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Quarter Bridge Closed


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Matt, the timing at both ends of pulrose have been fucked with and are attrocious. Add to that the 'experimental' timing at the top of Railway Hill sees all lights on red for abour 20 seconds at times letting traffic back right down Lord Street past the Quines Corner lights.


Just change those ones to all green for Lord street, all green for pedestrians then all green for athol street and stop having an over complicated system where the lights themselves get confused.


I will be visiting QB at the weekend with camera to see exactly how hard the DoI are looking to make use of the road closure. I expect to see tea mugs, smokes and handinpockets galore....prove me wrong ;)


I know you have a personal vendetta/crusade against the DoI, however, the timings are not attrocious and have been calculated using the latest LINSIG software after having taken traffic counts. The staff at the DoI who determine the timings have done so with the very best in mind for the motorist and can't please absolutely everyone all the time. I accept that at times traffic congestion can be frustrating, with this in mind the DoI endeavour to strive to make life easier for all concerned, not all people understand this but those with atleast a ounce of intelligence and an adult view of life do.


Are Matt and Bob the same person? both spell atrocious wrongly...coincidence hmmm.

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I know you have a personal vendetta/crusade against the DoI, however, the timings are not attrocious and have been calculated using the latest LINSIG software after having taken traffic counts. The staff at the DoI who determine the timings have done so with the very best in mind for the motorist and can't please absolutely everyone all the time. I accept that at times traffic congestion can be frustrating, with this in mind the DoI endeavour to strive to make life easier for all concerned, not all people understand this but those with atleast a ounce of intelligence and an adult view of life do.

The timing of the lights at the Victoria Road/Broadway junction is so bad its scary. The light can be on green as you reach it, amber as you pass it and red before you get through!

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Can anyone explain the logic of diversion signs at the end of Stevenson Way trying to send you up the back of Anagh Coar School to Douglas, it's a single track road with passing places up there, (can you see artics going up there after they have been diverted onto Stevenson Way at the Vicarage Road end and it would be logical to assume it was a continuation of the 'diversion route' ?), not even telling you to divert at the traffic lights and use a 'proper' road, but what's wrong with using Groves Road anyway ?, there's not exactly a lot of traffic around on a saturday is there ?


it's absolutely crazy :lol:

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Why can't all traffic lights be the same on timing etc,there isn't one set on this Island that operates the same,to me logic would mean when you come to a set,and there is another set s short distance away,these would change to green as well to move the traffic quicker.

A prime example is Quines Corner and junction of Lord Street and Athol Street,no wonder it gets clogged up,cars are jumping the Athol Street end to block the road going down Railway Station Hill,then when Lord Street goes green they can't move,it's madness,then there is Peel Road/Pulrose Bridge junction,it's just a T junction,so why only allow about three cars off the Bridge end,and Peel Road side goes on forever it seems,I'm sure in the UK a T junction has the same timing on both sides,and causes the traffic to move more smoothly.

From time to time you see people messing with the junction boxes,why?,is it to alter the timing?,what for?,as the saying goes,if it works don't fix it.

Maybe we should do what they done in a town in Germany,turn them off,it worked,everybody was more careful,just look what happens here when the lights fail as an example.

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The Athol street issue is down to idiots ignoring the rules of the box junction and the complete lack of interest of the road policing unit to do anything about it.


seriously if they wanted to they could be issuing thousands of tickets/summons a week for driving offences

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omg men standing around getting over time.

what a joke i counted 12 men standing around that must be on doudle time with a day in lieu

Despite the fact I have no technical knowledge of this process, I think you are being a little sensationalist. One driving the Vogele. At least 5 banksmen. White hats are engineers in charge of the job, and the other ones on the right hand side, no idea. Plus, the wagon is loading the tarmac into the Paver ready to spread. Don't suppose the others have much to do while the machine is loading. Double time - yes but no time off in lieu for a Sunday!

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The Athol street issue is down to idiots ignoring the rules of the box junction and the complete lack of interest of the road policing unit to do anything about it.


seriously if they wanted to they could be issuing thousands of tickets/summons a week for driving offences


What is a box junction? :lol:


I take it you mean those pretty yellow hatched areas where it is safe to park, by junctions. :D

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omg men standing around getting over time.

what a joke i counted 12 men standing around that must be on doudle time with a day in lieu


Your point is?

As you seem to be a highways engineer you'll already know what a quick google told me, and I'm now led to believe that it takes six men to operate the machines in a paving crew.

Infact there should be another two men added to this number to rake the joints, rake around and clean off any Ironwork, gulleys etc whilst the paver remains constant.

This means that men can't jump off the machine and leave their tasks to do other things.


Paver Crew.


*A planer operator to plane any existing road out.

*The driver of the vogel (paver)

*2 men on the back doing the levels

*2 men on the rollers (one rolling one polishing)


The rest of the men will be there to dig out the road with jack hammers where needed and to lift and re-set any iron work and also shovel and rake tar into the places where the machine won't go. These men will aslo be utilised on other tasks.


There may be 12 men, but if you take them all into account:

The engineers (looks like 2 there)

The machine operators (6)

The men working behind the machine (2) (raking joints and Ironwork).

Another (2) men (working ahead of the machine) and preparing.


Total 12.


Tarmac comes to a site hot and has to remain hot to lay, it goes cold very quickly especially in the winter.

I don't think that the amount of men in the photographs on that job is excessive, infact they must be short of men in general, as going by what I've read on laying tarmac a few more men on that job wouldn't have gone amiss.


Also a quick phone call on your behalf has just assured me that men working on a Sunday don't get a day in lieu.

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omg men standing around getting over time.

what a joke i counted 12 men standing around that must be on doudle time with a day in lieu

Despite the fact I have no technical knowledge of this process, I think you are being a little sensationalist. One driving the Vogele. At least 5 banksmen. White hats are engineers in charge of the job, and the other ones on the right hand side, no idea. Plus, the wagon is loading the tarmac into the Paver ready to spread. Don't suppose the others have much to do while the machine is loading. Double time - yes but no time off in lieu for a Sunday!

What he said. They all looked pretty busy, with more people working round the corner.

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