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More Speeding Means Safer Roads


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Fair cop Slim. I still believe the basic premise, though this report appears to be a spiffing spoof.


In your unbiased opinion? How about some actual ozzy research:





"The Australian experience, backed by international research, has shown that significant crash reductions can be obtained with small reductions in overall mean travelling speed. Furthermore, vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and pedal cyclists benefit significantly from lower vehicle speeds."


Of course, the safest thing to do is not to drive at all.

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Of course, the safest thing to do is not to drive at all.

Not until all the speed junkies have gone to the big race track in the sky - then the normal people can emerge, blinking, into the sun and a world where the chances of being wiped out by a wanker who REALLY needs to be somewhere three minutes earlier are reduced.

Where is it you are all going that is so important you have to put your own, and other peoples', lives at risk to get there quicker?

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Slim if the Global Warming debate taught us anything it is that Stu only believes research that confirms his belief, irrespective of the source.A common affliction of media types.


My first reaction on reading this report was who's behind this? Was it from the automobile lobby or a pressure group? How reliable is the source of the data? So I checked the footnotes. The spoof's then obvious. Ok this is an extreme example but it's symptomatic of a problem in the media that results in Gillian McKieth being taken seriously.

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Slim if the Global Warming debate taught us anything it is that Stu only believes research that confirms his belief, irrespective of the source.A common affliction of media types.



Yep. And that a skim read of a headline is enough to base a 1 hour phone in on.

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Slim if the Global Warming debate taught us anything it is that Stu only believes research that confirms his belief, irrespective of the source.A common affliction of media types.



Yep. And that a skim read of a headline is enough to base a 1 hour phone in on.

Well, if his determination to drive everywhere at speed is an indication, he hasn't got time to look at anythign in detail has he.

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I was born with the "need for speed" genetic defect,cars,bikes,jet ski's,boats you name it I'd floor it, I'm older and wiser now but still like to put the pedal to the metal at time's,nowt you can do about it, like I say it's in your genes,roll on the day's when Douglas is twinned with toy town and we all drive noddy cars fitted with speed limiters you guy's might just be happy then...

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Now go ahead and flame me, you people endangering, environmentalist hippy cyclist anti-speed lycra fetishist slow drivers! :)


OK! You fell for it, you nob:




A bogus research company is fooling the media into believing it supports a bid to increase road speed limits throughout Australia.


A group calling itself HighRoad Automotive Research — which uses anagrams of Top Gear presenters as authors for a research paper it has published online — suggests that encouraging speeding on our roads makes for better drivers.



He's quick is our Slim, nothing gets past him, eyes like a hawk ;)

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Now go ahead and flame me, you people endangering, environmentalist hippy cyclist anti-speed lycra fetishist slow drivers! :)


OK! You fell for it, you nob:




A bogus research company is fooling the media into believing it supports a bid to increase road speed limits throughout Australia.


A group calling itself HighRoad Automotive Research — which uses anagrams of Top Gear presenters as authors for a research paper it has published online — suggests that encouraging speeding on our roads makes for better drivers.


Pah. At least I got a backlink from Jalopnik out of it :P



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Is that the limit which was put in place after an elderly lady crossing the road was hit and killed by a car which was unable to stop in time?



You need to check your 'facts'.


If you don't mean the limit on the approach to Ballaugh from the south which begins shortly before the turning for the elderly person's complex - which was brought in following a tragic collision - which one do you mean?


She was 81 when she was hit and killed by a Kawasaki motorcycle, by the way.


Seems that you did need to check your facts didn't you?? And there are two other crucially important factors that were mentioned by the Coroner that you've missed.

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Seems that you did need to check your facts didn't you?? And there are two other crucially important factors that were mentioned by the Coroner that you've missed.

Hold on, all I asked was whether the 40mph referred to was the one introduced following a fatal crash involving a pedestrian - that's all. I didn't apportion blame for the collision or guess at the cause or contributory factors - I just asked if that was the limit you were referring to.

You immediately went on the defensive, suggesting I check my facts. I, sadly, know the facts of the collision, just wanted to check whether the limit referred to was the one I thought.

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I think what we all have to realise is when you are talking about driving fast,the condition of roads in Australia,and I presume other large countries are in very good condition,here on the Island they leave a lot to be desired,somebody said awhile back the roads in Beirut were in better condition than here.

Just look at the state of roads when the tv cameras are filming a story,then look at ours,they are not safe to speed on,as some like putting the pedal to the metal as the saying goes,it's being able to stop in time and safely that people don't think about,when they lose control and crash,it's too late to think about it then.

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