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Blair To Face War Crimes Trial

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If he had his way ...


I must say, despite managing to look like a 70+ year old German sex pest in Bangkok, I have a lot of time for what he has to say. Yes he's conceited, yes he's arrogant but I'm with him on this issue.


and he can take that weasel Campbell to the Hague with him.

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Actually, the thread was posted in an effort to promote some 'healthy' debate regarding last night's Question Time programme involving George Galloway & 'Ex' Tony Blair advisor Alistair Campbell, amongst others. One of the pre-determined audience questions re-visited Tony Blair's decision to take the country to war in Iraq despite 'alleged' Attorney General misgivings. The distain for each other (Galloway & Campbell) was there for all to see.


The fact that private notes between Bush & Blair during the run up to the conflict won't be published in the Chilcot Enquiry fall out speaks volumes for so called political transparency.


You seem to have missed the point & the programme evidently, but chose instead to rubbish someone else's viewpoint.


Well done you. I shall look out in the future for other pearls of wisdom that you peddle.

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