that kids get drunk and throw up is just life, its the apprentiship of youth, and there's nothing at all wrong with it.

The problem we have is the kids have absolutely no respect for adults anymore, i believe this is due to the banishment of corperal punishment. I got  cained plenty at school, for nothing really, by todays standards, and the slipper was a regular feature in our house, you'd go to jail for that now. I believe i've turned out alright, never done anything seriously wrong. Yet these kids walk around like they own the place, i heard bout some 30-odd year old, got mugged on the prom bout a month ago by a gang of kids, whats that all about?


A percentage of kids have no respect for adults - but you cannot make a general statement for all teenagers!! I know loads of fantastic teenagers!!! And thank goodness for them - breath of freshair with their eneregy and zest for fun and life. (I have a teenager, and have never had to use 'Corporal Punishment' to instill the respect he has towards others. Stop knocking young people - many adults should stand back and luck at the way they live their lives...

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