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Save The Ring


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I'd much rather see BROOKLANDS restored. That's real motor racing history - not this johnny-come-lately German place!


The Ring is still in daily use as far as I know. To restore Brooklands you'd have to buy and demolish parts of a couple of housing and industrial estates. Would be nice to see but it's never going to happen.




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OK Amadeus. Just leaves the question of who is going to pay for the Ring as a motorsport venue. Do you expect the German taxpayers to stump up or how else can it be financed?

By Irish Banks?

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OK Amadeus. Just leaves the question of who is going to pay for the Ring as a motorsport venue. Do you expect the German taxpayers to stump up or how else can it be financed?

It lost moderate amounts of money before this ott project was forced upon it - they could have started by putting someone in charge who had a clue, like motorsport experience, etc. Instead, they chose Walter Kafitz, a man who got fired from his last job, got this position through political connections and saw the track for the first time when he arrived there to start work - not a hint of an idea, that man.


He came up with a flawed plan for a stupid project and wasted so much money on consultants, Porsche must have seen a big spike in their profits that year. His friend the finance minister fell for a Swiss conman while trying to finance this wet pipedream and now the brown stuff has impacted the fan.


The only constructive way forward is to separate the track from the horrible NuroDisney next to it or to simply chase the shady characters that are Richter and Lindner out of town. The big venue is built, the damage is done - but over time, people with experience can make the best out of it at the least expense to the taxpayer. At the moment, all we have is two leeches who are lining their pockets with taxpayers and fans' money while little to no investment will go into the track - and that just can't be it.


anyway: story & my little translated vid made it on jalopnik - nice one



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