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Farting In Public Banned

Mr. Sausages

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O Rly and Bobby Sands is your personal interpretation, whilst my version seems to be hitting a nerve or two, but it does seem that you just couldn't keep away and had to come back like I said you would.

It also seems that because I've wound you up due to your very poor postings, you've had to resort to losing it on the forum. You really need to stop being hypocritical and write more constructive stuff :) LOL, this is quite funny


No I said that you are a very poor troll. You are not winding me up and you couldn't hit a raw nerve with anyone here as you're so grossly illiterate that I doubt that anyone can read more than the odd word of what you post. Your a very bad advertisement for the Manx education system if you have actually left school with such a rudimentary grasp of grammar and syntax that you come across as a complete fucktard despite only posting very tiny sentences about very little. Why not try some big words, and then try joining then up in a way that they form sentences that people can read rather than posting what look like texts bashed out by a retard with parkinsons.

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O Rly and Bobby Sands is your personal interpretation, whilst my version seems to be hitting a nerve or two, but it does seem that you just couldn't keep away and had to come back like I said you would.

It also seems that because I've wound you up due to your very poor postings, you've had to resort to losing it on the forum. You really need to stop being hypocritical and write more constructive stuff :) LOL, this is quite funny


No I said that you are a very poor troll. You are not winding me up and you couldn't hit a raw nerve with anyone here as you're so grossly illiterate that I doubt that anyone can read more than the odd word of what you post. Your a very bad advertisement for the Manx education system if you have actually left school with such a rudimentary grasp of grammar and syntax that you come across as a complete fucktard despite only posting very tiny sentences about very little. Why not try some big words, and then try joining then up in a way that they form sentences that people can read rather than posting what look like texts bashed out by a retard with parkinsons.

Gosh, you are tetchy.

Who are you to question what I write on here, do you have qualifications to your name and if leading by example is anything to go by, your own grammar is needing attention too.

Big words, small words, use of words and the way they're wrote, doesn't matter on here and I challenge you to prove it in the terms and conditions of this forum.


Well...... am I correct or not? Thought so....


Obviously I wouldn't expect an apology off you, because I've noted in past threads that the Manx education system must have slipped by you too, or you wouldn't need to resort to nerdy comments, swearing or being rude to people on a regular basis. Check your own history as my programme has picked out an unusually high frequency of negative comments and it probably isn't too late to seek psychiatric help for your increasing insecurity and emotional problems.

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Good this, isn't it ;)


As I am fairly new to this type of general forum, can someone tell me wtf a troll is?

Fairly new ;)

Sorry mr blonde, but you could say that I've been sort of trolling when you look back at my past history, but I've been replying to a specific and much bigger troll when you look back at his past threads and unfortunately, the majority of threads get derailed with this type of interaction, slanging match, grammar, spelling and so on.


I don't like people who try and intimidate others by calling them rude names and I'll stand my ground any day of the week, although this would be regarded as trolling as it takes it off topic.



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Good this, isn't it ;)


As I am fairly new to this type of general forum, can someone tell me wtf a troll is?




"Most trolls are highly intelligent people trying to hide behind a mask of stupidity and/or ignorance!"


Aaah so that is the reason for the text style typing?!

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