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Stop Smoking


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I read some time ago that they were going to put graphic pictures on bottles of alcohol. I'm not quite sure what the 'graphic' nature of the pictures is going to be, maybe a picture of someone standing at a bar with an ugly woman and some reference to beer goggles or perhaps a picture of someone pissing in the steeet. I guess they could do something boring and show a liver but that might only make people feel hungry.


Anyway, how far does it have to go? Are they going to force manufacturers to put 'graphic' pictures of road accidents on cars to remind drivers that their cars can kill?


Should take away food have 'graphic' pictures of very fat people on the packaging and warnings that food can make you fat?


Going back to the alcohol bit, maybe it should just have a warning that says ugly people might become very attractive if you consume the contents of this bottle.

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Funnily enough I was just thinking about the warnings they could/should have on booze bottles this morning, if only standing next to fugly blokes was the worst thing that could happen.......


Also smoking is ACE, I stopped because it was killing me a bit but I love it, I wish I could smoke sometimes and be done with the nicotine addiction but it is a very real addiction. What I do not understand is how or why the NHS are giving out NRT as an aid to stopping smoking, the FACT is nicotine is addictive and nicotine dictates the level of nicotine the person requires, waste of tax money as per usual!

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Funnily enough I was just thinking about the warnings they could/should have on booze bottles this morning, if only standing next to fugly blokes was the worst thing that could happen.......


Also smoking is ACE, I stopped because it was killing me a bit but I love it, I wish I could smoke sometimes and be done with the nicotine addiction but it is a very real addiction. What I do not understand is how or why the NHS are giving out NRT as an aid to stopping smoking, the FACT is nicotine is addictive and nicotine dictates the level of nicotine the person requires, waste of tax money as per usual!


I think that the tabacco companies realise that smoking is out of step and they are losing customers therefore profit so have brought out NRT products to keep people addicted and keep their profits rolling in all courtesy of the taxpayer, awesome business acumen by the tabacco companies, plus the governments don't really want people to live past retirement age cos then they have to pay them their pension entitlement, so whilst they say "smoking kills and we must stop it" what they're really saying is "we know it kills, hopefully it'll kill lots of 'em at the end of their productive and tax paying life, but we have to be seen to be doing something that supports stopping smoking".

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I read some time ago that they were going to put graphic pictures on bottles of alcohol. I'm not quite sure what the 'graphic' nature of the pictures is going to be, maybe a picture of someone standing at a bar with an ugly woman and some reference to beer goggles or perhaps a picture of someone pissing in the steeet. I guess they could do something boring and show a liver but that might only make people feel hungry.


Anyway, how far does it have to go? Are they going to force manufacturers to put 'graphic' pictures of road accidents on cars to remind drivers that their cars can kill?


Should take away food have 'graphic' pictures of very fat people on the packaging and warnings that food can make you fat?


Going back to the alcohol bit, maybe it should just have a warning that says ugly people might become very attractive if you consume the contents of this bottle.


Gee - you're a funny guy <_< - women could have the same problem with ugly blokes and let's face it, there's more chance of that given the state of most blokes nowadays.


They might just show pictures of throat cancer as alcohol is the biggest cause of throat cancer.


Just to add a bit more joy to this thread: if you drink wine or anything alcoholic with your meal, most of the nutrients of that meal are lost as your liver views alcohol as a toxin and will deal with that first. So, food passes by without being filtered for said nutrients.


Enjoy your tipple :rolleyes:

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All they need to do is put the price on the packet. You soon stop smoking after a 'howwwwwwwwwwww *****ing mooooooch!!!' heart attack.

As a none smoker, I do not know how much cigarettes are these days, but as a child, I do remember my mother saying, 'Once they get to 50p, then I'm stopping'. Unfortunately she never did till two friends of hers died many years later and I'm presuming this was related to smoking, as she packed in soon after.


So how much is cigarettes these days, how much tax goes to the Government and does the price of ciggies have any impact on certain groups like children or pensioners?


Amount in taxation collected from tobacco sales: £8m


Cost to the NHS of smoking related illness: £3m


Nice big fat surplus: £5m


Just accept that whatever you do will kill you.


Also, what's so great about old age anyway? Let's see what we could look forward to in this old age we're all striving to reach:




Cardiovascular (Blood Pressure and Heart Disease)

Cerebrovascular (Strokes)




Falls and Injuries

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Hearing impairment

Memory Loss

Nutrition Problems


Parkinson's Disease

Respiratory Disease

Pressure ulcers

Sleep problems

Thyroid Disease

Urinary Disorders

Visual impairment.


Woo Hoo!

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Cardiovascular (Blood Pressure and Heart Disease)

Cerebrovascular (Strokes)




Falls and Injuries

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Hearing impairment

Memory Loss

Nutrition Problems


Parkinson's Disease

Respiratory Disease

Pressure ulcers

Sleep problems

Thyroid Disease

Urinary Disorders

Visual impairment.

I've got one of those, but I can't remember which one.

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An elderly relative of mine has age related memory loss, it is really really sad to see, I don't want to get that old.


So did my Nan, I felt so sorry for her. She also had numerous strokes, which cost her the ability to speak properly, she had mobility problems too. Lived in an old people's home that she hated.


Old age? You can keep it.


Live fast, die young and leave a beau .... well, the first two anyway.

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Ah sod it, let people drink smoke take hard drugs who cares, in return just put on the medical files of those that do the simple 3 letters that will solve all the cost to the health service, DNR.

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Ah sod it, let people drink smoke take hard drugs who cares, in return just put on the medical files of those that do the simple 3 letters that will solve all the cost to the health service, DNR.

Good idea. And the policy could be extended to people who get off on pervy sex acts and end up eg accidentally asphyxiating themselves.

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They might just show pictures of throat cancer as alcohol is the biggest cause of throat cancer.


Just to add a bit more joy to this thread: if you drink wine or anything alcoholic with your meal, most of the nutrients of that meal are lost as your liver views alcohol as a toxin and will deal with that first. So, food passes by without being filtered for said nutrients.


Enjoy your tipple :rolleyes:

You must be a barrel of laughs to be with on a night out.


Live fast, die young and leave a beau .... well, the first two anyway. drink plenty of water with your meal...

Fixed it for you! ;)

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All they need to do is put the price on the packet. You soon stop smoking after a 'howwwwwwwwwwww *****ing mooooooch!!!' heart attack.


In my experience a heart attack is the one thing that will make someone stop smoking. I've seen loads of (predominantly male) patients in their 70s who had a relatively mild heart attack many years previously, which was the end of their smoking career. Had they not had it and therefore continued smoking, chances are they wouldn't have lived that long.


It could be argued that a mild coronary is the best thing that could happen to a smoker.



Emphysema is the really nasty smoking related illness but gets little publicity compared to cancer/coronary.


With emphysema you progressively lose the ability to expel air and CO2 from the lungs and likewise the lungs lose the ability to absorb oxygen.


The result is ever increasing strain to breathe out and even to speak.


This causes the chest and diaphragm to work harder and increase in muscular development leading to a dome shaped diaphragm and characteristic “barrel chest”.


The domed diaphragm pushes into the stomach and thus the sufferer is afflicted by acute acid indigestion at every meal.


The arms and legs may go thin and spindly with all effort concentrated on the chest.


CO2 in the blood plus lack of oxygen causes loss of memory, insomnia.


Eyesight fails. Personality changes include anger, irritability and an argumentative nature. The chest is congested with mucus such that you fear to sleep as the discharge accumulates and is murder to get rid of in the morning.


Daily life consists of dependency on asthma-type inhalers. The end stage requires permanent link-up to oxygen including portable supplies for outside.


No one really knows when an emphysema patient will die. But the process of getting there is more drawn out than cancer. You can see people out and about with these plastic tubes fitted for oxygen.


In the end you can’t move, walk, talk, speak or breathe and the old ticker gives out with the strain but it takes ages.


Pray for a good bout of “the old man’s friend” - pneumonia - a nice flue or cold can spark this off and give you welcome half day out with the undertaker.


I am currently watching a friend go down with this illness. Diagnosed four years after he quit smoking for good - Too late!!!


You forgot to mention (cant imagine why) that Emphysema is an autoimmune disease, and thus can effect anybody, smoker's or not.

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