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Libya To Fall


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Anywhere else got oil?

Yesterday morning when I spoke about Libya etc, my father in law said that things will likely hot up in Nigeria and lo and behold, a suicide bomber blasted the UN compound in Nigeria with 18 reported dead.


Another coincidence I'd say, but I wonder if retired US General Wesley Clark has got any further info?


Ok, that's enough of my fascinating conspiracy theories today (Not), but you never know?




I agree. Does anyone remember William Hague when the first Libya air campaign kicked off, him saying they have reason to believe that Gaddafi had gone underground to Venezuela! He couldn't wait to make the link between the two, but it was then removed from all media pretty swiftly. They've been after Chavez for years, even more so now that he's asked for the nations gold back from the Bank of England, which of course will never happen. I'm sure Gaddafi will become the new OBL and be the scarlet pimpernel, for NATO to go after him in any nations that take their fancy next. Wouldn't surprise me if he's in on the wild goose chase.

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OBL and ghadaffi will soon have alot in common,both arabs in sandals and both riddle with american bullets.


Only if you believe the cock and bull story that OBL was killed by US Special Forces a few months ago and then dumped 'respectfully' by Islamic tradition in the sea afterwards!

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OBL and ghadaffi will soon have alot in common,both arabs in sandals and both riddle with american bullets.


Only if you believe the cock and bull story that OBL was killed by US Special Forces a few months ago and then dumped 'respectfully' by Islamic tradition in the sea afterwards!

Oh dear Lxxx and I truely believed your post on how much profit you have made on Gold (300%) and Silver (500%).You are truely a bullshitter.

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Is there a book running on where Colonel Fruitcake Gaddafi is likely to end up?


If he makes it out of Libya my best guess would be Saudi. Gaddafi was a big supporter of Idi Amin Dada so he probably thinks that if Saudi was good enough for his mate "Big Daddy" then he'll probably fit right in! Sorted...

Any price for him ending up in Yorkshire ? After all if it was good enough for his mate "Big Daddy" then it must be good enough for him.

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OBL and ghadaffi will soon have alot in common,both arabs in sandals and both riddle with american bullets.


Only if you believe the cock and bull story that OBL was killed by US Special Forces a few months ago and then dumped 'respectfully' by Islamic tradition in the sea afterwards!

Oh dear Lxxx and I truely believed your post on how much profit you have made on Gold (300%) and Silver (500%).You are truely a bullshitter.


Haha, you really are a belter!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Gaddafi. He dead.


Well according to Reuters at 12:56 he is.


Sounds like it wasn't immediate. He died from wounds and was probably in a lot of pain. So good.


Photo. Don't click if ur a sensitive soul.

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Gaddafi. He dead.


Well according to Reuters at 12:56 he is.


Sounds like it wasn't immediate. He died from wounds and was probably in a lot of pain. So good.


Photo. Don't click if ur a sensitive soul.


Why would you believe anything the mainstream media tells you?? Come on sunshine, wake up.

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Why would you believe anything the mainstream media tells you??


Unfortunately Manx Independent's roving reporter in Libya hasn't reported back yet, but as soon as they do I'll pass it on.

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Well we had the photo-shopped pictures of Bin Laden which supposedly showed him dead, but which were later revealed to have been doctored from an identical previous photograph years before and 'embellished' shall we say....but I suppose if it says so on the BBC and Sky etc... then it must be true hey??

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