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There certainly is confusion where homosexuality is concerned in the case of Islam. Mohammed himself is on record as having slept with young boys and delighted in “sucking on their lips” and a deal more.
How young?

7 Deadly sins: Pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth.

Careful, now, LDV! :D

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No, I'm not talking about any predilections to kiddy-fiddle, thank you!


I am trying to work out whether Spook is talking about Muhammed getting with pre-teenage boys or something. I don't know the scripture and I don't know exactly what Spook is implying.

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No, I'm not talking about any predilections to kiddy-fiddle, thank you!


I am trying to work out whether Spook is talking about Muhammed getting with pre-teenage boys or something. I don't know the scripture and I don't know exactly what Spook is implying.


Well this is all new to me, about the sleeping with young boys stuff ! :( Surly this cant be true?


why cant anyone speack the truth anymore? :angry:


No wonder theres so many none beleivers on here! everything is twisted and changed and corrupted!


I just about give up !!!!! :(


But ur STILL online at 3am and 4 am and now posting about biscutes on a diffent topic! lol :) (sorry!)


I have to admitt i use to be online at all hours at one stage, were i use to post some "crazy" stuff onto public forums (or so im led to believe,) half pissed on cider every single nite/morning ! ;O(

(But I dont feel that protesting about animal cruelty was "crazy" it had to be done !)


I have to admitt too that I quite unwell at the time, its not an easy thing to defeat, but that many moons ago , Im allmost healed now!, I never touch cider anymore, not a single drop!


I prayed for help and help I recieved! :)


( Ive ran out of emoticons so will have to go!)

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As one source, hadith 16245, a hadith that is from those accepted as legitimate.


"I saw the prophet (pbuh) sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali ,

may the prayers of Allah be upon him . For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented”


There are also references in the Quran relating to the provision of “fresh young boys like pearls to be served”

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There certainly is confusion where homosexuality is concerned in the case of Islam. Mohammed himself is on record as having slept with young boys and delighted in “sucking on their lips” and a deal more.
How young?

7 Deadly sins: Pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth.

Careful, now, LDV! :D


That was totally uncalled for. What's more the implication that a particular sexual inclination results in paedophilia is at the same time wrong, insulting, and just plain stupid.

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