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Catholic Church Covering Up Abuse


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I imagine many organizations are blighted by people who abuse their positions - many a school suffers from abusive teachers, and of course paedophile priests have been a problem for the Catholic Church.


The existence of paedophile priests is a tragedy for the children who have been abused by them. And no doubt their presence has damaged the reputation of this Church, but far far far more serious, and in my view, a serious crime, has been the Catholic Church's attempt to shield such priests from the secular authorities.


This hiding of child-rapists, moving them from Diocese to Diocese as they continue to abuse, and secret attempts to enforce Church law to stop cooperation with law is simply evil and so so shocking.


It simply destroys the Catholic Church's claim to be an organization with any moral authority. Its hypocritical and dangerous attitude - allowing child-rapists to go unpunished - deserves to be uncovered, publicized and the assets of the Church seized to pay compensation.


These stories have been around for a long time - priests unpunished and moved around Inuit Communities.


- Cardinal praising a Bishop for sheltering a paedophile priest.


- The Pope when a Cardinal writing to Bishops telling them not to inform the secular authorities but use Church law.


Now there is a new revelation to shame the organization - the Vatican ordering Irish Bishops not to report abuse to the police.


This isn't an isolated abuser. It is a systematic, organized cover up of crimes, deliberately hiding them from the authorities.


It is absolutely unacceptable, deeply immoral and has been Catholic policy for years.


This is not Catholic bashing. It is bringing a monsterous crime, which will have brought untold suffering to thousands of children worldwide, to light.


If an organization has someone who commits evil within its ranks, that is not necessarily a slur on the organization. But if that organization covers the actions of this person up, then it takes on responsibility for this, and should be brought to account.


That is what must happen to the Catholic Church as a result of its cover up. It has put its own authority before justice - and as a result must loose its authority and be brought to justice itself.

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Couldn't agree more! This is an absolute disgrace but I fear they will never be held accountable as the facts have been widely known for many years but the Vatican are a law unto themselves. Countries (such as the UK last year!!) welcome the Pope with open arms and spend millions of pounds on ensuring he can do as he pleases.


They will not change their ways in my opinion

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  • 10 months later...

When expressing concern about institutional child abuse it's risky to assume that it's a problem in the Roman Catholic Church alone.


People in any institution that has excessive power over children may abuse that power. Like, for

example, the UK Home Office:


Protecting children's rights in custody



  • The UK locks up more children than most other industrialised countries.
  • There have been 30 child deaths in custody since 1990, but not one public inquiry.
  • The State has approved painful restraint techniques which injure, hurt, degrade and frighten children.

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You need to ask yourself whether the systematic abuse of children by the catholic church has other purposes other than just the twisted sexual urges of sick excuses for human beings.


Does the catholic church recruit paedophiles or do all these thousands of priests become perverts once they don the cloth? Which then makes you ask the unavoidable question, are they following some sort of internal doctrine of the church, formal or informal, and what purposes if any are to be gained (apart from physical gratification) from abusing young children?


There are plenty of very good researchers who have spent decades collating evidence from around the globe which would appear to indicate that there is more of a Modus Operandi to these apparent random acts than meets the eye.

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Then you must surely think the same of the baptists church in the U.S. and other denominations. It is not uncommon throughout all Christian churches.


I think it unlikely that the Church would hire known paedophiles as part of some secret system to sort out priests who want to shag a child. There are very good explanations of why this happens in the Catholic Church without need to ponder about secret procesess.


Do you have any reference to this research?

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“The truth is there will always be a little bit of molestation—it’s simply unavoidable,” Vatican spokesperson Rev. Federico Lombardi said. “But the fact that young boys have gotten much more attractive over the past few decades is no excuse for the blatant defiance of church limits that have been in place for centuries.”


“The majority of priests don’t want to molest kids at all,” he added. “But for those who do, we must make sure they’re doing it AT A REASONABLE RATE!!!


WTF?! How much paedophilia and molestation is deemed reasonable in the House of God????!!!

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I've always been of the opinion that every one needs a jolly good shag! All this abstinating[comedy values with the spelling] malarky is just silly. Let all grown up adults have a jolly good rodgering, whichever hole is their goal and that way we have no pent up aggression and the need to pick on those that can't defend themselves.

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The Roman Catholic Church has no monopoly over abuse of children or adults.

All organised religions are guilty of abuse.

The Jewish faith circumcises baby boys for religious and not medical reasons. That is child abuse and assault on a minor.

The Islamic faith circumcises young girls for the same reason and then forces them to marry.

Other offshoots of the Roman Catholic Church (protestants) have other ridiculous

Practices and beliefs such as the Amish in the USA etc. etc.

When will people on this planet wake up and realise that there is no GOD. The concept of a god is designed by man who cannot accept that when he dies his consciousness is terminated.

And when will people stop putting the religious beliefs they have which are stunting the proper evolvement of mankind which science wants to pursue but is hampered by the god freaks.

Even on our Isle of Man we have a Bishop in our Tynwald who leads prayers to an almighty nothing and all the members of the dishonorable court go along with this mumbo fucking jumbo.

When will all this bullshit end and parliaments throughout the world start looking after people and disregard the crap and do the job!?

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