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Claim Back Those Parking Tickets


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ok, not a particularly serious law


If the fire engine or ambulance couldn't get to your house because someone had parked on double yellows, would you class that as 'not a seriously serious crime'?

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I'd class it as a point stretched too far


Double yellows are there for a reason. One of those reasons is because the emergency services cannot reach certain destinations if people are parked on double yellows. Surely that's not a point stretched too far, and a crime some have committed to have received a ticket and will now try and claim back?


Some double yellows I have a doubt as to why they are there, but that is not my question.

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well to be honest I haven't looked at what you were arguing about - I just looked at it in the context of parking tickets having been issued illegally..... but yeah you won if you want have a cookie etc

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Seems quite fair really. As much as the refund would be a nice bonus, I would probably agree with Declan as all the ones I've received were warranted. If they gave me it, great, but I'm not going to pursue it.

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Oh rubbish Blakey, of all the parking tickets I've had, not one has been for parking on double yellows.

All have been when I couldn't get out of work to move the car, or meetings dragged on too long, basically exceeding the allowed time within disk parking zones.

It's a money-grabbing exercise, simple as that.

Areas with double yellows that if parked on would obstruct the emergency services are few and far between, not to mention you're unlikely to get booked there anyway as the wardens are too busy checking disks.


EDIT: just a thought, but if the authorities were really concerned with cars obstructing the emercency services, wouldn't they instead tow the car away? After all, a yellow sticker containing a fine of £40 isn't really going to help Mr & Mrs Smith and their 5 kids stuck on the 4th floor of a burning building waving helplessly at the obstructed fire engine is it? :)

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It's a money-grabbing exercise, simple as that.


No, because if people parked within the law all the time, there would be no money to grab. If you feel that strongly about it, why not launch your own silent protest by vowing not to get any more tickets. Walk to work. Take the bus. Cycle. Get a lift with someone who has a private park. I've not had a single ticket since they went up to £40 a few years ago because I'm careful and I obey the parking laws. What makes you think you're so special that you need to be made exempt?


The time limited parking is there to stop people parking up all day in prime parking spots so they can go to work, while shoppers trying to get to commercial outlets can't find a park anywhere. Imagine the problems you have finding a park now in the centre of Douglas and then imagine it without any parking restrictions. You'd be even later for your meetings because you couldn't find a park within 3 miles of the office as it was full of finance workers who filled up the streets at 6am.

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Where did I say I thought I was "special enough to be exempt" you silly little man? Not that I need to explain myself to you, but there is no bus service to where I live, and it is far too far away to walk. I do operate a car sharing scheme, but by it's very nature this means I am the driver sometimes.

I don't have a problem finding a parking spot, not sure why you would assume I do.

And if you believe the streets aren't full of finance workers filling up the streets already, you're even more naive than you sound.


It is a money-grabbing exercise, and if anyone is in any doubt of that, ask yourself why Chester street carpark has three of it's six levels permanently rented out to finance workers, and not there to be used for the shoppers they claim to care so much about!

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