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Execution Using Uk Drugs 'may Have Gone Wrong'


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The execution went ahead despite expert testimony questioning the efficacy of the sodium thiopental that was sold to the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) by Dream Pharma, which is run from the offices of Elgone Driving Academy by Mehdi "Matt" Alavi.


Georgia is now the third state known to have acquired sodium thiopental from Dream Pharma. Prison officials have struggled to source it from within the US after the domestic company that manufactured it stopped producing it last year.


In a sworn affidavit seen by The Independent, Dr Heath said: "If the thiopental was inadequately effective Mr Rhode's death would certainly have been agonising. There is no dispute that the asphyxiation caused by pancuronium and the caustic burning sensation caused by potassium would be agonising in the absence of adequate anaesthesia."


So much, then, for painless and humane executions.

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Funk me. That sounds horrific. What on earth were the US Govt doing buying chemicals from a UK company without no ISO and quality controls. Talk about know your client (or supplier)!


Although there is another argument, an eye for an eye and all that. I’m sure he had callous regard for his victims...

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Whatever your views on the alleged suffering of the executed murderer (and, despite popular mythology, there has never been the slightest bit of evidence that painful executions deterred others from murder), don't you find it somewhat strange that a UK company such as Dream Pharma - which is run from the offices of 'Elgone Driving Academy' - should be providing these drugs?



They say that they can source and supply Healthcare providers products:


Ø On a named patient basis


Ø Discontinued products


Ø Hard to find Products


Ø Orphan drugs


Ø Products that are licensed in other parts of the world

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Less hassle? Guns are messy, noisy, plenty of potential to go wrong, and some poor sap has to spend his day blowing people's brains out. There's a handful of good reasons for you there.


use a washable room, with a silancer, theres 2 problems gone.


cant see any poential problems myself, please share,


What is the diffrence of some poor sap having to blow there heads off to sicking a needle in them, your still killing them, so cant see that as a good reason,


Any more good reasons you can find :rolleyes:

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Talk about knuckle-draggers. Does anyone actually know the circumstances of this man's crime other than he committed murder? He may have been a horrific murderer who killed someone who the enjoyment of it but he may have been someone who killed in a moment of rage who feels great remorse over the issue, which I think matters.


And besides, although I don't agree with capital punishment, the manner in which capital punishment has been carried out for the past century or more in Britain, the USA, and even longer in France has been to make sure that the criminal does not suffer but simply received their death, as it would be immoral for the State to be unequal in the scope of the punishment offered for a particular crime. And it can also be said that the desire for cause suffering prior to death is simply a populist desire for revenge (a bit of blood and all that) to assuage the anger because murder has been committed. Sounds a bit childish to me.

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but he may have been someone who killed in a moment of rage who feels great remorse over the issue, which I think matters.



I bet they all feel remorse if it got them off.


"im really really really sorry i raped and killed his wife, i have deep remorse and feel bad, i never do it again Mr judge"


o yes i can see it now in your world LDV

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Less hassle? Guns are messy, noisy, plenty of potential to go wrong, and some poor sap has to spend his day blowing people's brains out. There's a handful of good reasons for you there.


use a washable room, with a silancer, theres 2 problems gone.


cant see any poential problems myself, please share,


What is the diffrence of some poor sap having to blow there heads off to sicking a needle in them, your still killing them, so cant see that as a good reason,


Any more good reasons you can find :rolleyes:


Are you kidding me? A solution to something making a horrible mess is to just do it in a washable room? What the fuck is a washable room anyway? You gonna cover the walls in cling film?

Silencers lower muzzle velocity, by the way.


You're telling me there's no difference in psychological impact between quietly injecting somebody with a drug which will quickly kill them, and blowing a hole in them? :/

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