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Clutch Replacement For Me Defender

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Just wondering if anyone would or knows someone who would replace the clutch on my 94 300tdi Defender for a price? Just prices in garages are rediculously expensive (that type of expensive I can't afford)I would please like someone who knows what they are doing not coming up to get a kick for mechanics and b*llocking everything up.

Thankyou ever so much, and if you do know a garage that won't charge an arm, a leg and the mortgage to the house please let me know!

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Is it just the clutch slipping or is the thing juddering also? Could also require dual mass flywheel, big bucks there. How much is too expensive? It's a very labour intensive job for a garage with proper ramps let alone a mechanic working with axle stands. I've fitted lots of clutch's over the years and can honestly say that landys were the biggest pain.

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Is it just the clutch slipping or is the thing juddering also? Could also require dual mass flywheel, big bucks there. How much is too expensive? It's a very labour intensive job for a garage with proper ramps let alone a mechanic working with axle stands. I've fitted lots of clutch's over the years and can honestly say that landys were the biggest pain.

Clutch slipping BADLY you can put it in fifth and it will idle without stalling, it will move very slowly with alot of revvs. it doesn't judder. £300 is my limit atm, I can't afford a price over that and garages are wanting more. I know, I don't know what to do :/ Are they? Oh bugger, I am stuck.

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try Weed at Weedspeed @ Braddan, he's a landy guy


Ok I shall ring him. does he do clutches? Thanks Tempus

Good idea that, jobs like that need to be done by someone who loves that sort of thing. Weed is you man.


First thing tommorow I will give him a ring, I hope he can do it otherwise my poor beauty will be sat on the drive while I conjure up some money magically. Thanks everyone for you kind help! :D

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If you can get a garage to do this for anywhere near £300 you will be doing very well. The parts are around £80 - £100 depending on what you have done, e.g. if you do the release fork at the same time.

In order to get at the clutch you either need to remove the gear box or engine. If you take the box out you can either take it out through the cab, which involves removing seats, doors (not essential but makes it a good deal easier), parts of the floor etc, or if you do it on a ramp you can take it out from below, but then on most models you need to remove a cross member from the chassis, which can be a real pig to do. The alternative is to take the engine out.

Most specialist Landrover dealers who regularly do this job struggle to do it in a full day, and if anything goes wrong, e.g. seized bolt it can easily hit 2 days. If it is a non defender specialist garage who are not used to it, i would say 2 days. Most garages labour if £40 and up these days so if it is a day and half (12hrs) that is going to be around £500 just in labour.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it is a real pig of a job, I know from experience. The only time i did it it took me nearly a week to get it all sorted. (Seized bolts and did a few other bits whilst the engine was out, timming belt etc)




PS To get an idea of the work involved have a look at http://www.lro.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=43244&start=0&

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If you can get a garage to do this for anywhere near £300 you will be doing very well. The parts are around £80 - £100 depending on what you have done, e.g. if you do the release fork at the same time.

In order to get at the clutch you either need to remove the gear box or engine. If you take the box out you can either take it out through the cab, which involves removing seats, doors (not essential but makes it a good deal easier), parts of the floor etc, or if you do it on a ramp you can take it out from below, but then on most models you need to remove a cross member from the chassis, which can be a real pig to do. The alternative is to take the engine out.

Most specialist Landrover dealers who regularly do this job struggle to do it in a full day, and if anything goes wrong, e.g. seized bolt it can easily hit 2 days. If it is a non defender specialist garage who are not used to it, i would say 2 days. Most garages labour if £40 and up these days so if it is a day and half (12hrs) that is going to be around £500 just in labour.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it is a real pig of a job, I know from experience. The only time i did it it took me nearly a week to get it all sorted. (Seized bolts and did a few other bits whilst the engine was out, timming belt etc)




PS To get an idea of the work involved have a look at http://www.lro.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=43244&start=0&


Damn.. Well I am deffently not a mechanic on that scale and don't have the right equipment, If weedspeed can't help, I will be very stuck indeed, the engine coming out seems really labour intensive and through the cab the centre cross member would have to be cut then welded back on which would be a pig of a job as you said. Why couldn't Land rover make the clutch accessible :/ I would have to wait for a couple of weeks or about a month to raise the extra cash for the job but as you said it could range from a day to two, adding costs. Well I will give weedspeed a ring tommorow and I'll see if he can help, if not then my life is going to get hard as £500 is alot of money.


Oh just seen from that link you sent me that a typical spanner man (myself) can do it himself?! I wouldn't like to try it though :/


Fancy that though 186,000 miles on the clock and this is the first clutch replacement, mus'nt of been towing or offroading much if it got that high with one clutch.

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If Weedspeed can't/won't do it throw me a PM and I'll ask our Mick to see if he'll do it for you.


Thank you overdose, its ok I think though because I rang Weedspeed today and he said he'll do it for £300 plus clutch so that works at about £400, best offer I have had and because Weedspeed likes Landys I think I'll take him up on that. Will have to work overtime to pay this off though.

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Presume you only just got the landy Adam, so it's a real bugger that the clutch has 'suddenly' gone (assuming of course you didn't know it needed doing when you bought it?). I suppose that's the risk of old cars though.


I can't offer much help if you decided to tackle the job yourself in terms of time, but I do have a decent setup of tools and you'd be welcome to use any you needed if you decided to try doing this with the help of a mate etc.


One last option that could be worth trying although it might be 'clutching' at straws is to contact the local 4wd club and ask if they can recommend anyone to do this on the cheap or if they have knowledgeable (and enthusiastic/generous) members that would be willing to help you do the job yourself in exchange for bacon baps & beer etc.


Good luck whatever though. It must be very disheartening to have finally got the car you wanted and then have this happen.



Give me a shout if you want to borrow tools etc.

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I always thought Landies were designed for simple maintenance with a big hammer, and adjustable spanner and a bit of tree? Most surprised to read this thread.


^"186,000 miles on the clock and this is the first clutch"


Speaks volumes, not many cars can gain that amount of mileage on 1 clutch!

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