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Jurassic Park


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if you wouldn't usually eat it i wouldn't bother, if there were giant sheep around back then they'd be worth a punt. :rolleyes: i could a see a market for those little things that look like skinny micro T rex that were in JP 2 and ganged up on the twat with the cattle prod in the river. bring back the DODO, anything that must have tasted that good must be worth resurection?? an overweight bird with a big beak and fairly useless? i think i had an ex girlfriend i was living with turn into one?? :P , any blood on the turin shroud?? :D:D:D

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Gazza, why are you so concerned?


because why in the world do we need to produce something that died out for a reason,

if they were ment to roam around now, then evolotion would have sorted that out once again,


not as if there going to be able to let it go in the wild is it, not going to have much of life being tested on all its life.


just seams wrong

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I believe that it is due to curiosity.


From doing some reading, it does seem that the likely explanations for their demise was largely due to glacial retreat and hunting.

If this is the case, then why the concern with developing one or a few out of curiosity?


Maybe the concern is due to some idea that there is some plan or that because evolution led to something dying out then that means it SHOULD have died out. But there really is no plan. There is just a long-term process where things that can't adapt to changing circumstances die out.


There is no playing God, as there is no God and no plan that humans are upsetting.

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Think of the plus side a herd of these animals up in Jurby could provide enough meat to feed the island and enough wool to clothe everyone as well as run a biomass generator from the amount of shit they create, now if you could put a bit of goat in there as well you would also have an efficent waste disposal plant.

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