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Claim Back Those Parking Tickets


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....... ask yourself why Chester street carpark has three of it's six levels permanently rented out to finance workers, and not there to be used for the shoppers they claim to care so much about.....

I thought they were used by DHSS peeps from Markwell House?


But anyway, these people would be parking in Chester Street anyway wouldn't they. I would have though they have put them on the upper levels to free up the lower levels for shoppers?? Just a contrary to your argument.


Back OT.


The law is there, like it or not, if you choose to break the law then you have to face the consequences, which in this case is a fine. The argument that, owing to a technicality regarding their job titles, some now wish to proclaim that, even though they broke the law, they should be re-imbursed is somewhat shabby.


I do agree, however, that I would like to see them concentrate on the dangerous parking a bit more. But then again, maybe we just notice that more and. therefore, mentally note the lack of Warden / Controller??

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I don't have a problem finding a parking spot


And do you know why? Because parking restrictions prevent people whoring spaces all day. Yes, I'm fully aware that lots of people cheat the system. I've seen the 11am rush to change the disc, it happens at my work occasionally when there's a shout of 'Traffic Warden!'. The fact remains that lots of people don't cheat the system and as such, parking spaces are cycled much more evenly.


Chester St Car Park is run by the Corporation, who have nothing to do with parking control. That's the DHA. The comparison is weak and meaningless.


Your entire argument is based on the fact that you're essentially going 'Waaa waa waaa, this is SO unfair' and you're completely ignoring (either through innocence or stupidity) the simple mechanics of parking control. Without penalty, there is no deterrant and without deterrant, you wont get a park anywhere.


PS. Get a bike. Nowhere on the Island is more than an hour away for an able bodied adult.


PPS. Use the park and ride if it's still going. You can then walk between meetings.


PPS. Waaaaa!

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Oh dear. Are you trying to sound pathetic and childish or is that just the way it come out Ans?

My "argument" as you put it is with Blakey, who is trying to make out most parking tickets are double yellow fines, obtructing emergency services parking offenses are rife, and a parking tickets is a serious offense due to this.

My office has 3 parking spaces and 37 employees. The partners use the parking spaces, four of us use a car share, and a couple don't drive/live nearby. The rest drive in, park up and change their disk all day long. Once every six months or so everyone gets a ticket, but they generally agree this is cheaper than payng for parking all day every day! It's a common scenario, not just something the odd tightwad indulges in now and then!

I have no problem with my tickets (I can afford it), however, I am not so foolish as to believe for one second that this is anything but a money-raking scheme!


PS. No. I don't wish to stink like a Frenchman when I arrive at the office, I have some compassion for my fellow man.


PPS. No. The buses and those on them do stink like Frenchmen, I avoid those types thank you very much.


PPPS. Most intelligent thing you've said so far my dear.

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however, I am not so foolish as to believe for one second that this is anything but a money-raking scheme!


On the contrary, you sound like just the type of person that is embittered by the world and thinks that everything in life is unfair. The world needs more selfish and insular people like you, incapable of looking any bigger than their own backyard.


Perhaps it is a money raking scheme. After all, they need to find some way of recouping the money that they're cheated out of by people fraudulently abusing the system. Chicken and egg. For a money raking system, they're doing exceptionally poorly with me as I've not had a ticket for years.


Any appearance that I am childish is merely an attempt to empathise with you and communicate with you on a level you might understand. Clearly I'm not being childish enough so I'll let you rattle your playpen in peace. Your assertion that you can afford the tickets anyway only confirms that you have more money than sense, and given that it would be true if all you had was the spare change you found down the back of your sofa, I bow down before your superior naivety and withdraw from this fruitless discussion.

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Any appearance that I am childish is merely an attempt to empathise with you and communicate with you on a level you might understand. Clearly I'm not being childish enough so I'll let you rattle your playpen in peace. Your assertion that you can afford the tickets anyway only confirms that you have more money than sense, and given that it would be true if all you had was the spare change you found down the back of your sofa, I bow down before your superior naivety and withdraw from this fruitless discussion.

Miaow!! :lol:


Thanks for your withdrawal. Judging from your obvious pent-up frustration I'd hazard a guess it's the first one for years. :)

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You will find that Chester Street carpark is run by DOLGE not the Corporation. If you don't believe me ask Kevin Barber at DOLGE.


Perhaps instead of making childish comments about other forum users you would like to spend more time checking your facts, I would expect better from a moderator.


As for money grabing ideas perhaps you would like to concider the fact that the Disc zone behind the Sefton is being done away with in order to force cars into Chester Street, where the cost are rising above inflation.

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Yellow lines are supposedly there lo keep a highway clear for access for through vehicles or in areas where vehicle turning may require extra space (eg corners etc), so why suspend the parking in Market street down the left side of the highway? like a lot of areas in central Douglas... no need at all, they are just forcing people into the over priced public car-parks.


Next there will be hundreds of miles of double-blue lines strewn across the beach so Frank Shimmin's deck chairs will earn a better revenue!

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Quite right Broadcaster, I missed that. Anyone who has ever had an excess charge ticket (as I have!) will know that the Corporation do not run it, as fines must be paid to the DLGE.


....... ask yourself why Chester street carpark has three of it's six levels permanently rented out to finance workers, and not there to be used for the shoppers they claim to care so much about.....

I thought they were used by DHSS peeps from Markwell House?


But anyway, these people would be parking in Chester Street anyway wouldn't they. I would have though they have put them on the upper levels to free up the lower levels for shoppers?? Just a contrary to your argument.

DHSS workers/finance workers, same thing really. Workers, not shoppers is the point. Not sure about if they would park there anyway, as I think (not sure) that the longest you can get a ticket for is 3 hours?


A handy scheme for Chester St car park: talk to the others in your office, everyone park in Chester St, only one of you get a ticket. Change who gets the ticket daily. If any of you ever get an excess charge notice, get the ticket from the one who paid and tell them it fell off. Popular trick with many I believe!

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