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Votes For Prisoners


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I agree with Cameron on this one. If someone has committed a crime the magnitude of which is great enough to warrant a custodial sentence, they deserve to have their civil rights removed.
That's even more extreme. People who commit crimes should no longer be afforded the same value as human beings as others, effectively considering them as non-human?

In some circumstances yes, as in the case of a murderer. It is not that long ago they would have been hung. Still should be in my opinion. That certainly takes away their ability to vote.

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I pretty much agree with LDV - should I see a doctor?




Go direct to Dignitas and cut out the middle-man...



... simply because someone performs an action that is deemed to be at odds with society, why the idea that this means they deserve to have no say in society? Essentially, you are saying that you are no longer a part of society at all.


I'm saying that if you deliberately put yourself outside of a particular society you should have no say in deciding what happens inside of that society.


I've no problems at all with them dealing with like-minded thieving scumbags for example.

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Jail should be so much more than simply a place of incarceration. It should be a place of a strict regime and rigorous discipline aimed at training the inmates to behave properly in society as well as punishing them by making life very hard and nasty even while they’re locked up.


If people repeatedly break the law on being released and so do not take training then there should very soon come a time when they should be imprisoned for a very long time in order to protect the rest of us from them. The US system of Three Strikes And You’re Out has a very great deal going for it.


The very thought of all of the same privileges contained in the European Convention of Human Rights being extended to people being punished for bad behaviour as to decent people is nauseating and wrong. It is unfair on the criminals as it limits the punishment they should be getting and it is unfair on us because criminals are presently having a soft life compared to what they deserve.


In addition to that for my part I would like to see suffrage being extended only to tax payers and those with a stake in society. Extending The Vote to the unemployed is like giving turkeys a say on if Christmas should be continued.

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Enlightened is a slippery word!


I'm sure it was used by some in the UK against us when homesexual acts were still illegal and convivted murderes were sentenced to death.


And in light of what has happened were they all that wrong?


I don't think so.

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the concept of giving a vote to those incarcerated for breaking the law is as many say abhorrent, but with the UK Gov't and a good deal on namby-pamby do-good human righters trying to promote non-incarceration in favour lf lesser punishments more and more people are walking the streets when not long ago they would have been banged away. I can see the logic in not giving votes to those in jail but wonder also whether others serving sentences [albeit non-custodial] should similarly be excluded from voting.

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the concept of giving a vote to those incarcerated for breaking the law is as many say abhorrent, but with the UK Gov't and a good deal on namby-pamby do-good human righters trying to promote non-incarceration in favour lf lesser punishments more and more people are walking the streets when not long ago they would have been banged away. I can see the logic in not giving votes to those in jail but wonder also whether others serving sentences [albeit non-custodial] should similarly be excluded from voting.



Yes, and a great deal more besides.

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the concept of giving a vote to those incarcerated for breaking the law is as many say abhorrent, but with the UK Gov't and a good deal on namby-pamby do-good human righters trying to promote non-incarceration in favour lf lesser punishments more and more people are walking the streets when not long ago they would have been banged away. I can see the logic in not giving votes to those in jail but wonder also whether others serving sentences [albeit non-custodial] should similarly be excluded from voting.

Do-gooders is quite right. Are you saying that they are doing good? But 'namby-pamby' as opposed to what? Just because incarceration is a worse punishment does not mean it is a better one.

But anyway, in answer to your last question, you need to explain what this logic of preventing people voting is.

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I can see the logic in not giving votes to those in jail but wonder also whether others serving sentences [albeit non-custodial] should similarly be excluded from voting.

This is a dangerous road to go down. It is but a small step to restricting voting to members of the ruling political party.

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In addition to that for my part I would like to see suffrage being extended only to tax payers and those with a stake in society. Extending The Vote to the unemployed is like giving turkeys a say on if Christmas should be continued.

Spook - this is the 21st Century. Are you saying we should go back a few hundred years and only having landowners vote?


And everyone has a stake of some sort or other in society.

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Spook - this is the 21st Century. Are you saying we should go back a few hundred years and only having landowners vote?


No, what I am saying is that those that pay should have the say.


And everyone has a stake of some sort or other in society.


Very true, but that stake is in the form of an investment and a dependency on the one hand and just a dependency on the other.


As I wrote, and really believe, it’s those that pay should have the say.

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