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Libya To Fall


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It's possible that Colonel Fruitcake's forces are attacking Benghazi. It's what I would do. With no UN boots on the ground they can probably crush the rebels without air-power. So the easiest way for them to avoid casualties from UN air forces is to get in close into civilian areas. Of course their supply lines are vulnerable so if they have attacked it's a bit of a gamble.


Incidentally the single aircraft shot down today (could have been catastrophic failure though) wasn't so much flying a flag as flying a kite. So who would have volunteered for that particular mission - Homer Simpson???

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i see there is no such thing as a recession at the moment.

each missile cost around $500000k, a nice 110million blown up last night

ha I thought the same when I saw them launching the cruise missiles. Call it an investment?

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i see there is no such thing as a recession at the moment.

each missile cost around $500000k, a nice 110million blown up last night

ha I thought the same when I saw them launching the cruise missiles. Call it an investment?


well i guess the use by date was due,

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Didn't take the Yanks long to hit their own side. I suppose those swarthy types all look the same though.


im confussed at this. says they handed the first one over stright away no problems then the us came in all guns balzing killing by standereds,

why diden they hand over the 2nd pilot at the same time as the first,


I see china have stepped in and said they should stop the air attacks,


germany has pulled its troops ships and awacs from the op now, and say they will not take part anymore.

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Didn't take the Yanks long to hit their own side. I suppose those swarthy types all look the same though.


im confussed at this. says they handed the first one over stright away no problems then the us came in all guns balzing killing by standereds,

why diden they hand over the 2nd pilot at the same time as the first,


I see china have stepped in and said they should stop the air attacks,


germany has pulled its troops ships and awacs from the op now, and say they will not take part anymore.

Says in there that they were found at different times. I guess there isn't really procedure for that type of thing - crashed pilot would be scared, probably relaying inaccurate information, and the US have no contact with the surrounding rebels.

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Didn't take the Yanks long to hit their own side. I suppose those swarthy types all look the same though.


im confussed at this. says they handed the first one over stright away no problems then the us came in all guns balzing killing by standereds,

why diden they hand over the 2nd pilot at the same time as the first,


I see china have stepped in and said they should stop the air attacks,


germany has pulled its troops ships and awacs from the op now, and say they will not take part anymore.

I`m confused too, because nowhere does it say anyone was killed and clearly states the 2nd air crew member was undergoing surgery...

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conflicting reports coming out.


the US said there was no fire used when they picked up the 2nd pilot,

but i found a diffrent report of the fireing and it said that the 2nd plane, take it they mean F15 came over for a fly by and opend up on them.



Thing is you never get the truth, and it will have NEVER been shot down, because an F15 has never been shot down, cant see the US giving that status up to fast


remember the stelth bomber shot down over serbia, took months for them to admit it happined

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i see there is no such thing as a recession at the moment.

each missile cost around $500000k, a nice 110million blown up last night


Just for future reference Gazza putting a "k" at the end of a figure usually denotes a thousand and therefore negates the need to put in three zeros, so your true figure of each cruise missile would be $500k.


The war machine always continues to roll on regardless of the economic status of nations, if you understood how debt, money and a fiat currency worked you would know this. The Governments borrow more money to pay for their war effort which generates internal income but nothing more, the weopons companies make bucketloads which are more than likely owned by the central banking system.

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I'm not sure about Pongo's Twitter theory, but if the West didn't use new technology to present the case for democratic change to young people they missed a trick. It wasn't US tanks that knocked down the Berlin Wall it was young people wanting to a better life. The Allied Armies may have defeated fascism and Japanese Imperial militariaryism but it was the asperations of the Japanese & German people with Western support that built the succeesful modern democracies we see today.

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Your Cold War analogy is interesting. So then the social media is almost like a much more sophisticated version of West Berlin TV or Radio Free Europe playing records by the Clash. Though sometimes I doubt that democracy is the end in itself. Often bringing democracy seems to be more about opening up markets. Aren't these things always about the spheres of influence and, frankly, money ?


Al Jazera is maybe even more fascinating. It's only a few years it was seen as the voice of the enemy. Now the english language service is broadcast across the world and is even on US cable networks, Freesat etc. It's staffed by ex BBC and seems to have morphed into a service with gravitas roughly equivalent to the BBC World Service. And yet is also still apparently respected within the region. BBC News 24 seems rather trivial and tabloid by comparison. I wonder whether this is about the arguments now being much more sophisticated - than the them vs us stuff which typified the Clinton Bush era.


Meanwhile the BBC World Service is now apparently set to receive funding from the US State Dept if this deal goes ahead.

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