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Drunken Teens Blight Area Of Onchan


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The fact that kids get drunk and throw up is just life, its the apprentiship of youth, and there's nothing at all wrong with it.

The problem we have is the kids have absolutely no respect for adults anymore, i believe this is due to the banishment of corperal punishment. I got  cained plenty at school, for nothing really, by todays standards, and the slipper was a regular feature in our house, you'd go to jail for that now. I believe i've turned out alright, never done anything seriously wrong. Yet these kids walk around like they own the place, i heard bout some 30-odd year old, got mugged on the prom bout a month ago by a gang of kids, whats that all about?


Ok, so you think that hitting kids is going to stop them hitting others when theyre older......i think you need to get your facts straight mate. And anyway who gave you the right to hit someone just because they are younger than you - you sound like a hippocrate. I thought you wanted to teach the children not to enforce violence...

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Yeah right - and after whacking a few of the little hooded thugs I'd continue by teaching them how to spell big grown-up words like hypocrite!


Oh my goodness aren't you masterful and strong!!.


Sometimes folk make spelling mistakes - get over it! But them you are your name I suppose - GRUMBLE - and what a great contribution to society you would make.



Point that was being made was that violence is not solved by using violence - if only it were that simple!!!!!!


Enforced community service, that is what I think is the answer - make any thugs (whether adult or teenager) work so damn hard, they dont have time to bully or abuse anybody.

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if violence isnt solved by violence, seems funny that since we stopped using any corporal punishment kids have gotten so violent, disrespectful and generally far worse than ever before


Community spirit is being lost - is that down to lack of corporal punishment?

Ok - so havent you noticed a decrease in behaviour amongst adults too?


I will say it again - my son has not needed corporal punishment to know the difference between right and wrong - and to have respect for himself and others.


Parents need to be more responsible for where their children are - and what they are doing - I often wonder when I see young folk wandering around the streets late in the day - where on earth their parents are - do they care?


Materlialism has caused a lot of problems IMO - and change in family values.

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You've all got good points.. Wouldn't it be lovely if we didn't have to use violence, But what methods of control are available that allow an individual to protect what is theirs, and stay within the law; because the law is more important than any individual.!!!


Take this scenario.


I walk out of my mothers house one day, to be met by a gang of eight or so 16-19 year olds by my car. What insolence, what complete and utter disrespect these lads must have for me and my property. How must I handle the situation. It was an Audi Coupé and the biggest lad of them was sat on the bonnet of my pride and joy completely ignoring my approach. We're talking feet of the ground here, not leaning against the wing, Sat ON the bonnet.

I approach and proceed to unlocked the car; THEN What happens next????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Before I tell you let me know, what would you do. This is not the first time This gang has hung around my motor..??



My previous car had been destroyed by kids, all because I would shout at them for climbing on my car and the parents did nothing. 'Kids being kids' what most would say.. Really, I don't ever remember touching other peoples vehicles, let alone climbing and sitting on them like they are toys..


There is a lot more to this story, but I won't bore you with to much detail, anyone who has had a run in with local gangs from any neighbourhood will understand how they target you if you stand up to them.

The question on all of their warped minds is are you stronger than them, are you tougher, blah, blah, blah. Their morbid fascination with violence and being top dog encompasses their little bubbles AKA their personalities. The last thing I want to do is subdue these kids, but they must learn that they also cannot dominate other individuals in their environment. Its bullying like.


Remember I'm talking about a particular gang of kids I experienced, who are quite stereo typical of most delinquents who believe they are better than their fellow citizen.


What are their parents doing teaching their children to have this outlook on life..???


The reality is most parents have little input into how there children react when not at home. Peer pressure is a dominant force to be reckoned with. No matter how strict or laid back you are as a parent.


The irony is they will one day have property and belongings of their own, and how angry will they get when they have the next generation of kids abusing them. I hope they learn from it and grow in to better people, though something tells me they will cry the loudest injustice.

I just feel sorry for the kids who don't think the world owes them a living, who don't vandal other peoples environments. They are the real victims.

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That's just why corporal punishment - or at LEAST the very real threat of it - is a good idea. I feel deeply for Fer Aile (I don't have the Manks so I hope I'm referring to a person) and can completely identify with that situation.


I was being flippant earlier Educa, and I apologise for winding you up. But the spelling thing is (to me anyway) indicative of a lack of respect. Many young people want to be heard, and feel they DESERVE to be heard, but aren't prepared to go through the hard work of learning how to give voice to their thoughts.


And before you rail about how unneccesary it is to spell and punctuate (as long as the message gets through) let me say I was utterly hopeless at maths at school - but if I'm talking to an accountant I HAVE to understand HIS vocabulary. If you want to post on a forum and can't spell or punctuate, good for you - but expect to be corrected. It's laziness - like saying 'free' instead of three, and 'fink' instead of think. That's not a speech impediment, it's laziness and 'street', and I don't think it should be encouraged.


I have children and NEVER smacked any of them. And I'm not a yelling sort of bloke. But the threat of a clip behind the ear was always there, and they learned early on what the parameters of acceptable behaviour were.


It's not about being big and macho - far from it. And by the time they're teenagers, it's too late anyway.


Children explore the boundaries - that's their job. Ours is to set the boundaries and patrol them vigilantly. You can't always reason with kids - so the best thing is to let them know the consequences of their actions.


Little Wayne the toddler having a screaming fit in Tesco ISN'T expressing himself and his frustration, he's being a little xxxx, and deserves a couple of warnings then a good slap. You can reason with him until you're blue (I've seen enough 'modern' Mums and Dads do that), but he'll not do it again if he knows that the consequence of his action is embarassment and discomfort.


That same logic extends until early teens, by which time if they're antisocial, you've lost them for ever.

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I have no problem with 'kuffin' kids , my old man did it to me and i think i grew up quite a normal person, he was not a violent man i was just a difficult kid when i look back on it now i can see why he did it, i now have a 14 year old son and have never had to hit him. You know the law is at it wits end when you get best part of 70 kids grouping outside the 'kensington road youth club' and the 'trinnity church' filling the street from curb to curb, and all the cops can do is send round 1 car and 1 van a total of 5 cops, to do what i was not quiet sure :huh: felt sorry for the cops what would you do, all they could do is to stand there and go " stop, don't do that" " i told you to stop it"," can you move along please",


i thought of spraying the little B*****ds with a dye and then when their parents came in to complain about it you could find out who they are and do something about it , as if you caught a kid and took them back to their parents they would come out with " My child would never do that, you must be wrong"



if we get another 'Get together' i will try to get a foto

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I agree Grumble and Digga. Kids are very good at knowing where the line is drawn, and they are just as good at dancing around 'the line' as well.


My wife's sister has a little boy who kicks and screams when ever he doesn't get his own way.

Now for some reason, when I say to him ?put that down? or ?no? etc... he obeys me.. amazing. But when his mum or dad tells him to do something he kicks off big time.. I've never smacked or spoken to him a detrimental manner.. what is at him.. why doesn't he ignore me like his parents..???? Simply put, he can see that my children obey me immediately without question, like it or not it is not there place to question me, and this kid is smart enough to see this and reacts to it, young children mimic older children; once you get it wrong with the oldest of your kids, the youngest follow the older ones lead. He isn't the only kid in our family and friend circle that acts like this with me... My mother has the same effect on kids as well.. I suppose its where I learned it. But this to me is evidence that bad kids are the result of lazy parents.


I suppose its the Manksie in me.

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Back on the booze issue ---


Quite apart from the legal aspects of underage drinking and quite apart from the behaviour of kids singly or worse yet in groups who have been boozing there is the much more serious matter of the real physical harm that young people are doing to their bodies with the consumption of alcohol.


The toxicity of alcohol on people who are still physically developing is far more pronounced and WILL cause damage to kidneys and liver and ---- worst of all to the developing brain.


That means – put simply – that boozing under age makes people thicker than they might otherwise be.


The ‘age’ thing is about when the body has past puberty and the bits that are likely to be damaged by booze whilst they’re growing have finished most of the growing that they’re going to do and so are less susceptibly to being permanently deformed by booze.

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